Can you lose weight w/o Exersize?

Can i still lose weight even though i dont exersize but eat healthy with a caloric deficit?


  • jgic2009
    jgic2009 Posts: 531 Member
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,177 Member
  • Genore
    Genore Posts: 6 Member
    It will be a very long process to lose the weight though right?
  • runfatmanrun
    runfatmanrun Posts: 1,090 Member
    I can but I don't know about you.
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    Yes, but you won't look as good.
  • bradphil87
    bradphil87 Posts: 617 Member
    It will be a very long process to lose the weight though right?
    It is regardless.
  • Genore, Here's what my doctor told me. First off, watching what you eat and staying within your calories is THE MOST IMPORTANT aspect to losing weight. She said that, once I got this under control (and logging everything on this site is the absolute BEST way to do this), then to add some weights and exercise. What is nice about doing even a little bit of exercise is that this then allows me to eat a bit more and still stay within my daily calorie goal. I'm on a 1200 calorie a day limit so doing, even an hour of light housekeeping (which we do anyway) lets me have another 200 calories. Make sense?
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    It will be a very long process to lose the weight though right?
    It is regardless.

    It will take longer to reach the desired level of leanness because you will be losing a good deal of lean mass as well as fat.
  • bradphil87
    bradphil87 Posts: 617 Member
    It will be a very long process to lose the weight though right?
    It is regardless.

    It will take longer to reach the desired level of leanness because you will be losing a good deal of lean mass as well as fat.
    I agree, you won't look how you want at the weight if you don't attempt to exercise at all.
  • SwimTheButterfly
    SwimTheButterfly Posts: 265 Member
    Yep, but you are a super super flabby version of yourself. Same shape just smaller, looser skin version of exactly how you look right now.

  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Yes, but why?
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    Yes you can. But exercise is what shapes your body and improves your cardiovascular health.
  • Genore
    Genore Posts: 6 Member
    I Have Social Anxiety and i dont like going into the gym.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    It will be a very long process to lose the weight though right?
    Not necessarily. Depends how many extra calories of exercise you feel you can do.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Wow I've seen this question being asked over and over again for the last 2 weeks. It's getting to be quite the hot topic. You might want to use the search function to see some more in depth discussions on this subject but the short answer is yes. Stay in calorie deficit and you will lose weight.

    IMO - of course I'm gonna add my two cents. I don't get the concept of not working out. I love it. There are so many benefits. That's just my view.
  • Sp1nGoddess
    Sp1nGoddess Posts: 1,134 Member
    Diet beats exercise every time. It's about 80% diet, 10% exercise & 10% genetics. You can't out train a bad diet.
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    I Have Social Anxiety and i dont like going into the gym.

    You don't need to go to a gym to exercise. Go for a walk. Do some push ups at home. Something.
  • Glucocorticoid
    Glucocorticoid Posts: 867 Member
    It will be a very long process to lose the weight though right?
    It is regardless.

    It will take longer to reach the desired level of leanness because you will be losing a good deal of lean mass as well as fat.
    Although you won't have to worry too much about losing much LBM if you're extremely overfat/obese. As you get leaner, it will start becoming a very relevant concern.
  • CallieM15
    CallieM15 Posts: 910 Member

    Diet = to look good clothed

    Exersize = to look good naked
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    Sure. Doesn't mean you will be any more healthy or happy about yourself.