I just want a Dr. Pepper



  • Nessiechickie
    Nessiechickie Posts: 1,392 Member
    Sorry don't care how bad it is for me, but Diet Dr. Pepper addict.
    Have give or take one a day, not recently since i keep for getting :(
  • KiwiKim25
    KiwiKim25 Posts: 61 Member
    I used to be a Soda-holic. Really, still am.

    I never buy soda for home. If I do, I'll drink the whole thing faster than humanly possible while making excuses for why it's ok. So no soda at home, which means once I'm home I'm forced to drink other stuff. (Easy for me to say no at the store, HATE that I did once I'm home!!)

    Big help for the soda craving? The carbonated flavored water. The $0.89/big bottle kind that is in almost every grocery store (even Target!). Now though, I'm mostly just water or crystal light etc.

    I'll drink soda when I'm eating out, but that's rarely more than once a day. I often end up drinking only a can or two a week.

    Big difference from 4 or more soda cans a day when I was a teenager...
  • Lizabee84
    Lizabee84 Posts: 353 Member
    I was a Coke addict (coca-cola) I drank at least 3 cans a day (yikes). I slowly decreased the number to 1 every other day if I want. My next step is to drink it once a week. I will probally never give it up all the way but I have found that I am starting to like certain diet drinks that help curb my soda needs. One of my new favorite is Diet Barq's and diet crush
  • nymthiriel
    nymthiriel Posts: 42
    I drink four Coke Zero Cherry's a day. I know, I know. I have a problem. I quit smoking and replaced it with diet soda. XD However, it hasn't impeded my diet/function at all...and I run 5x a week, averaging 25-30 miles.
  • dhoody
    dhoody Posts: 49
    Yeah so far im cutting it down to a couple glasses of diet DP from a couple of liters.Still getting use to water...i suck on peppermints then the water taste better to me
  • Luffzilla
    Luffzilla Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks.. now I want one.. and I quit soda a few months ago! ):
  • sass72
    sass72 Posts: 1
    Oh how I would love a Dr. Pepper from Sonic right now ( for some reason they are the best). But.... I have started this new transformation today. I am doing this for my health mostly and just because I'm tired of being fat. So so long Dr. Pepper, I am a Crystal Light drinker now.
  • dhoody
    dhoody Posts: 49
    crystal light safe?
  • BigenFluffy
    BigenFluffy Posts: 57 Member
    I don't know if you have a Kroger (or Ralphs) where you live, but they have a HUGE selection of store brand sodas. Here, the store brand 12 packs are $2.50. They have diet rootbeer, diet cola, zero cola, diet lime cola, diet orange soda, diet gingerale, diet sprite, diet dr. pepper...etc. Having a 12 pack allows me to keep 1 chilled soda in the fridge. I don't like soda with ice, so if I want one, I get one and that's it.

    They say to stay away from sodas, but I like the ice cold, bubbly, crisp deliciousness of diet rootbeer.

    You can eat/drink anything you want in moderation.