May 15th, I experienced a funny sensation in my left arm and hand. Tingling and numbness. It continued for over an hour. In that hour I called my doctor because I thought that I knew female heartattacks do not present in that manner. My doctor said go to the Emergency Department.

So I drop the last of my children off at preschool and head to the hospital. I check in and they ask me why I'm there and I feel REALLY stupid because I'm not feeling anything but numbnessing my left arm and by then my left toes. They take my blood pressure and the nurse is like, "Wow! I'm amazed you're even standing. Your blood pressure is really low. It was 70/60." So into a wheel chair I go and they take me back to a room. There are about 7 people there. Ready for me.

Next thing I know I'm getting evaluated for a stroke! This wasn't even something I would even consider because I felt really normal. I answering their questions and I'm totally feelling like I'm taking up space. I knew I was okay. I'm a little confused I guess. I'm definitely overwhelmed. All those people and they were putting an IV in my hand. They do an EKG. That's okay. I hear the resident say, "I'm not going to call it." They all leave. 10 minutes later the nurse comes in an gives me the old fashion baby asprin. 45 minutes later someone comes in and takes me for a CAT scan. An hour later the resident comes in and tells me that I appeared to have had a TIA that cleared itself up in an hour. They wanted to admit to the hospital. I'm am so flustered because I really don't feel bad at all. So I told him that I was leaving. He stressed that I could walk out and have a stroke. I had an aunt who had a stroke at 36. I'm 43. But I'm thinking that I am ok. I call my husband to see if he thinks I ought to be admitted. He's like, naaaa. You're fine, go to work. I leave and I go to work.

After I left the hospital I worked really hard at being healthy. Eating more veggies and fruits. Cutting out cheeses. That is my only real source of fat in my diet. I'm a low fat diet overall with high fiber. But I over eat. I love cookies and frosting and love chocolate. I need to exercise more. But right now the last few days I'm just not in to it.

I did go to my doctor and he doesn't really think it was a TIA. He thinks it was a pinched nerve. I don't know what to think. My doc told me it would be nice if I lost weight. I know I need to. I don't like the way I look. Guess it really is time to take care of myself.


  • vabrewer33
    vabrewer33 Posts: 185
    If a CAT scan shows a TIA then you had a TIA---they don't just make stuff up on CAT scans. Either way, if you want to lose weight and your doc thinks you should lose weight then go for it! Good job on eating healthier/cleaner. Slowly cut out of the cookies and frosting and chocolate. A lot of people on here have the problem of over eating (hence why we are on this site) so know that you are not alone and you have support!

    PS: as a nurse I strongly disagree with leaving AMA...just saying....
  • Mel2626
    Mel2626 Posts: 342 Member
    Very happy you're getting yourself healthy! It's so important for you and your family. :smile:
    I wanted to add that for future reference, even though it's a huge PITA, if the docs want to admit you~just do it. My mom had a suspected TIA last year and it took 5 days in the hospital and all sorts of testing to determine that she did have a TIA. They also went back and forth between pinched nerve type diagnosis and TIA etc. Of course, she felt fine and REALLY wanted to leave the whole time but had she left early, they never would have determined that she did actually have a TIA. Also, my father has had 2 strokes now. When he had his first, the docs were never able to diagnose it exactly. It ended up causing him to retire early, had a heck of a time filing for disability because he didn't have an actual diagnosis, and so on. He didn't find out that he actually did have a stroke that first time until about 2 years ago when he had another... He's now partially paralyzed on one side of his body but there's no turning back time to do things differently. I guess what I'm getting at is don't take things like that lightly. Going to the hospital right away was one of the best things you could have done. Getting healthy is the other!! :wink:

    Best of luck to a happy and healthy you! :smile: :smile:
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
    The absolutely worse thing you could have done for yourself was to leave the hospital.

    As far as your Doc diagnosing a pinched nerve after a CT scan showed a TIA, it's time for a new physician!!
  • Jude1064
    Jude1064 Posts: 83 Member
    Hopefully there won't be a "a next time". Don't blow things like that off. Especially since you have a family history of strokes at a young age. You are on the right track with eating healthy, but you should check into getting a new dr.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Forget about the way you look...with that TIA and your family history, you REALLY need to change up your diet and lifestyle. Trust me, I come from a long line of strokes and heart attacks on both sides of my family. Thankfully it never came to the point where I ended up in the ER but at my heaviest when I was having trouble getting around, I knew it was time or I would end up there.

    I'm sure your hubby and kids want you around for a long time!

    And, I'm sorry, but cheese is not the only source of fat in your diet if you're eating a lot of cooking and other sweets...stop fooling yourself hon.

    Good luck!

    ETA: As far as not being into it... It can make it a little easier when you take baby steps with these things. Instead of cutting out all your bad fats or carbs or what have you, just make sure you're cutting down on them and replacing as many as you can with fruits and veggies instead. You need to take some caution due to your medical history with certain foods but for the most part, as long as your diet is balanced and your portions are reduced, that's a huge step in the right direction.

    Maybe see about visiting a nutritionist since healthy eating in your case isn't just about losing weight...

    One other thought...considering your kids probably inherited some of this, it might be a blessing in disguise that you had this wake up call. You can help to teach them how to eat healthy as you make changes for yourself. Might as well start their healthy eating/activity education early!
  • newfette81
    newfette81 Posts: 185
    Ok reading this... and googling what TIA was has me a little freaked out... lol a few months ago I was at work complaining about numbness and tingling in my left arm and hand but I just shook it off and ignored it like I do everything else. Maybe I'll have a different attitude about it in the future...
  • DMarkSwan
    DMarkSwan Posts: 56 Member
    You have a brave husband. I refuse to answer questions like that for my wife because I couldn't live with being wrong. That said, I do think we need to challenge our doctors recommendations sometimes. Just the little bit of push back may give an indication of the seriousness of the feeling. I can think of about 5 ER visits that were complete wastes of time and one that just needed taking care of that night. One doctor freaked out and had my infant son admitted, then the doctor in the hospital said it wasn't really near that point, but took care of us anyway. I realize life is more important than money, but huge medical bills can negatively affect your health too.