How often do you...

kroger7 Posts: 124 Member
have a treat? I know it's important to not be super super strict and never allow yourself anything that isn't 100% healthy, but how often do you indulge? Once a week? What's your favourite treat? I like to have a small amount of chocolate or candy, maybe once a week. What do you do?


  • debbie2268
    debbie2268 Posts: 12
    Thursday is our cheat day. That's when we go to buffalo wild wings with friends. A couple times a month we go to the corner ice cream shop and get medium twist cones (130 cals based on Dairy Queen), when we have the extra calories to spare. When I'm having that chocolate craving I'll have a Fiber One antioxidants chocolate chip bar (120 cals)....taste similar to Girl Scout Samoa cookies. I feel I've been successful because I'm happy with what I'm eating and know I can continue this way for the rest of my life. (Of course I will be adjusting the amount of calories as I go). I went into this not DIETING but changing my lifestyle.
  • loztredders
    loztredders Posts: 142
    Pretty much everyday I have a small 'treat'as long as it fits within my calorie goals. If I allowed myself chocolate just once a week I'd end up just binging on it and going way over my goal! Having just a little but everyday seems to work well for me.
  • stitchinhippie
    I love sweets, so I have a "treat" every night usually after dinner...something low-calorie. I eat fat free or sugar free puddings, arctic zero, Nature Valley granola thins, or a piece of a ChocoPerfection bar. The only time I have a full calorie treat is on date night with my husband-to-be when I eat whatever I want.
  • HeartlessHarlot
    HeartlessHarlot Posts: 65 Member
    I've actually turned to Atkins for treats. They have a bunch of snack/candy bars that are really good. There's one that tastes just like a Baby Ruth, only better.

    I like them since they aren't a hard hit to your diary. A few can be up there in calories, but since they're geared for the low carb they're low glycimic and have a bit of fiber and protein in them.

    Plus they're smaller in size so you don't have to worry about eating a huge two portion sized candy bar just because it's there.
  • timvickroy
    timvickroy Posts: 12
    What do you mean by 'treat'? I eat foods I enjoy every day. Do you mean sweet foods? I have Kiwis or Stawberrys almost every morning for snack. Pineapple or Mango in the afternoon for snack. Sometimes I'll have grapes instead. In the evening I have an Apple with Peanut Butter on it. I love that snack! I also have about 1 ounce of 82% Scharfenberger Dark Chocolate right before bed every night. Do any of those count? I consider all these foods to be part of a fairly healthy diet, though. So are they really a 'treat'? I don't know.
  • mlewon
    mlewon Posts: 343 Member
    Thursday is our cheat day.

    my family too!
  • kimnsc
    kimnsc Posts: 560 Member
    I have one cheat meal a week, usually on the weekend.
  • aspen_matthews
    I allow myself "treat" foods almost daily in small portions. Otherwise I'd go nuts and either a) overindulge when I have it, or b) I eat way too many calories in other foods trying to make up for avoiding eating what I really want. I work it into my calorie allowance.
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
  • gaiareeves
    gaiareeves Posts: 292 Member
    One small thing everyday.
  • LynC33
    LynC33 Posts: 196
    have a treat? I know it's important to not be super super strict and never allow yourself anything that isn't 100% healthy, but how often do you indulge? Once a week? What's your favourite treat? I like to have a small amount of chocolate or candy, maybe once a week. What do you do?

    Depends what you mean by "treat". A particular meal? Or like chocolate or something? Personally I dont have "treat" days because I dont like to feel deprived. NO food is off limits to me. I have whatever I feel like/want, I just have it in moderation and keep an eye on the portion control. :-)
  • anaboneana
    anaboneana Posts: 195 Member
    I have a sweet treat everyday. (It's better than going completely over-board on the weekend.. Plus, we only live once! I just started working as a CNA and I've seen people who no longer get to enjoy their food.. Some of them are forced to only drink liquids. I'm going to enjoy my food while I still can!)
  • Rachlovesfitness
    Rachlovesfitness Posts: 219 Member
    My husband and I decide how many times we are going to workout before going out to eat. Makes it more exciting to go out and you save money haha!

    Like right now we have to workout 6 more times before getting Thai at our favorite excited haha.
  • amnski
    amnski Posts: 251 Member
    Daily. I love a piece of dark chocolate...the darker the better. Having the small piece satisfies my sweet tooth and is only 55 calories. I find that completely banishing foods will result in over-consumption later anyway.
  • ashleyacee
    ashleyacee Posts: 118
    I usually end up going a bit crazy on the weekends If I drink.. I am trying to avoid this now. Other than that I will let myself have two cheats on the weekend They usually are out of these - A extra spicy caeser drink, some dark chocolate, a skinny cow icecream bar, or a small bag of crispy mini or riceworks chips. =) It's okay to treat yourself it's all in moderation though, how could we not go crazy without ANY small treats after perfect weekdays!
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Every day, I guess. I don't specifically call anything a "treat". I just eat food.
  • melzi28
    melzi28 Posts: 9 Member
    Exactly how I feel! However, I used to sit down and each a HUGE bowl of ice cream at night. Now, I eat 1/2 cup of frozen yogurt after dinner and I'm feeling wonderful about my progress after just 1 week of getting back into eating right and exercising.
  • wahmx3
    wahmx3 Posts: 646 Member
    This, a small amount of chocolate daily. I buy foil covered chocolate eggs and put them in the freezer. I put 1 in my mouth and let it melt, can take 10 minutes or so, really satisfies the craving for only a few calories, although I will have a few a day. I also enjoy a package of thinsations, and I can stop at 1 package, only 100 calories.
    Pretty much everyday I have a small 'treat'as long as it fits within my calorie goals. If I allowed myself chocolate just once a week I'd end up just binging on it and going way over my goal! Having just a little but everyday seems to work well for me.
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    Every day
  • aftergypsies
    aftergypsies Posts: 248 Member
    I indulge when I feel like it. For example, today I had a handful of Doritos my BF got. I do not do it every day but I don't really limit myself as long as it fits into my calorie allowance.