My Hypothyroidism+weight loss= 0

About 4 yrs ago my life sprial out of control when I lost my mother,bio father,step father,half brother and several more family members within months of each other. Like always I turned for food for comfort. Unbenounced to me I found out I suffered with Hypothyroidism. In the beginning of 2011 after sever bouts with going into the hospital I was finally put on some meds to help with it. By this time I had ballon from 145 to 192. I have been going up and down trying to lose this weight. when I try and execise and walk I flair up the problems with my feet and when I try a do a fad diet I pick up more weight. I have been going through this for a year now. I have finally gotten down to 186lbs and been stable for a few months now. My daughter found this site for me and i now feel I have a platform I can really spring from to really lose the weight. I'm hoping I can hear from other members who have can help me move pass this stumble block that's standing between me and my success and sexy body. So please send my help . Thanks in advance.


  • xxthoroughbred
    xxthoroughbred Posts: 346 Member
    I have hypothyroidism but have suprisingly always been skinny. The doctors were very surprised when it showed up on a routine blood panel. I do think you can overcome it. As long as you keep taking your meds to regulate it and use the information found on this site, you should be okay.

    As far as having pain when walking, have you been fitted for shoes? I had my parents get fitted because they were having issues and now they feel much better. I would never go running without my fitted ones. You should be able to find a local store who matches shoes to your foot. You can also try other exercises like the eliptical and weight lifting although I'm not sure what resources you have available.
  • ffcahokia
    ffcahokia Posts: 6
    Thanks xxthoroughbre for your input. I have plantar fasciitis and every now and then it flares up and i end up going through physical therapy to help with it. I have a trapoline that i use and will be using more of but I don't see it equate to any cardio calorie burner on site. So I really enjoy walking but I need to incorporate it into my rountine safely. so I will continue to look into the shoe that works for me because I'm not going to allow anything to come between and my looking good in my fifties.(smile)
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Food intake is usually a more useful way to address weight loss than just exercise, you haven't said much about what you eat or your height etc and what you're looking to achieve. If you log your food here making your diary public will improve the responses.