Girls who never/hardly workout before this, add me!!

Since joining my MFP, I have started to do p90x and boy, i can barely do any of the moves due to me being a couch patato all my life! Add me if you have difficulty working out too! Need motivation to hang in there!


  • ebiggz
    ebiggz Posts: 11
    I've been doing P90X and I'm on my 12th week. It gets "easier" lol. With ab ripper x the first week I only did a total of 140 moves. Last week I did 1085 moves. I plan on doing it all over again once I'm done week 13.
  • Excellentia
    Excellentia Posts: 182
    I'm not a P90X person, but I'm getting in the thick of this too!
  • Shawn8216
    Shawn8216 Posts: 63 Member
    we're already friends, but thought I let ya know I'm the same way!! I used to be OBSESSED w exercising a good amt with my million home workout videos, but after I got sick last month, I just lost it so now I'm struggling to get my exercising ability back to its peak point. Good thing I love to walk though haha

    We're push each other for sure ;)<3