Fat Loss for Men - Cardio and Strength???



  • nsimportant
    nsimportant Posts: 170 Member
    Heavy strength training all the way. Do cardio if You like it.
  • JAcerz
    JAcerz Posts: 5
    From your post, it seems like you are after more of a hollywood lean look. A good example is Brad Pitt in Fight Club. If that's correct, then you have to do both cardio and weight training. To do it correctly to achieve such a physique, you can't go by what muscle mags tell you.... or even worse bro science. You need a good program to follow that is proven to get you there.

    The only program I know works that comes to mind is Visual Impact. It was specifically created for those men, and now women who want that lean look. If I were you, I'd take a look at this website where it's reviewed from a personal standpoint.... http://realmensworkoutreviews.com/

    It is the second product reviewed.

    Hopefully that helps.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    From your post, it seems like you are after more of a hollywood lean look. A good example is Brad Pitt in Fight Club. If that's correct, then you have to do both cardio and weight training. To do it correctly to achieve such a physique, you can't go by what muscle mags tell you.... or even worse bro science. You need a good program to follow that is proven to get you there.

    You can get that lean with no cardio. Cardio only allows you to have a larger deficit, or to eat more and have the same deficit. The deficit is what causes you to lose weight, and by eating enough protein and doing strength training you can help ensure that the majority of your loss comes from fat and not lean muscle.
  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    Thanx for the all the responses guys, Iv been doing more reading around too, and from what I read, It seems I should do both. I'm a beginner so what kind of strength training should I be looking at? I'm talking about specifics here because I haven't done any before.
    As someone mentioned your main lifts will be squats, deadlifts, and bench presses. I also agree that stronglifts 5x5 is a good routine to follow. Just make sure you start light and focus on form for the first couple weeks so you don't hurt yourself. And eat a lot of protein.

    You don't need cardio to lose weight, it's more about diet. If you can't eat less than you may need to add some cardio to burn some extra calories. And once you decide you are thin enough but want bigger muscles, then you start eating more.
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    I also focused mainly on weight loss last year. I dropped almost 60 lbs before a friend told me that I looked "weird". I did a self check in the mirror at home and agreed with his comment!
    Another friend (who used to be a trainer) gave me a simple weights plan to try. This was one of the best things ever! I am slowly seeing a more toned body and my strength has increased enormously since I started the weights (Last Nov.).
    My suggestion is that if you can, add in some strength training now. I wish that I had started with the weights right from the start!
  • donovan86
    donovan86 Posts: 16
    I also focused mainly on weight loss last year. I dropped almost 60 lbs before a friend told me that I looked "weird". I did a self check in the mirror at home and agreed with his comment!
    Another friend (who used to be a trainer) gave me a simple weights plan to try. This was one of the best things ever! I am slowly seeing a more toned body and my strength has increased enormously since I started the weights (Last Nov.).
    My suggestion is that if you can, add in some strength training now. I wish that I had started with the weights right from the start!

    This is pretty much the same path I took. But I have a question: How long did it take to start noticing results?

    Basically, I hit the cardio hard from July 11 - January 12 changed my diet drastically and ended up losing 50+ pounds. In February I noticed I was still "soft" and not happy with how my body was looking at all, so I started lifting. I've been doing a 5x5 program and adding weight every workout as instructed. But I still look "soft" (especially in the belly area) and can't seem to get the toned look I'm after.

    I'm eating enough (2100+ of lean protein, whole wheats and healthy fats), suplimenting with a whey based protein drink after workouts and only doing 1 day of intense cardio a week when I play racquetball with a friend.

    Basically, I think I've followed every rule and guideline I can find on the proper way to lose fat, and still seem doughy.
  • BigMech
    BigMech Posts: 434 Member
    I lifted the entire time I was losing weight. It helps keep you from losing muscle mass, and keeps the bones strong as well. I did about half cardio and half lifting for my time in the gym, which was 5 days a week, 2.5 hrs a day.

    Now that I'm in maintenance mode, I do about 25% cardio 75% lifting on gym days. The extra muscle mass will help burn more calories and keep your metabolism up as you lose weight as well.