
I've always been relatively athletic and do mostly cardio but have consistently seen less and less results. I'm thinking about trying p90x to challenge my body. Any help with determining whether or not I should take the plunge? Success stories? Thanks!


  • Glucocorticoid
    Glucocorticoid Posts: 867 Member
    Will you see results with p90x? Yes, particularly early on.
    Will it be the most efficient way to see results? No.
    Is it an ideal program for sparing muscle mass and losing fat in a deficit? No, you'll work your *kitten* off for sub-optimal results.
  • jfan175
    jfan175 Posts: 812 Member
    Most people see their dramatic results in the last 30 days of the program. I'm 51 and approaching the best shape of my life 60 days in. I don't do the shakeology...just follow the leangains diet. I personally like just pushing play and following along. I've dropped 16 lbs and 4 pants sizes since starting. I've also put on some muscle and gained a lot of strength. Is it the most effective program out there? That depends on what your goals are. It's not an easy way to go, but you most definately will see results.
  • cdpm
    cdpm Posts: 297 Member
    I've never been disciplined enough to keep it up for 90 days, but I love doing the odd workout here and there, especially the Kempo.
    My brother did the program a few years back and dropped from an XXL/XL to a M and then gave the workouts to my mum who approaching 60 loves them and is more toned than ever. They were both at very different fitness levels and body shapes and worked well for them. The other thing to note is that they liked Tony Horton and his style of video.
    I would advise if you can see a video clip on-line or borrow from a friend then you should do this for a test before taking the plunge.
  • fatimaaamir
    fatimaaamir Posts: 11
    I'm going to start doing P90X workouts about 4 times a week. Not gonna follow their schedule, just gonna do Ab Ripper X 2-3 times a week, Arms and Shoulders once a week, Legs and Back once a week, Kenpo X once a week, Yoga X once a week and then the 30DS and 6W6P by Jillian Michael's on the remaining days. It sounds really fun to me ahaha :)

    I used to do mainly cardio too but I really want to tone up, get lean and cardio just isn't going to cut it. I'm upping my protein intake and doing the aforementioned workouts, and hopefully in a month I'll be able to post about losing inches and gaining muscle :)
  • dmmihelcic
    dmmihelcic Posts: 161 Member
    I did 60 out of the 90 last year. Got overtaken by work, stress, family problems, etc. However I managed to loose 20 lbs and felt great after the 60 days. If you commit to the program you will see results.
  • siecoleman
    siecoleman Posts: 18
    I chose to start it, and love it so far!! Thank you all for your input!
  • amnski
    amnski Posts: 251 Member
    I chose to start it, and love it so far!! Thank you all for your input!

    Glad you decided to start!! I am a HUGE fan and love the program. It gave me the results I was going for after years of constant cardio. Good luck :happy:
  • sarsaparilla1
    Love P90x!
  • mjvasko
    mjvasko Posts: 37
    I started with P90X lean, lost about 25 pounds on it.

    Started the full version two weeks ago, and lost a lot more since - about 6 (or more) additional pounds!
  • siecoleman
    siecoleman Posts: 18
    I can relate! Doing the same cardio workouts daily certainly burns calories, but doesn't challenge your muscles that have become accustomed to the workout over time. P90x is perfect!! :heart:
  • coachbeav
    coachbeav Posts: 40 Member
    Will you see results with p90x? Yes, particularly early on.
    Will it be the most efficient way to see results? No.
    Is it an ideal program for sparing muscle mass and losing fat in a deficit? No, you'll work your *kitten* off for sub-optimal results.

    I hate to call anyone out but this is the exact opposite of the truth. First, you won't see great results early on. The program is designed where you will see the greatest improvements in the last phase. Second, it is by far one of the most efficient ways to get in shape. No time spent traveling to the gym, you work all of your muscles, and you get it all in 90 days! Third, P90X will help you build muscle mass which in return you lose fat. A lot of diets out there have you burning all of your muscle to get "lose weight" but we all know that isn't healthy and it leads to gaining it back because you aren't happy with how you look. I don't know if you have ever done P90X but if you haven't, please don't post false information. Thanks!
  • DGHayden
    DGHayden Posts: 21 Member
    Will you see results with p90x? Yes, particularly early on.
    Will it be the most efficient way to see results? No.
    Is it an ideal program for sparing muscle mass and losing fat in a deficit? No, you'll work your *kitten* off for sub-optimal results.

    I hate to call anyone out but this is the exact opposite of the truth. First, you won't see great results early on. The program is designed where you will see the greatest improvements in the last phase. Second, it is by far one of the most efficient ways to get in shape. No time spent traveling to the gym, you work all of your muscles, and you get it all in 90 days! Third, P90X will help you build muscle mass which in return you lose fat. A lot of diets out there have you burning all of your muscle to get "lose weight" but we all know that isn't healthy and it leads to gaining it back because you aren't happy with how you look. I don't know if you have ever done P90X but if you haven't, please don't post false information. Thanks!

    I agree with Coachbeav. If you had done P90X you would know what kind of results are possible when you use the program and work hard. When you make it through and look back at your pictures, you will be amazed and the differences in your body. Deciding to do P90X was one of the best decisions for my health and happiness I have ever made!
  • Glucocorticoid
    Glucocorticoid Posts: 867 Member
    Will you see results with p90x? Yes, particularly early on.
    Will it be the most efficient way to see results? No.
    Is it an ideal program for sparing muscle mass and losing fat in a deficit? No, you'll work your *kitten* off for sub-optimal results.

