Over ate the whole weekend and gained 8 lbs!!!



  • maryjay51
    maryjay51 Posts: 742
    get back on the diet, work out and drink a ton of water..scale back on sodium intake . alot of that 8lbs is most likely alot of water weight. its times like this you re-evaluate yourself so you can set yourself up for success during weekends like this one . i totally understand your pain! i know it can pack on faster than i can take it off so i often get nervous with holiday weekends or events. you can succeed with eating some of the food people put out without gaining weight.its all about setting yourself up for that type of success.

    i drink a ton of water ,eat anything healthy first and then allow myself the good stuff ..im usually stuffed by the time i eat healthy and drink a lot of water so i dont indulge as much otherwise ..keep your chin up and just move forward. good luck!!!!
  • AmyW4225
    AmyW4225 Posts: 302 Member
    This happened to me last week! I ate like a pig for 3 days and gained 7 pounds. Clearly, it was water weight. I got back on track and drank tons of water and it was gone in 3 days. Get back on track and try not to worry about it! :flowerforyou:

    Edit: I lost an extra 2.2 pounds in the 2 days following, after I re-lost those 7 pounds.
  • specialkyc
    specialkyc Posts: 384 Member
    I don't think so...it's probably water weight.

    I did the same thing this weekend, but I refused to get on the scale this week. I'll weigh in next week after I've been back on track for several days.
  • christenwypy
    christenwypy Posts: 335 Member
    Yeah it will go away. You might walk away having gained a pound or so but that is pretty much it. You might have had a lot of sodium so you're holding in water. Get back into your routine and in a day or so it should be better. I am sayign this because I gained 6 lbs in one day recently and lost it in another 24 hours.
  • prism6
    prism6 Posts: 484 Member
    yup, I ate whatever I wanted,although I did make a concious effor to limit. But my goal was to not drink. I managed that,and all in all only gained a pound which as someone pointed out to me this AM. It is easier to lose a pound that regain my success thus far at sobriety. back to the task at hand...
  • TriedEverything
    TriedEverything Posts: 175 Member
    Well, being in the UK this wasn't a holiday weekend for us, but the way you ate sounds very similar to what I usually do at Christmas, birthdays, holidays, and most special occasions! And yes, I've gained several pounds in a very short time, on numerous occasions! :embarassed: So don't feel too bad about it.

    I agree with what everyone else has said about water retention etc. If you get straight back on track, you should hopefully see it coming off fairly quickly! Hopefully you enjoyed the weekend - there has to be some pleasure in life!! :drinker: :happy:
  • HausOfTina
    HausOfTina Posts: 92
    OK! well I feel a lot better after what everyone is saying! I also gained 2 lb this weekend! :) back to work!
  • robbiruns
    robbiruns Posts: 1 Member
    Same problem! Although I didn't think I overate the entire weekend, but looking back, I guess I did. I am back a protein shake in the morning, a salad with protein and not a lot of dressing for lunch, and chicken and brocolli for dinner. Also lots of water helps me to keep my appetite down. Good luck, I was so happy to see I wasn't the only one!
  • angiechimpanzee
    angiechimpanzee Posts: 536 Member
    Not all of it is fat but SOME of it can be depending on how much you actually ate. When you eat a lot more than your body needs, the excess is stored as fat.

    I would cut down for the next few days, replace a lot of carbs with filling veggies to at least offset some of the calorie surplus. Not to the point that you're starving but at least to let some of the extra calories you ate this weekend be burned off before you start putting more in.
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    even if you went over by 1000 calories each of the 3 days that is only 3000 calories so it woudl be less than a lb of actual weight gain.
  • pukekolive
    pukekolive Posts: 237 Member
    Even though most people say the alcohol they drink goes straight through them, it doesn't. What alcohol does is cause you to become dehydrated - the electrolytes in your cells pour out of your body and you retain all the lovely 'bad for you' fluids in the alcohol based drink.

    So you wake with a hangover and dehydration that your poor body has to put right, plus the extra sodium from those delicious meals. Your body works overtime to regain the correct fluid balance, taking in more water in order to flush all the toxins (yes alcohol is a poison) from your body.

    One idea is to make sure that you hydrate really well BEFORE a party weekend but alcohol will always work its dehydration magic!
  • faballie
    faballie Posts: 1
    I'm so thankful for this thread...I too had a great memorial weekend, I ate with family and drank with friends until it was literally time to go work tuesday morning. But when I weighed myself and saw that I gained 8lbs I wanted to cry my heart out. I just couldn't understand how in 4days I literally gained what I can't even lose in 1 week. I felt like I flushed all my hard work down the toilet...and my efforts are in vein...pushing myself to workout after my 10 hr workdays n 5hr school nights every single day...to gain 8lbs so easily. I felt like giving up...damn tht I do feel like giving up...Hell, I wanna cry right now(but tht could be cuz I started my period 2day) :/ but this just gave me hope again n taught me tht water retention plays a big role in weightloss and gain. I'm sorry for rambling...this weightloss journey is so emotional n I'm finally expressing how I truly feel without the interruption of friends opinions and my inability to remember what I was saying after being cut off several times.

    I lost 37lbs before memorial weekend n after this weekend I'm +8, but my new hope has givin me the drive to get my *kitten* to th gym tomorrow...I just hope I can lose that 8lbs in the same timeframe tht it was gained. -_-
  • JessLLoser
    JessLLoser Posts: 235 Member
    Period weight gain equals 5 lbs in an average woman. If your under eating and don`t net your BMR usually then you go over for a few days it can also equal a 5 lb or so gain. Both of these gains will even out to nothing in a week or so. You can not gain that much in a few days. I`m sure many on this thread have told you how much you would have had to have eaten. Impossible!

    Don`t stress and weigh yourself in a week. Eat like you normally would and it will all even out.
    MSxJENNY Posts: 106 Member
    I ate bad for 2 days & gained 5 lbs!! But I went back to my healthy way of eating & I already lost 2 lbs
  • MumMumOfMany
    MumMumOfMany Posts: 79 Member
    ive done the same, so praying your right hun lol!x
  • rcmaize
    OMG. I got weighed the day before Thanksgiving and it is now the Monday after, I've gained 9 lbs. I have been weighing and measuring my food for 2- 1/2 years and know what eat. So I am a fan of the water weight theory because calorie wise I've eaten no where near 31,500 calories over in four days. Good luck
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    I did too. ALL 3 days. I however, REFUSED to step on the scale. Didn't want to be more down than I already am. Plus quite a lot of Alcohol consumption too. AND it's that TOM... :(

    Let's say a Water CHEER's to back on track! :flowerforyou:

  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    OMG. I got weighed the day before Thanksgiving and it is now the Monday after, I've gained 9 lbs. I have been weighing and measuring my food for 2- 1/2 years and know what eat. So I am a fan of the water weight theory because calorie wise I've eaten no where near 31,500 calories over in four days. Good luck

    Why didn't you start a new thread LOL?
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    You'd have to have eaten 28,000 calories over your TDEE to really have gained 8lbs..

    That's a lot of food..I'm not sure I could do that over 3 days.. and I can eat on occasion..

    Just go back to your normal healthier diet and it'll go away.

    PS.. Never step on the scale after a holiday weekend.. lol.. I'm avoiding mine like the plague.
  • musicbox819
    I gained 5lbs but after doing the math...it just doesn't add up....but it was a slap in the face...hard work for what? "Don’t blow hours of hard work in the gym….on a few minutes of pleasure in the kitchen" not worth it....