Diet= Loss, Adding Exercise = Gain ???

OK. I am feeling some serious frustration here. After a recent loss of a pregnancy, I decided to get serious about getting healthy and losing this weight. For the first two weeks, I just worked on getting the calories in check. Not worried about "clean" or "macros", just needed to up the water and lower the calories. Things were working great and I saw a steady rate of loss. After two weeks, we decided to add in exercise. Three days a week of light strength training and a half hour of daily cardio. Some days I upped the cardi to an hour. After 7 days of following this pattern faithfully (and still not going over my alloted calories) the scale blessed me with a lovely 3.5 pound gain. I am totally frustrated. At this point, it seems that I have to choose between losing the weight or doing what I know is healthy and exercising. Any ideas???


  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    Forget the scales! As everyone will tell you - exercising means more muscle (heavy). When you exercise your body will also store glycogen in rediness for more exercise - especially if you haven't exercised for a while

    Keep exercsing!
  • ATLMel
    ATLMel Posts: 392 Member
    It's only been a week. Give your body time to adjust. Working out will not only help you lose weight, but also be fit (difference between fit and skinny).

    Good for you for making this effort! Sorry to hear about your loss and I commend your efforts and recognizing that you should be healthy and take care of yourself!

    I have a cousin that is morbidly obese (300# at 5'2") and is attempting to get pregnant. Despite a couple tragic losses, she refuses to modify how she eats or place a priority on her health with no regard to the health of her future child. I hate seeing this.

    So, props, and best of luck. Be patient and DO NOT be tempted by stupid "quick-fixes". Keep up with heating whole, healthful foods and your cardio/ST. You'll get results.
  • IveLanded
    IveLanded Posts: 797 Member
    You have to didn't take a week to put that weight on, it won't be a week to get it off.

    Another thing......honestly, I don't pat attention to fluctuations under 5lbs. That's perfectly normal weight fluctuation for a woman, especially if you are carrying a few extra lbs. I can gain 5lbs during my PMS week, for petes sake. For weighing, I do "official" weigh ins once a week, at the exact same time, wearing basically the same thing....the only weigh ins I pay attention to are Mondays at 7pm. I do weigh in at other times on other scales just to see if I'm going up or down but I don't pay a whole lot of attention to those numbers.

    If you were losing at your calorie goal, and then added exercise without upping your calories, you may need to raise your calories a smidge, too. After I'd lost 30lbs, I plateau'd and had to bump my calories a bit in order to break the plateau.

    Hang in's not a short journey, it's a lifestyle change. :)
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Sore muscles absorb water to help them heal. If your body isn't used to working out you may have put on a few pounds of water weight. Drink plenty of fluids and give it a little time and you should see the scale move in the right direction again.
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    Sore muscles absorb water to help them heal. If your body isn't used to working out you may have put on a few pounds of water weight. Drink plenty of fluids and give it a little time and you should see the scale move in the right direction again.

    Yes, this
  • sewcute
    sewcute Posts: 31 Member
    Are you eating your exercise calories? I find I lose more when I don't eat the calories I've earned.
  • PaveGurl
    PaveGurl Posts: 244 Member
    I always "gain weight" when I add new exercise into my routines - muscle is more dense, and also take more energy to repair itself. I've not lost nearly as much weight as I'd "like" to have after five months (13 pounds? REALLY, SELF?), but on the other hand... I've dropped two pants sizes and am on the last hole in my belt I bought at Christmas.
  • Flaming_Reef
    Flaming_Reef Posts: 34 Member
    Sore muscles absorb water to help them heal. If your body isn't used to working out you may have put on a few pounds of water weight. Drink plenty of fluids and give it a little time and you should see the scale move in the right direction again.

    Yes, this

    Agreed. If you are still up in a week or two then I'd evaluate.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,319 Member
    Patience. Many people, me included, saw initial large scale losses, followed by scale gains. Keep doing the right thing. It will come off. Trust the process and give it time. This will happen over and over throughout your weight loss. Don't let it get to you. Just keep logging food and exercise.