Can you lose weight w/o Exersize?



  • successcalls4me
    I don't really like the gym as well, so I work out at home with a program call Turbo Fire. All I have to do is pop the dvd in and push play to get a good private workout.
  • Anastacia1119
    Anastacia1119 Posts: 157 Member
    You don't need to go to the gym to exercise. There are many exercise DVD's on the market. Also, just going for walks in your neighborhood or bike rides will help. If you want to do weight training, you can buy weights at most stores for not a lot of money.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I Have Social Anxiety and i dont like going into the gym.

    You don't need to go to the gym to get a good work out. There are many good DVD's you can purchase relatively on the cheap at Amazon. I would recommend Leslie Sansone's walk at home DVD' get a good work out and there very basic.

    Also walking or running outside is exercise too.
  • Escape_Artist
    Escape_Artist Posts: 1,155 Member
    I Have Social Anxiety and i dont like going into the gym.

    There are plenty of ways to get active without hitting the gym at all. A lot of people workout at home.

    Of course you can lose weight without excercise but as others have said, excercise is what shapes your body.
  • Glucocorticoid
    Glucocorticoid Posts: 867 Member
    I Have Social Anxiety and i dont like going into the gym.
    How much do you weight and what's your current BF%?
  • allisonrozsa
    allisonrozsa Posts: 178 Member
    I Have Social Anxiety and i dont like going into the gym.

    You don't need a gym. Though there are some things I like to go to that are in group settings, I do most of my exercise on my own. I use a lot of exercise DVD's, bike around town (that's fast enough that people won't be looking at you, if you're afraid of that), or have some free weights that I use at home. There are lots of things you can do without going to a gym. Granted, they are helpful for all of the big equipment if you like using it, but it's not necessary. Start with some at home DVD's, try a few things out. If you have access to a computer, there are lots of sights like amazon, or netflix, even, have workouts you can do that stream straight to your computer screen. This will give you a chance to try a bunch of things out for cheap. Also, try your local library for exercise DVD's or VHS's. You can do this!
  • gspea
    gspea Posts: 412 Member
    Yes - I broke my ankle on 4/8. I lost 13 pounds in 6 weeks - just hauling around my boot and normal daily exercise. I did about average 4 - 6 k steps a day. Diet was a tad over - but I did it... surprised the devil out of me too...
  • deeannhill
    deeannhill Posts: 111 Member
    I Have Social Anxiety and i dont like going into the gym.

    Exercise doesn't have to mean the gym or even any public area (park, sidewalk, etc.). has great videos you can do from the comfort of your own home and they don't cost you a thing. If you have a Wii or any type of game console, get you some rockin' work-out games. Just move your body.

    I've lost weight w/out exercise; it can be done. But I look and feel better when my body moves on purpose (other than my regular daily activity)
  • Wonderwoman2677
    Wonderwoman2677 Posts: 434 Member
    I Have Social Anxiety and i dont like going into the gym.

    I don't go to a gym. There are a lot of at home exercizes you can do without any equipment even!

    Start looking things up on the internet. There are even free videos on Youtube for exercize.
  • ratherbeskiing
    ratherbeskiing Posts: 847 Member
    I Have Social Anxiety and i dont like going into the gym.

    I do not go to the gym. I run- hike- bike-swim- I bought an elliptical and I do a ton of Jillian.... I have not stepped one foot in the gym!!!!!!!!!!!
  • tialynn1
    tialynn1 Posts: 886 Member
    You definitely can exercise without even leaving your house. Even if you don't want to buy some dvd's. You can find some dvd's on youtube or just doing some exercises like situps, jumping jacks, planks in your house.
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    Sure can. I lost the majority of my weight barely exercising, but doesn't expect to b toned or anything. I started exercising real seriously around March. I like it a whole lot better than barely exercising.
  • secretgirl4611
    secretgirl4611 Posts: 474 Member
    I Have Social Anxiety and i dont like going into the gym.

    Ever heard of the show: THE BIGGEST LOSER?
    last season was the season OF NO EXCUSES. and well, you dont need a GYM to workout.. just get it done.
    Like at ur house or outdoors on a walk or jog.. U kno, figure out what will work for you. Trust me, working out at first may seem like a horrible task. but then soon enough and im sayin like 30days it will become habit and a great one at that. where if u do it long enough you feeeeeeel sooooooooooooo much better when you start a workout and COMPLETE a workout.. I agree, u can lose weight thru diet and no working out, but you wont be happy with how u look.
  • danimal5867
    danimal5867 Posts: 390

    Diet = to look good clothed

    Exersize = to look good naked

    This may very well be the best answer I've ever seen to this question. In addition to looking better naked, exercise will improve virtually all other areas of your life. Regular exercise will improve your energy level as well. I joined a gym about two months ago and found that even though I was expending a lot of energy there, I also had more energy to do my job better. I feel less tired after my 11 hour work day now that I am exercising at least an hour per day.
  • valerierackly74
    valerierackly74 Posts: 59 Member
    I Have Social Anxiety and i dont like going into the gym.

    then dance,put on the radio or TV and dance to the music. one song and your exercising. you could try walking or swim.
    A work out DVD or a video game like Wii fit. do Pilates or yoga. Skip, jump rope. Get a home exercise bike or treadmill.
    play with kids if you have access, go to the park. housework, yard work, take the stairs. all are good and you don't need anything special to get on with it. even pushing your shopping trolley/cart around the supermarket at a faster pace. give yourself shorter time limits on tasks and you'll do them faster and you'll use up more energy doing them.
    even if you can't swim go to your local pool and move around in the could also see if they have any classes for beginners and who have anxiety's and confidence issues about themselves.
    you'll be surprised at how much you can do just by trying a few things and seeing what you like and what your good at.
  • polarlove
    polarlove Posts: 72 Member
    yes, I really hate working out, so I just keep to 1200 calories a day, and so far I've lost 21lbs in 7 months :) but like everyone says, you don't need to go to the gym to work out!
  • star5558
    star5558 Posts: 4
    Sometimes I have a hard time with the gym as well. Anytype of exersize is good though... even if its running in place inside. Do some jumping jacks for 15 mins a day or so on, there is lots u can do without going to the gym.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    Can i still lose weight even though i dont exersize but eat healthy with a caloric deficit?

    You have to eat at a deficit to lose weight. Exercise can change your body composition, but not make you lose weight.
  • mlewon
    mlewon Posts: 343 Member
    absolutely. my mom lost 40lbs with little to no exercise and just healthy eating.
    CALABRESE3 Posts: 86 Member
    Im the same way-No way am I going to gym BUT I do walk everyday and I did buy dumb bells that I use every other day and that works very well for me!!!!