Does anyone take Reliv? Is Whey Protein better?

Selah37 Posts: 32 Member
Just curious if anyone takes Reliv- if so which products? I take Classic, Fibrestore, and innergize in the morning after I work out. Wondering if a whey protien or something like that would be more beneficial for weight loss?


  • Kate707
    Kate707 Posts: 3 Member
    My mom and I take Reliv. She's been doing it for longer. She lost 2 pant sizes in 2 months, just on the main 3, but she was taking more than what you would normally take, and she wasn't really trying to lose the weight, it just happened. They have some really good calls on weight loss, and they also have a weight loss line (which taste really good). Talk to your distributor about it, he/she should be able to help you out. :-)