Looking for some mfp mommy friends!



  • koalafan
    koalafan Posts: 10 Member
    My baby is 16 1/2 but my weight has fluctuated over the years. A nasty divorce packed on a lot of weight and I am currently trying to lose it. I just joined this site, but feel free to add me too. We can do this!
  • SkettiGurl
    SkettiGurl Posts: 186 Member
    Feel free to add me. I have a 3yr old as well, he'll be 4 in September and we're trying for a second, god willing.

    Losing weight is hard when you have kids for sure. I'm always finishing up Z's food or licking his icecream cone to catch the drips. *sigh*

    This is my second time losing weight since I had Z first time took me 10 months to lose 30lbs and I gained it all back after we moved from the UK back to Canada and I got out of a routine...but so far have lost 20lbs since Christmas! Yay! I only have 13 more to go till I reach my goal weight.
  • skingszoo
    skingszoo Posts: 412 Member
    Hey dear I have two boys ages 6 and 3 1/2. Been here since Jan 2011. Lost 45lbs from Jan to June and slacked during the summer and gained 15lbs back. Ive been back for 3 months now.
  • Samstudent88
    Samstudent88 Posts: 135
    Anyone can add me, I was a bit overweight when I got pregnant, and gained about 30-40lbs with him...he's 14 months..
    I'm desperately trying to get into a heathy range for my BMI.... =D! good luck to everyone!!!
  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    My boys are 5,3,2..I lost EVERYTHING PLUS a lot more last year (total of 96 pounds), but got extrememly lazy and life got in the way, so i gained back 15...and now im back on track! :) Gonna get back to my goal weight!!!

    It can be done...and my kids were 1,2,4 then! :)
  • Hey!
    I'm 25 and I have a 16 month old little girl. I was big before I got pregnant (probably 20 pounds overweight) but gained another 56 pounds while I was pregnant and ended up a blimp after she was born! I couldn't breastfeed and was so miserable I comfort ate until I gained another 14 pounds or so. When she was about 3 months old I decided enough was enough, and have so far lost 60 pounds. I'm now 147 pounds, and just found out I'm pregnant with my second so I'm determined to look after myself better than I did first time round. I'm terrified that I will put both of our health at risk and I don't want to get into a misery/eating cycle again! Also I definitely need to have the energy and ability run around after an excitable toddler while heavy again :)
    Good luck everyone!
  • a_robbins
    a_robbins Posts: 4 Member
    I am a mom of 2 little girls (6 years old and 2 years old) still trying to get rid of the weight I put on during pregnancy. I have been working at this of about 5 months now, and finally looking to lose the last 10 pounds. Feel free to add me :)
  • FitterDee
    FitterDee Posts: 4
    Hey everyone I'm in need of a little motivation this time determined to lose weight and keep it off. I've banned Biscuuits from the Cupboards and got up and started walking everyday. I'm a Mum of 2 with a teenager 14 years old and a toddler age 2yrs.
    Feel free to add I use the app and go online.

    Fitterdee :flowerforyou:
  • jenn32399
    jenn32399 Posts: 5 Member
    I have 2 kids, my youngest is 8 but i still have weight from my first pregnancy (my son is 12 now). So, it's been a minute since I was a new mommy, but I'd love to have new friends who have the same goals I have...be fit for our kids, good role models, and feeling sexy doesn't hurt either lol.
  • Linsjack
    Linsjack Posts: 7
    Hello, I'm a mummy too I have a very active 4 year old and I am still carrying the baby weight feel free to add me too.
  • MonkeyFlower
    MonkeyFlower Posts: 92 Member
    Hi feel free to add me, i love having more mummy friends!

    I'm a 32 year old mum to 3 active boys aged 10, 4 and 2 :smile:
  • Tashmayes
    Tashmayes Posts: 244 Member
    I have two little ones...a 2 yr old and 4 month old. I'm 5 lbs away from my prepregnancy weight and want to lose another 10-15 after that.
  • Hello all, my little guy just turned 6, but I have struggled with my weight since...FOREVER!! lol Feel free to add me. :)
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I've got three kiddos: Audrey is 3 1/2, Harrison is 2, Vivienne is 5 months. As soon as I'm done breastfeeding (another month or so and I'll have 3600 ounces of milk stored in the freezer, and I'll be done!) I'll be back trying to lose. My goal is to lose 20 pounds before school starts in lat August. I'll be getting back into dance classes and I need to be in better shape!
  • brittmarie62
    brittmarie62 Posts: 15 Member
    I am a new young mommy and I have 12 pounds to lose to get back to my pre-pregnancy self :( I too breastfed for a little while, which helped me lose most of my weight, but I still have these last stubborn pounds! feel free to add me as well if you'd like :)
  • marylynn85
    marylynn85 Posts: 496 Member
    I have 3 daughters, 7, 5 and 2. I had lost all the baby weight after my last daughter but then went through some stressful times and gained 35 pounds from eating while depressed.

    You can all add me too.
  • a_nunez89
    a_nunez89 Posts: 6
    Hi, add me as well. I have a 7 month old daughter and Im trying to lose the 30 pounds I gain from being pregnant along with an additional 15.