Hello, I'm a newbie!

Greetings from Amherst, Massachusetts! I'm a newbie in this online fitness tool thingy, just signed up yesterday. I've lost count how many times I've been on a diet and failed. I was also a bulimic. I've overcome bulimia but I'm still 19 lbs overweight. My goal is to lose this 19 lbs and get back in shape no matter how long it would take. I realize that weightloss is a tough journey and I would really appreciate companies so that we can support one another. Let's do it together!


  • Andrea681
    Andrea681 Posts: 178 Member
    Welcome!!! I've been here since February and not only have I lost 20lbs (and counting) but I have completely changed my life. The friends I have met on here have made all the difference. It's so good to have a place that is supportive, encouraging and inspiring to go to everyday. MFP definitely works! I will send you a friend request and if any one else posts, feel free to add me. :)
  • farmboyphotography
    farmboyphotography Posts: 181 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I agree with Andrea681... MFP is life-changing if you let it be. I hope you do great! Anybody, feel free to add me. I would love to have additional interactive friends on here.
  • bellag1962
    Welcome aboard! Congratulations on overcoming bulimia.

    I sent you a friend request. I'd be glad to support you! :)
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    Oh your going to love this site!! It can help you so much...and there is tons of support here. You can add me if you would like : )
  • Asharee011
    Asharee011 Posts: 129 Member
    Welcome to the family! I'm Ashley...I have no idea how long I've been here but I've fallen off the wagon multiple times so I basically started new this week and have already lost 2lbs:) This site is amazing! The people here are wonderful and full of support and great advice. I'm actually 7lbs away from my first mini goal! But feel free to add me! And no matter where this journey takes you try to have fun:)
  • scotter26
    scotter26 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi from the Northeast of England!! I'm new too so I'm sending you a friend request - I need all the help and support I can get!! xxx
  • AlexanderK1994
    AlexanderK1994 Posts: 243 Member
    Congrats with overcoming bulimia and welcome abroad! :) I've been on here for a total of 5 weeks (today! :) and lost 13lbs :D so it is doable! Feel free to add me <3
  • fumando
    fumando Posts: 7
    Glad to see new members!! I am more into maintaining my weight and actually gaining more pounds of muscle! I stay on here more to track what I eat. I too, am always looking for new friends to help encourage and be encouraged by, so anybody can feel free to add me as their friend!
  • BeyondApril
    BeyondApril Posts: 133 Member
    Welcome Newbie!

    We were all newbies once! Hope you find this site as encouraging and motivating as I do.

    Feel free to add me as a friend! Burlington, Massachusetts here, mostly maintaining, but I've got 3-5 lbs that could get lost permanently.

    Have a great day!!
