Weight loss pills?



  • celebrity328
    celebrity328 Posts: 377 Member
    I am on diet pills because of a health condition (not related to weight at all.)

    I can say the first week I lost a bit of weight but I have found that they really dont help at all with weight :/ There are also alot of annoying side effects like needing to pee every damn 30 mins and my weight goes up and down like a yoyo. It sucks taking the meds before bed and having to wake up 1-2 times a night to pee. Over all I wouldnt suggest them as a long term solution.
  • queenbcronen
    queenbcronen Posts: 158 Member
    I'm on phentermine through my dr.'s strict supervision and a nutrionist. this is only because my dr. has known me for so long and knows my health history. It has helped. I have little side afffects. I will go off of it at some point and hopefully by that time my diet and weight will be back in control which is the ultimate plan. I struggled for a long time even though I got my diabetes under complete control without meds. That's why my dr. did this.
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    Diet pills seem to work for one week and then your tolerance comes into play. Dont double the dosage!
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    MFP works. Why waste your time looking for a magic pill when you've got something that works perfectly already?
  • AlphamaleBAMF
    AlphamaleBAMF Posts: 373 Member
    MFP works. Why waste your time looking for a magic pill when you've got something that works perfectly already?

    People spend years getting programmed by the weight loss industry. They think ab workouts and crash diets and quick fix solutions can actually work and those testimonials about people losing 35kg and 6 weeks are real.

    They need to unlearn all that and forget it and learn how to lose weight properly.
  • Thesoundofwolf
    Thesoundofwolf Posts: 378 Member
    Unless a doctor says 'do it or die', don't.

    Just learn your food.
    Walk more.
    Put down the soda, drink the water and the tea.

    diet pills are often just caffeine to repress hunger, which if you rather do that- make a cup of green tea and sip- its healthier in the long run.

    By losing weight by making healthy life choices, it guarantees it won't come back.
    You'll have more respect for yourself.
    Less health problems in the long run.

    If anything, you clear out health problems.

    Yeah, it's not '25 pounds in four weeks', but its defiantly not 'risk for heart explosions' either.
  • fraser112
    fraser112 Posts: 405
    i heard alot of good things about bee pollen pills. xanzue on amazon is 1 of them, but u need to drink water every day all day!!

    That is called a water fast, very effective if you plan right but the pollen is a placebo.
  • Those Alli pills wokred for my best friend, but I think it was becasue if she ate more then a certain amount of fat, she *kitten* her pants. Litereally. She called me from her work more then a few times. I THINK It forced her to eat right, and thats why she lost the weight.
  • laurels12
    laurels12 Posts: 54 Member
    MFP works. Why waste your time looking for a magic pill when you've got something that works perfectly already?


    I've lost 38lbs in 140 days -- for free, with no risk to my health! There is no magic pill -- just eat less and burn more!! Please don't risk your health trying to be "healthy". You may find you end up with more problems than you started with!!
  • fthoodbaby
    fthoodbaby Posts: 52 Member
    Oxypro Elite - sold at GNC - works. I used it to get over a 6 month plateau. You can only take it for two months and then you have to take a month off.
  • psyhunter
    psyhunter Posts: 7
    They are totally working....temporarily. I took them years ago for a while and I was around 50kg after losing 10kg. The pills suppressed your appetite, making you less keen on food. But they started to be less effective for me after a few months ever though I took double doses or even tripple. My appetite went back and I gained back to 70kg!!!! Nightmare. I realized that daily exercises and controlled diet are the only things you can rely on if you want to really lose it and keep fit.

    One of my friends had a heart dysfunction while taking those pills and she is not completely well for now.
  • DellG85
    DellG85 Posts: 79 Member
    Now I'm not going to judge and don't mean to offend or upset anyone but I think diet pills on the whole are a money-making scam and many of them work purely because of the placebo effect i.e.e you think they are working and therefore, they do. If there was one pill that worked and was guaranteed to help people lose weight, surely everyone would be taking it and we'd all know about it?

    Fact is when it comes to weight loss and gaining good health, the only way to do it is by eating a balanced diet and exercising more. There is no magic quick fix but that's not to say you can't still achieve fantastic results. It just takes a little longer. In my opinion, the longer the weight takes to come off, the longer it will stay off.

    Think long term rather than setting yourself up for a fall by crash dieting or resorting to pills which could have who-knows-what impact on your body.

    And for the record, Im not preaching to any of you about something Im unfamiliar with. I lost weight rapidly (91lbs in roughly 8 months or so) and it lasted less than a year. I've now gained all of that weight back and then some. If someone had told me I'd be in this position now, I would have done it properly the first time round and not looked for quick fixes such as diet pills. My advice would be accept this wont happen overnight and that this has got to be a lifestyle change, not a fad x
  • I've tried them twice. I used them once and lost a significant amount of weight working with a weight loss doctor....when I probably didn't have as much weight to lose as I do know! Second time used them for about a month and lost some weight but didn't feel as comfortable doing it so stopped.
    Here's what I noticed about the diet pills and me: they did kill my appetite and made me a little jittery but no awful side effects. But they didn't address the underlying factors behind my weight gain, nor did I learn any skills about how to eat correctly in terms of portion size and healthy food.
    If I used them now and lost all the weight I needed to (assuming I could find the doctor who prescribed them, he seems to have mysteriously disappeared, website says he is no longer accepting patients, and is instead selling "diet" food online which seems a little sketchy to me), I wouldn't have learned what I've learned on MFP already about portion size and eating healthy.
    Even though I still have a lot of weight to lose, I feel so much more comfortable now about my long term ability to keep and maintain the weight loss.
  • I'm not a big fan of diet pills myself but after I had my daughter I was 250 and I lost about 20 pounds and then hit a big ugly wall. I'm pretty pro at maintaining my weight its losing it that kills me. So I went on Phentermine. It elevates your heart rate and your blood pressure. It gives you wicked amounts of energy to the point where if you don't workout till you're exhausted you'll be jittery and bouncy. I had no desire for food It was something I had to do not something I wanted to do. It turned me into an insomniac after a week. After 2 months I was down about 30 pounds and I was done taking them. After I stopped I slept for like 3days straight. I've kept the weight off and I don't regret taking them in the first place but I don't think Ill ever take them again. My diet wasn't bad accept for about 2.5months, it was the last stretch of my pregnancy and I was in too much pain to stand and cook and my husband was away for training so I went to a lot fast food places then I ever should have especially with the baby, Its something I do regret. Anyways. If you're going to do it just know you're risking your heart and body. My blood pressure stayed elevated for about 6 months after I was off pills. It was the low side of normal when I started. I would only take doctor supervised diet pills if that's the only thing that is going to keep you motivated to lose weight and or give you the energy to start. Call it a last ditch effort.
  • xTwK
    xTwK Posts: 121
    Oxypro Elite - sold at GNC - works. I used it to get over a 6 month plateau. You can only take it for two months and then you have to take a month off.

    Do NOT buy OxyELITE Pro, this was the "fat burner" I was talking about at the end of my comment on this thread. If this product is still on the shelves it's about to be recalled because it contains a newly banned substance. It's extremely potent and gives you insane amounts of energy, which sounds great but it isn't healthy and it's a false sense of energy.