When do you usually binge?



  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I don't tend to binge normally. The only time I feel like I binge is after long runs (10 miles or more). I just did a marathon yesterday, so I'm not going to bother logging for a couple of days - I'm just an eating machine and I'll get carpal tunnel if I try and log everything. :laugh: I'm just gonna eat as much as my body tells me and then go back to my normal routine.

    Make sure you are drinking enough water. (I also like to drink weak green tea for a little flavor and some extra antioxidants.) It seems to help me with cravings. :drinker:
  • amzelrulz
    amzelrulz Posts: 27
    when I'm bored or when I skip meals
  • Elise_healthy4life
    Elise_healthy4life Posts: 182 Member
    When we have an event it's usually also involves alcohol but it's not very often and when I have a couple of drinks it's hard not to eat
  • jeturner4
    jeturner4 Posts: 11
    I think I do the most overeating when I've let myself go too long without eating. I have found that the best way to control hunger is by always eating. Literally, I eat constantly. Only now instead of eating a handful of chips or M&M's or fruit snacks, I'll have a handful of grapes, Cheerios, or pistachios. Snacking is my biggest weakness, I could seriously eat all damn day, but I've noticed that it's really not about how much you eat. It's about WHAT you eat. If you're eating the right stuff, you really can't get too much of it (you know, within reason). Good luck, I'm right there with you. It's tough stuff to battle wanting to scarf up every cupcake or slice of pizza that crosses my path, but I'm a firm believer that frequent healthy snacking is seriously the key to resisting those urges. :) WE CAN DO THIS!!! :D
  • losingthehealthyway
    I binge usually as stress relief after a big event of some kind (even if the event was positive.) Final exams, family get-togethers, parties, the first day of the semester, a big argument, etc. I sometimes find myself eating food I don't even like just to numb the emotions. It's usually easier to avoid eating too much if I keep myself from getting too hungry. But hunger doesn't cause the binges, it just makes them worse.

    I've been trying to control myself better lately, and now at least I'm putting a stop to it before I do too much damage.
  • ash190489
    ash190489 Posts: 587 Member
    In the evenings - usually always Friday night cuz I am so tired after my working week I sometimes just don't give a damn! And I am usually craving pizza or something naughty.... But I allow myself now, cuz I am at my goal weight, and my goals have all changed.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    When I'm on my own at home. Usually because I'm bored.
    It's a great idea to write down exactly when and why, I'm getting much better at identifying the bad habits, I'm hoping this will help me leave them behind.
  • lelstar
    lelstar Posts: 374 Member
    My binges are dictated by my emotions
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    With me, it is unfortunately usually in the 5-7 days running up to my TOM. It used to be only a few days but seems to have become worse, and I get days I end up eating 4 Asda cookies and a tub of ice cream, or just some of everything I am craving. Other time is if I have gone on a long or heavy duty cycle(think heavy wind resistance) and didn't eat anything immediately on getting home, but simply went into town right after. Lethal. I also tend to eat badly when I go to stay with my mother as I am in a different environment and feel more relaxed there, whereas I suppose the unhappiness with my current environment keeps me more obsessive about my weight and eating.
  • Curvy1taliana
    Curvy1taliana Posts: 371 Member
    at night after work, and around TOM.
    The nighttime thing helps if you brush your teeth and use whitening strips.
  • BarringtonFinbarNash
    for me i don't exactley binge, i live in a constant state of hungar, i have this pretty much under controll, but snacks really get me.

    for example, if i have an open packet of biscuits beside me, then every so often i would take a biscuit, and then before i realsie what has happened i will have eaten the enitre pack..if i'm not carefull.

    this is one of my key areas i'm looking at improving, things i can more readily snack on as this will help me a lot.
  • concavity
    concavity Posts: 143 Member
    When I'm on my own at home. Usually because I'm bored.
    It's a great idea to write down exactly when and why, I'm getting much better at identifying the bad habits, I'm hoping this will help me leave them behind.

    Thats great you're realizing your habits and are changing them! Everything has to start somewhere.
  • concavity
    concavity Posts: 143 Member
    For those saying TOM I used to just binge and binge and stuff my face with whatever was around, but then I upped my exercise around that time and it helped a lot. As well as drinking carbonated water, like if I'm bloated a little seltzer won't make a huge difference. Even yoga instead of heavy work outs helped me.