Today is a NEW Day

beep Posts: 1,242 Member
After a food extravaganza with two birthday parties and company on Sunday, the weekend was a total bust. Gained back all but one pound that I had previously lost.

BUT, I'm happy today is a brand new day, a brand new start; the weekend is totally gone never again to be revisited.


  • beep
    beep Posts: 1,242 Member
    After a food extravaganza with two birthday parties and company on Sunday, the weekend was a total bust. Gained back all but one pound that I had previously lost.

    BUT, I'm happy today is a brand new day, a brand new start; the weekend is totally gone never again to be revisited.
  • travelbug
    travelbug Posts: 153
    Exactly, it's a new day. I had my birthday this weekend. I noticed I couldn't eat as much as I did before but drinking was another story. But I'm back on track and managed to not gain, even lose 1/2 a pound. Now I have to work hard to keep that birthday cake from finding a place on my hips. Glad to hear someone else is having a NEW day to!
  • trishara
    trishara Posts: 91
    I too am starting over I had to take a semi hiatus for a while as I have been very stressed out for a lot of reasons, but here I am again ready to get back in the swing of things.
  • beep
    beep Posts: 1,242 Member
    You go, Girls!
  • commonsensefitness
    commonsensefitness Posts: 105 Member
    Weekends are such diet busters that I am planning to go to work on weekends also, provided someone can let me in.

    Yes new day, new begining. Infact May 1st is coming, new month new start.