Naughty Day?

Is it okay to give yourself a naughty day? You know, just one day to eat whatever the heck you want. With Halloween on Saturday, I just want to party. We are ordering a ginormous 26" pizza, and there's lots of candy, and spooky movies, and yeah. I just want to enjoy it all! Is it bad to just go :tongue: to your meal plan and have a wild day?


  • HealthyKt78
    I think as long as you only do it rarely than its fine. Its okay to enjoy yourself everyone once in awhile. If you spend your entire life counting calories and having that always be on your mind than I don't think you're living a very fulfilling life. I think while you should try to be as healthy as you can, every once in awhile you need a day off.

    Keep in mind this is all my personal opinion.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I personally think it's ok to have a day here and there where you eat what you want. I actually plan on doing the same on Halloween night, and I'm looking forward to it. I log everything- even on days when I'm over by a ridiculous amount. I'm anal about logging.
  • tabbi187
    I absolutely think it is ok! I think as long as you do not overdo it and eat all of the pizza and candy you will be good.. I mean your goals should still be in the back of your mind throughout the day and you should eat what you want just not oo much of it.. And just work extra hard the week after to work it off i.e. exercize or lower your calorie limits because you wouldnt be that one day to be the reason you gain more weight and have that discourage you from reaching your goals! My birthday is the day after halloween and I plan on eatin a small breakfast that morning and for dinner all my family and freinds are taking me to my favorite restaurant and I definately am going to eat what I want and drink my favorite strawberry pina coloda but I am not going to overdo it because it is not worth it the next day to feel guilty and depressed. have a great holiday! :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • gin_rei
    gin_rei Posts: 11 Member
    We do a monthly potluck - everyone just went home, actually. That's my day for excess. I went hiking this morning, so that helps balance the extra intake, and I log everything (just so I have an idea of what I'm really doing).
    Funny thing, though - I feel a bit crappy right now. It was fun for a bit - fresh pies, pasta, root beer...but I don't think it was totally worth it. I have a stomach ache. Funny, that.
    I think excess is a good thing sometimes. I have noticed, though, that when my behaviour is healthier, and my body gets used to being treated right, the definition of excess changes.
    Next month, I think I'll be a bit less greedy. I think I'll feel better.
    Have fun, though. Enjoy, and have a great Halloween.
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    Go ahead and have a couple of slices of pizza and supplement them with some fresh veggies to help you from eating a lot of pieces. Have a mini chocolate bar and then brush your teeth.

    Make sure you work out hard that day to make up for the extra calories and drink lots of water to help with the sodium
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,124 Member
    Personally, I give myself a "cheat" day once a week. Not that I throw my calorie counting out the window all day... I just let myself have a little extra something that day to reward myself for a good week.

    Once in a while, its okay to let go. I would just make sure you work out extra hard to counteract the extra calories. That's what I plan on doing :)
    JDHINAZ Posts: 641 Member
    So, I guess I'll be the downer. I say no. This is what we're trying to get away from. And personally, one naughty day can wreck a whole week of eating right. I say, if you know you have an event coming up, like Halloween, then try to prepare for it. Perhaps you can save 100 calories a day by exercising an additional 50 calories off each day and saving 50 calories from your food calories, then you have some room to play with on the day of the event and it doesn't feel like you're the odd man out. Someone else said to make sure there are plenty of good options available, like veggies. That's a good idea, too.

    Regardless, have fun and enjoy your day!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I started off thinking I would do this occasionally but I've found that I can't. I feel so guilty. So, if there's something extra that I want one day, I just exercise harder & longer that day in an attempt to sort of cancel it out. This is my personal choice, but I just find that I don't really enjoy myself otherwise because I'm constantly feeling guilty. I didn't want guilt to ruin your Halloween so it may be something you'd like to consider. :wink:
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    "Cheat meal",,, once a week we have a dinner where we just have what we want and don't sweat it. You could maybe pick an evening and say "I'm not gonna worry about it tonight".

    But a whole day? Shoney's breakfast buffet,,, lunch at China Garden,,, 2 pounds of chocolate on Halloween night - wow. You can do a LOT of damage in a whole day. I wouldn't go that far. But that's just me,,,
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Thanks for all your input and advice. I'm usually 50-100 calories under every day, and it's mainly dinner on Halloween that I'm worried about. We'll be taking our daughter trick or treating, so there's a little bit of light walking to help counter balance a piece of candy, LOL. Maybe we'll get a supreme pizza so I get my veggies in.
    Thanks again!