Help With Emotional Eatting:

Hello everyone, I hate to admit it but I am an emotional eatter, and lately the stress of life has been getting to me. With a big move coming up and close friend passing away completely unexpectedly, I've been eatting, sleeping, and just all around sad. Has anyone else fought the urge to emotional eat before? If so, how did you do it? Any tips to help me stay on track and get out of this funk?


  • crandell69
    Hi i'm Rose,...I have been thru the same thing different circumstances but...I thought about all the things that hurt me and I prayed for strength and I thought to myself...don't do this to your self...get up and get out and enjoy the sunshine and go for a good brisk walk or a bike ride, and be sure to have your IPOD with all your favorite happy music...You will feel better I guarantee it.
    You CAN do this...I day at a time...SMILE AND KNOW YOU ARE LOVED BY MANY...Enjoy life!!!
  • lyrics4mal
    lyrics4mal Posts: 14
    Oh I'm so with you! I'm an emotional eater too.. always have been. It's a tough challenge to face but that's exactly what you have to do ~ face it head on. You sort of learn coping strategies for your emotions instead of eating them away. I found that I really enjoy walking and gardening and those activities tend to soothe my emotions more than eating and leave me with zero guilt. Getting started is the hardest part.. but soon you'll find that you feel good about yourself and you'll draw strength from that.
    Good luck to you!!