Hello Everyone! I'm New

Hi everyone one I'm new to the site. I live in Edmond, OK. I'm a single mother with two boys ages 14 and 12.

I currently weight 186 pounds and my goal weight is 135.




  • jog8s
    jog8s Posts: 10
    Hello, I am new too and I also am 187 looking to loose about 50lbs! I have three girls 17, 14 and 11... nice to "meet you"
  • yaddayaddayadda
    yaddayaddayadda Posts: 430 Member
    Welcome Angela!! You came to the right place! You will find friends to support and cheer you on here! Feel free to friend me if you want support!
  • jwshmoe75
    jwshmoe75 Posts: 119
    Welcome! This site is amazing for support. You can add me if you like. :) Good luck on your journey.
  • Meg0628
    Meg0628 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Everyone:
    I am new as well. Working Mother of 3 kids Ages 8 and 10. Just complete my fitness test for Insanity this AM. I weigh 162 pounds and need to loose 30-35 pounds. Looking forward to hearing everyone's INSANITY experiences!
  • DeltMD
    DeltMD Posts: 1
    Well hello!!! this is the first time i have been on with a pc so I never talk to people. I hope you find what you want here. I still think of myself as new. I'm at 320 looking to get to 270 but I started at 340. this is a great tool. GOOD LUCK!!!