    I hate to call anyone out but this is the exact opposite of the truth. First, you won't see great results early on. The program is designed where you will see the greatest improvements in the last phase. Second, it is by far one of the most efficient ways to get in shape. No time spent traveling to the gym, you work all of your muscles, and you get it all in 90 days! Third, P90X will help you build muscle mass which in return you lose fat. A lot of diets out there have you burning all of your muscle to get "lose weight" but we all know that isn't healthy and it leads to gaining it back because you aren't happy with how you look. I don't know if you have ever done P90X but if you haven't, please don't post false information. Thanks!
    I'm very familiar with the program. I wouldn't have commented on it if I was not. I'm all for programs that force people to get up and be active, and yes there are relatively worse programs one can do.
    With that being said, I stand by what I said. P90x lacks the high tension muscle stimulus required to preserve LBM in a deficit. This is not as big of a deal for someone significantly overfat, but the OP looks relatively lean. Your post is full of mistaken assumptions and generalizations which are not always true.
  • WickedGarden
    WickedGarden Posts: 944 Member
    Will you see results with p90x? Yes, particularly early on.
    Will it be the most efficient way to see results? No.
    Is it an ideal program for sparing muscle mass and losing fat in a deficit? No, you'll work your *kitten* off for sub-optimal results.

    I hate to call anyone out but this is the exact opposite of the truth. First, you won't see great results early on. The program is designed where you will see the greatest improvements in the last phase. Second, it is by far one of the most efficient ways to get in shape. No time spent traveling to the gym, you work all of your muscles, and you get it all in 90 days! Third, P90X will help you build muscle mass which in return you lose fat. A lot of diets out there have you burning all of your muscle to get "lose weight" but we all know that isn't healthy and it leads to gaining it back because you aren't happy with how you look. I don't know if you have ever done P90X but if you haven't, please don't post false information. Thanks!

    I agree with Coachbeav. If you had done P90X you would know what kind of results are possible when you use the program and work hard. When you make it through and look back at your pictures, you will be amazed and the differences in your body. Deciding to do P90X was one of the best decisions for my health and happiness I have ever made!

    I did P90x, the entire program. i didn't lose a ton of weight, but I did lose 4 pant sizes, and have great muscle definition.
    I am going to do another round again, and I do have several people that I know who are fitness experts that love the program. IMHO, it is one of the best home workout programs.
  • mariacolumbus
    mariacolumbus Posts: 227 Member
    Glad you decided to start. I am on my 3rd round of P90X and am in the best shape of my life! You really get the best of both worlds...a nice balance of strength for toning and cardio. It is a bit of a time commitment...but once you make that commitment, you most definitely wont be sorry. If you order from beachbody, you have a 90 day money back guarentee...so what do you have to lose?
    good luck!
  • coachbeav
    coachbeav Posts: 40 Member
    Will you see results with p90x? Yes, particularly early on.
    Will it be the most efficient way to see results? No.
    Is it an ideal program for sparing muscle mass and losing fat in a deficit? No, you'll work your *kitten* off for sub-optimal results.

    I hate to call anyone out but this is the exact opposite of the truth. First, you won't see great results early on. The program is designed where you will see the greatest improvements in the last phase. Second, it is by far one of the most efficient ways to get in shape. No time spent traveling to the gym, you work all of your muscles, and you get it all in 90 days! Third, P90X will help you build muscle mass which in return you lose fat. A lot of diets out there have you burning all of your muscle to get "lose weight" but we all know that isn't healthy and it leads to gaining it back because you aren't happy with how you look. I don't know if you have ever done P90X but if you haven't, please don't post false information. Thanks!
    I'm very familiar with the program. I wouldn't have commented on it if I was not. I'm all for programs that force people to get up and be active, and yes there are relatively worse programs one can do.
    With that being said, I stand by what I said. P90x lacks the high tension muscle stimulus required to preserve LBM in a deficit. This is not as big of a deal for someone significantly overfat, but the OP looks relatively lean. Your post is full of mistaken assumptions and generalizations which are not always true.

    You said, "P90x lacks the high tension muscle stimulus required to preserve LBM in a deficit." Have you not seen the results??? I have gone from well over 20% body fat to 10% body fat currently (and should be down to 8% by the end of this round). If P90X lacks the high tension muscle stimulus then how did that happen for me? I was not trying to assume anything in my post, but this kind of information is just wrong haha. I have gone from a keg to a six pack :) P90X rocks but you are entitled to your opinion.
  • stephaniehope
    stephaniehope Posts: 23 Member
    I need my beer gut to go away before the wedding! Hahaha... My dad gave me P90X, and I'm anxious to start it... Right now I'm just waiting for a back injury to stop bothering me before I hop back into hard core working like I was before...
  • Glasspack
    Glasspack Posts: 105 Member
    I just started week 5 (Phase 2) and I think it's a great workout, hits every muscle I can think of.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    If your activity level was high but consisted mainly of cardio with little to no resistance training, yes. You will see drastic results from introducing weight training into your training regimen (which really is what P90X will do for you), although you may need to make adjustments to your nutrition plan (probably increase caloric intake) to really benefit from it.
  • Maasmondy
    Maasmondy Posts: 54 Member
    I chose to start it, and love it so far!! Thank you all for your input!

    I have a week and a half left. Went from 140-134lbs. Lost 5in in my waist and 3in off my hips from Day 1 to Day 60. Haven't taken 90 day measurements obviously.

    Stick with it, press play and eat as clean as possible and you WILL have results!