Help! I already ruined my day!

jreeves628 Posts: 123 Member
I made the grave mistake of taking my son to IHOP. I didnt make the best choices and not only do I feel sick to my stomach but I ate most of my calories for the day. I only have 469 calories remaining for the rest of the day and it's only 10:30am! To top it all off I misplaced the keys to my time machine. What do I do?


  • specialkyc
    specialkyc Posts: 384 Member
    Work out and gain some calories back. I understand your stomach is upset so maybe you could go for a leisurely walk for a while.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Lol love the time machine reference! Just try and get a good work out in later and eat healthy for the rest of the day. One bad meal is not going to ruin your progress.
  • Nelliebird1430
    It's ok, we all have those moments! You just have to dust yourself off, and eat healthy for the rest of the day and try and move as much as you can! It's not the one time bump ups that get us, it's the "screw it for the rest of the day" that gets us! You can do it!
  • Mbishop7684
    Mbishop7684 Posts: 171 Member
    So you screwed up this morning, you have the REST of the day/week to get back on track! The road to weight loss is not always smooth and you can't let little bumps throw you off.

    - Learn from it, enjoy the breakfast you had with your son and make a mental note of what you will get next time you go!
    - I agree with specialkyc- workout! You need to get a good cardio workout in to earn back some of your calories. (try intervals on the stair stepper for 30 mins- approximately 200-300 calories, or a spin class after work (at min 500 calories)
    - Be EXTRA good the rest of today and the week. Maybe make the rest of your meals for today HIGH VEGGIE meals (no carbs!)
    - Work out everyday for the rest of the week to earn some deficit for the rest of the week to try and repair.

    Hope this helps! Just get right back on track- ONE MEAL DOESN'T"T RUIN THE DAY OR THE WEEK!
  • jennyvondoom
    jennyvondoom Posts: 17 Member
    Plan a delicious salad for dinner now while you're still sitting here at the computer. My rule is that I eat salad for one of my meals each day and it has been working great! Since you had your splurge for breakfast/brunch just have the salad for dinner instead. Then later after you've had some time to digest and drink some water (I always find lots of the syrupy/salty stuff at IHOP dehydrating) go for a walk and get some calories back so you can add some grilled chicken or some cheese or a little extra dressing to your dinner salad if you want. :smile:
  • lwoods34
    lwoods34 Posts: 302 Member
    I defintitely agree with what everyone has said: one meal isnt going to ruin your progress if you dont let it. Just pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start again. Drink a ton of water to offset any extra sugar and sodium that was in the food you ate. Make sure you get in a good high intensity workout to gain back some of the calories so you can eat healthy for the rest of the day. And make sure your eat healthy for the rest of the week as well. We all have been there and done that so dont feel bad and get down on yourself because if you do, you will continue to spiral down to the point where you may start to not care and you dont want that to happen.

    Remember, we all have been there at one time or another. Pick yourself up and start again! You can do it!
  • Seminolegirl97
    Seminolegirl97 Posts: 307 Member
    You screwed up breakfast, not the day.

    1. Go for an extra walk. or Workout a little longer later today.
    2. The stomach ache will pass.
    3. Eat more veggies the rest of the day. The Veggies will help negate the bad.

    Don't cry. So you ate breakfast at IHOP. I can bet it won't be the last time you eat there.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    You ate lots of carbs. You'll need to work on protein and possibly fat for the rest of the day, though you'll want to check your diary to be sure.

    - Exercise to burn off as much as you can.
    - Concentrate on the things your body needs for your remaining calories as much as you can.
    - Plan on a bit of a "lean day" tomorrow if you end up going over. DO NOT attempt to remain hungry this evening unless you have the willpower not to midnight snack.
  • angels0831
    Excercise will help a bunch. If you go walking for a couple hours (Maybe go window shopping or something) you burn quite a few calories. If you have a job that allows you to walk around do so as much as possible. That's how I do most of my stuff. And don't worry :) I had a total DAY where all I did was pig out and I ended up gaining a pound but the next day, and throughout the rest of the week, I was really good and a few days later I lost 2 pounds. What the people above are saying is right, it's really all about mindset. (P,S IHOP has awesome food I don't blame you a bit :smile: In fact if most of us went to IHOP we'd probably do the exact same thing)
  • stopdangerpi
    I also recommend exercise. I had a bagel yesterday which I thought was going to ruin me but then worked it out at the gym before dinner so I could relax and enjoy my meal!
  • alharbour
    alharbour Posts: 116 Member
    So you screwed up this morning, you have the REST of the day/week to get back on track! The road to weight loss is not always smooth and you can't let little bumps throw you off.

    - Learn from it, enjoy the breakfast you had with your son and make a mental note of what you will get next time you go!
    - I agree with specialkyc- workout! You need to get a good cardio workout in to earn back some of your calories. (try intervals on the stair stepper for 30 mins- approximately 200-300 calories, or a spin class after work (at min 500 calories)
    - Be EXTRA good the rest of today and the week. Maybe make the rest of your meals for today HIGH VEGGIE meals (no carbs!)
    - Work out everyday for the rest of the week to earn some deficit for the rest of the week to try and repair.

    Hope this helps! Just get right back on track- ONE MEAL DOESN'T"T RUIN THE DAY OR THE WEEK!

  • jreeves628
    jreeves628 Posts: 123 Member
    THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!! I'm so glad that I found this site. I really need the support. You guys are awesome!
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    Not the end of the world. Definitely get in some exercise and have a GIANT salad. You can get pretty full for little calories.
  • jgic2009
    jgic2009 Posts: 531 Member
    Lots of good advice here already, but I wanted to add: next time you plan to eat out, be sure take a few minutes before you go to take a look at nutritional info online.
  • dodgersprincess
    I been trying to lose weight since 2006. I have gone through days where I didn't care at all. Lets say I paid more then my share of fines at TOPS. What I would say is don't beat yourself up. Eat less today and head to the gym.