Speed Camera's

Hi all, anyone know how to get off a speeding offence?

Mobile camera caught me doing 90 on the motorway :ohwell:

Any thoughts? lol



  • AlbertSchwartz
    Hi all, anyone know how to get off a speeding offence?

    Mobile camera caught me doing 90 on the motorway :ohwell:

    Any thoughts? lol

  • greekgyrl02
    greekgyrl02 Posts: 123
  • chiefiron
    chiefiron Posts: 305 Member
    I got snagged by one out in Phoenix a couple years ago. 81mph. I thought , before i saw the pics, no way they can tell its me....boy was i wrong clear as day..i paid the fine $160 i think and took the hit.

    Sorry but not sure there is much you can do...maybe argue calibrations but not sure how well that will go over with these.

  • sgtinvincible
    sgtinvincible Posts: 2,559
    It varies from state to state, and it probably wouldn't hurt to get a consultation with a law firm in your area. (Most of the time, it's free). In North Carolina we have what is called a PJC, it's basically a get out of an infraction (ticket) free card, or you could go for an improper equipment. You'll still have court costs to pay but you shouldn't have any points appear on your insurance. Sometimes, you can speak with the DA about having it dropped, but that's a shot in the dark, and sometimes that can do more harm than good.

    Anyway, I wish you luck, let me know if I can give you anymore generic (again North Carolina is most likely different in some aspects from Washington) advice concerning Law Enforcement.
  • capricornio
    Yes, go to www.ticketclinic.com You pay a little more but it will not affect your driving record and/or insurance cost. It is not a big of a difference.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Ok, I'm confused. Were you actually doing 90 or were you going the speed limit and the speed camera clocked you wrong?
  • cwjett
    cwjett Posts: 189 Member
    Hey Albert, I have heard from where I live that there is not much you can do if a camera catches you. Once the ticket is sent out that its a done deal. Sorry!!
  • AlbertSchwartz
    Yeah, i have gotten away with it before when the car was a company car. I should point out that i'm in the uk and the limit was 70, i was doing a ton(100) and saw the speed camera van on the bridge, (M4 between J35 and 34). I braked but not quick enough and had a letter today saying the car was caught doing 90mph.

    There seem to be loads of websites offering letter that get you out of it but of course they have to be bought, and it seems like a con to me.
  • cwjett
    cwjett Posts: 189 Member
    yeah i don't know if i would trust any of those websites! I would just suck it up and pay for the ticket and be aware for next time! lol
    I know if a police officer were to give you the ticket you could bring it to court and fight it and half the time the cop doesn't even show up but i don't know if you can do that with a camera ticket.
    That's gonna be an expensive one! lol
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    All I'm going to say is that you're lucky you're not my son because you would be getting one doozie of a lecture. Just pay the ticket and start being a more responsible driver. Okay I'm going to stop now. :explode:
  • KrisKabob
    KrisKabob Posts: 1,250 Member
    You gotta know someone, pal! And you have to let that someone know before the end of the "ticket day". You can always try your luck and go to court. Some judges will let you off just for showing up (especially if the cop doesn't). Good luck!
  • AlbertSchwartz
    I'll campaigne for a speed limit change instead then lol, 100's ok init?

    I think so...
  • RKJR925
    RKJR925 Posts: 254
    I'll campaigne for a speed limit change instead then lol, 100's ok init?

    I think so...

    Here in the states you can ask for proof that the radar guns have been calibrated and if the person who installed them was trained on the proper angle.

    That may not work but I have heard of success in a few states AL, NC, SC and FL
  • sgtinvincible
    sgtinvincible Posts: 2,559
    I'll campaigne for a speed limit change instead then lol, 100's ok init?

    I think so...

    Here in the states you can ask for proof that the radar guns have been calibrated and if the person who installed them was trained on the proper angle.

    That may not work but I have heard of success in a few states AL, NC, SC and FL

    The main reason that works in these states is because they all have extremely aggressive radar policies. It's amazing what officers have to do to get certified to use them. In fact, in NC, the radar isn't even admissable, it's just there to back up the officers own estimation. In order to get certified, you have to be able to estimate speed on several cars as they both approach and leave the area. It's crazy.
  • RKJR925
    RKJR925 Posts: 254
    I'll campaigne for a speed limit change instead then lol, 100's ok init?

