Brazilian Butt Lift

I ordered the Brazilian Butt Lift workout last week, and got it today in the mail! Has anyone had good results with this? Anyone want to do it with me? It would be great to have a buddy for motivation :)


  • siecoleman
    siecoleman Posts: 18
    I'm currently doing p90x, and just ordered Brazilian Butt Lift for an additional exercise to be rotated with my spin classes. Once it arrives, I can definitely offer some support and we can compare results!! I've heard nothing but good reviews and I hope it works in time to put that dreaded bathing suit on!
  • Flygirl214
    Flygirl214 Posts: 33 Member
    It is a great workout and makes your butt hurt in places you didn't know there were muscles.. but.. RESULTS!!!
  • msgremmy
    msgremmy Posts: 88
    I'm doing it, too. It's pretty fun, and I've lost a few inches since starting. Feel free to add me :)