Teen trying to get fit...

So I'm 18 years old, and have battled with my weight all my life. I'm at the thinnest I've ever really been throughout my life now, compared to my youth, but I'm still considered obese...I weigh 216 pounds as of right now, 18-22% body fat. People always tell me I'm not fat but they refuse to acknowledge I have a gut. And I can't stand it. So I've been using this program for 2 days now, and I love it and can tell it's going to help me leaps and bounds because it's severely controlled my eating habits and I'm getting back into my tae kwon do classes more now that school is out. I'm also going to try to avoid eating at fast food restaurants as much as possible, which with my father...can be difficult at times. Even with my mom sometimes. But anyway, I'm really going to be working on dropping my weight. If I keep up what I've been doing the past couple days, I'll be down to 197 within 5 weeks. I can't wait to see that number!


  • rocketass99
    rocketass99 Posts: 537 Member
    I love that bottom number too. Always inspires me.
  • mountain59
    mountain59 Posts: 16 Member
    yay for you! My son is almost 19 and has always been heavy. He is over six feet tall which helps but most of his is belly fat. Right now he's sitting on 304 lbs. I'm going to try to get him to use this forum to help him lose. I think it would be easier with another teen/guy to buddy up with. I'll give him your user name when/if he joins. Good luck to you!
  • lilorphann
    lilorphann Posts: 138 Member
    I'm glad to see you taking control of your health. 460 days ago my hubby and I started using mfp, it wasn't too long after that, my 16 yr old son, then at 300 pounds, joined it. Today he's a healthy 164! As a family, we've lost over 380 pounds.
    As a parent, I cannot believe I let my son's eating habits get so out of control. Never again, we eat clean and healthy. No junk, no fast foods (ever), no fried foods, no sodas, no red meats.
    I'm proud of you for doing what you have to do!
    Good luck :)
  • oboy2267
    oboy2267 Posts: 2
    Thank you all so much, and I will gladly be friends with your son! Yeah I've needed to get on this for awhile. these past 4 days have went very well but my parents NEED to stop buying junk...because it's incredibly hard not to eat it -_-
  • TheSlimWithin
    Hey, I'm 18 too and I'm starting around 210lbs. o.O Yikes. So if you want to be friends, I'd be glad. :)
  • justdance42
    justdance42 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm 18 as well and am trying to get fit, if you want add me. (: Good luck with your goals.