When People Trip...



  • BigCed77024
    BigCed77024 Posts: 1,115 Member
    ...I laugh.

    You can't analyze it. It's just funny. Even if they get hurt, I still laugh while I am helping them.

    I'm just twisted. But, come on, it's funny.

    I think its just natural to laugh. If someone laughs at me i don't trip. One time I was walking with this superfine girl and fell on my hiney. She laughed until she cried!
  • Oliviamarie05
    Oliviamarie05 Posts: 528 Member
    I laugh too. Actually, I laugh whenever someone hurts themselves, including myself. I cry first, then laugh after.

    Unless it's an emo, then I don't laugh. I find band-aids.
  • ScottyNoHotty
    ScottyNoHotty Posts: 1,955 Member
    This is why I still watch re-runs of the **** Van *kitten* Show....sometimes he trips on the ottoman, sometimes he doesn't....
  • scubachick2287
    I haven't tripped in a while but I did fall over on my bike yesterday while trying to take a picture of the sky (there was a storm brewing.) I laughed at myself and peddled on. Elderly people falling? There is NOTHING funny about that.
  • vabrewer33
    vabrewer33 Posts: 185
    This is why I still watch re-runs of the **** Van *kitten* Show....sometimes he trips on the ottoman, sometimes he doesn't....

    haha keeps you on your toes...you never know until the last second! :)
  • emmy3111
    emmy3111 Posts: 482 Member
    ...I'm one of those über-empathetic people who feels everyone's pain... so I have trouble even watching "America's Funniest Videos"... I can't stop cringing!

    I'm just like my mom...
  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    I didn't trip today, but I did go over on my ankle. Thankfully nobody saw me. But I now have a cast from my knee to my toes, 'cause I've managed to fracture my meta- whatzit.
    And yes I did laugh, I'm such a clutz.:laugh:
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    Trip? Oh, I thought you meant like....



  • cinnamon_gurl
    I make sure they're not (too) hurt before I laugh, but yeah I laugh at them
  • BeebsAbs
    BeebsAbs Posts: 101 Member
    3 weeks ago at the airport, i saw a large lady running to catch her flight from down the corridor.
    As soon as she got about 5 meters away SLAP faceplant on the ground, so close to me i burst out laughing and people around me looked at me disgusted!

    i thought it was hilarious!
  • spynoodle
    spynoodle Posts: 404
    Tripped on my way downstairs a couple of years ago. Had a double Jack Daniels OTR in my hand. Didn't spill a drop. I've got skills.

    Similarly, I once fell into a pool in Las Vegas with one of those giant drinks in my hand. I went completely under, but somehow my hand AND GLASS were completely dry! I was like the Statue of Liberty!
  • impyimpyaj
    impyimpyaj Posts: 1,073 Member
    When I was 12, it was raining one day and I had to go to the bottom of the hill to get something. I was hopping down across the grass with my umbrella pretending to be Mary Poppins. Next thing I know my feet are up over my head and I landed flat on my tailbone. My mother stood at the kitchen door laughing so hard she was crying, as I lay there immobile in the rain. I'm pretty sure I fractured my tailbone. She couldn't stop laughing long enough to help me back to the house.

    But I don't hold any ill will over it. Because it was HILARIOUS. :laugh: People falling is always funny.
  • va_va_voom
    va_va_voom Posts: 467 Member
    Me too!! There was the funniest episode of Rob Dyrdek Ridiculousness the other night and the segment was called "Ghost Hole" where people just randomly trip over nothing visible. I about peed my pants laughing!!

    I watched that with my husband. We were cracking up! :laugh:
  • foodfight247
    foodfight247 Posts: 767 Member
    I always cringe when I see people trip up. I don't like seeing people get hurt, but I always smile quietly to myself too. lol

    Although something that I could not resist laughing at the other week was a business woman - Immaculately dressed in heels too, tall, head held high.....until she walked over a grate and got her heel stuck. Doesn't sound too funny but the actual funny part was when she was on all fours trying to get the darn shoe out of the grate!. haha.
  • _hi_hat3r_
    _hi_hat3r_ Posts: 423 Member
    I laugh at myself when I fall...its hilarious