    I think so...

    Here in the states you can ask for proof that the radar guns have been calibrated and if the person who installed them was trained on the proper angle.

    That may not work but I have heard of success in a few states AL, NC, SC and FL

    The main reason that works in these states is because they all have extremely aggressive radar policies. It's amazing what officers have to do to get certified to use them. In fact, in NC, the radar isn't even admissable, it's just there to back up the officers own estimation. In order to get certified, you have to be able to estimate speed on several cars as they both approach and leave the area. It's crazy.

    That is funny about NC especially since they have a fine for everything it seems like. You would think that they protect themselves and their ability to collect money from the tax payers. IE the red light cameras. Great way for liberals to collect money. I received 2 tickets while I was in NC and both times I paid a lawyer $325 to receive a reduced sentence of faulty equipment which is not a traffic violation. However you cannot represent yourself and do this only a lawyer can be successful. I was going to contest the second on my own and everyone told me I did not stand a chance.
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    lol....please say you're wearing your seatbelt Al!:wink:
  • may_marie
    may_marie Posts: 667 Member
    I'll campaigne for a speed limit change instead then lol, 100's ok init?

    I think so...

    your scaring me, one day i was doing 120 kmh, a little more then 70mph, because of my speed i had a terrible accident, tonneaued over 5 times and the only thing that saved me was that i tonneaued over a field, the car was unreconizable, and was the luckiest person on earth to come out of it with a couple stitches and a dislocated elbow witch streched my ligament to a useless state if not cut up, it took me 3 months of physio therapy to be able to use my arm again, although now i can bend it in wierd ways that would freak you out, and i was lucky, millions of people end up DEAD every year, or worst, i could have killed someone else, a kid...

    something else you should know, do you realize how much it cost to the public when there is a crash, in social services ? your fine will only pay a fraction of what it would cost if you would have caused an accident.

    seriously, were you that much of in a rush ? was it really worth it to risk to much ?

    sorry to be so gloomy,
    sometimes things really upset me and i say what i mean.
    drive safe
  • AlbertSchwartz
    You are right May, but statisically in an accident are the odds any better between 70 mph and 100 mph, i think not.

    You were very lucky, i can see you angel completely, but just my thoughts.

    I won't tell you i was doing 120 mph before i approched the bend
  • bonkers5975
    bonkers5975 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Ok, This issue is one of my pet peaves. Every time I get behind the wheel in my quiet rural area, I see 'almost' accidents, and 98% of them are due to speed. I saw a guy run a light yesterday, and I thought, what if I'd been in front of him rather than behind him? It's so stupid.

    A car can be a weapon. Look at the mortality rates and tell me I'm wrong.

    You know, if the human race had more of WE mentality rather than a ME mentality, the world would be a safer place.

    And another thing (my soapbox is starting to cave in) Traffic infractions are in place for a reason. It is a punishment for breaking a law. This is simple. So take your medicine, and try learning something from it, not weasling out of it.
  • AlbertSchwartz
    Ok, This issue is one of my pet peaves. Every time I get behind the wheel in my quiet rural area, I see 'almost' accidents, and 98% of them are due to speed. I saw a guy run a light yesterday, and I thought, what if I'd been in front of him rather than behind him? It's so stupid.

    A car can be a weapon. Look at the mortality rates and tell me I'm wrong.

    You know, if the human race had more of WE mentality rather than a ME mentality, the world would be a safer place.

    And another thing (my soapbox is starting to cave in) Traffic infractions are in place for a reason. It is a punishment for breaking a law. This is simple. So take your medicine, and try learning something from it, not weasling out of it.


    you miss the point. i'm talking about motorway speeds, what if the limit was 30 mph? would you not question it?

    What about the autobans in germany, limitless in places.

    I'm not talking about driving like an idiot, going through red lights cutting people up. is the limit correct. The speed limit in the uk on the motorways is 70mph by default, this is based on a card in the 70's that only have a top speed of 70, and the poor stopping distances which modern cars would easily out brake, which are shown on the back of the highway code are also based on the same car. So like in germany where they see fit for drivers to drive sensibly all be it at speeds beyond our limits, should our laws be changed?
