Anyone ride a Trek bicycle?

Anyone ride a Trek bicycle? What style? If so- do you like it, would you recommend the brand? Why or why not?

I recently crashed my old bike I used to exercise and for short commutes, and want to upgrade to a nicer new one. The one I was using wasn't terrible, but it was at least 15 years old and not worth repairing.

I've been looking around some different bike shops, and like the price and style of some of the Trek bikes, but don't know anyone that rides one.



  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Anyone ride a Trek bicycle? What style? If so- do you like it, would you recommend the brand? Why or why not?

    I recently crashed my old bike I used to exercise and for short commutes, and want to upgrade to a nicer new one. The one I was using wasn't terrible, but it was at least 15 years old and not worth repairing.

    I've been looking around some different bike shops, and like the price and style of some of the Trek bikes, but don't know anyone that rides one.

    I've had one for a whopping 1 week! Love it so far. I got the 7.1 FX Hybrid Fitness bike. I've done a couple of trail rides of 12 and 16 miles in mixed use trails with multiple surfaces from paved to gravel and it's performed well. It's very light and I like that. Fairly comfortable too if fitted properly. they have a good reputation for quality and customer service. Hope this helps!

    PS: My profile pic is me on it on my first trail ride last week.
  • jennalink807
    jennalink807 Posts: 226 Member
    Anyone ride a Trek bicycle? What style? If so- do you like it, would you recommend the brand? Why or why not?

    I recently crashed my old bike I used to exercise and for short commutes, and want to upgrade to a nicer new one. The one I was using wasn't terrible, but it was at least 15 years old and not worth repairing.

    I've been looking around some different bike shops, and like the price and style of some of the Trek bikes, but don't know anyone that rides one.

    I've had one for a whopping 1 week! Love it so far. I got the 7.1 FX Hybrid Fitness bike. I've done a couple of trail rides of 12 and 16 miles in mixed use trails with multiple surfaces from paved to gravel and it's performed well. It's very light and I like that. Fairly comfortable too if fitted properly. they have a good reputation for quality and customer service. Hope this helps!

    PS: My profile pic is me on it on my first trail ride last week.

    Thanks for responding! The 7.1 FX is actually one of the ones I was looking at- it's great to see that you are happy with yours. :) That's really helpful- thanks!
  • lizzyheath09
    lizzyheath09 Posts: 18 Member
    I have the Lexa SLX and LOVE LOVE LOVE it!
  • Amber50lbsDown
    Amber50lbsDown Posts: 255 Member
    My SO has a Trek and I love it. I have a Giant and its ok but I steal his every chance I get lol
  • mildew33
    mildew33 Posts: 2 Member
    I have a 15 year old trek that I use as my commuter bike (I also have a racing bike). Clearly, its held up very well. Its a nice hybrid style and does everything I need it to do. They're a good company.
  • kaylarachellee
    kaylarachellee Posts: 201 Member
    I have a trek 5000 carbon fiber!! Its an awesome road bike!! and super light!
  • lvhuse
    lvhuse Posts: 18 Member
    I love my Trek and would buy another. I have an older hybrid model and it handles really well, and holds up better than I do to crashes! It does well on most surfaces, but loose/unmaintained gravel trails aren't so great; the bike is too light and the tires too thin and it can get a little squirrely. BUT those really aren't the sort of surfaces you should be taking a hybrid on, anyway! Learned that the hard way. But again, I love my Trek. Good bike!
  • knightreader
    knightreader Posts: 813 Member
    love my trek! i have a 7.3 (maybe?) hybrid. it is 7.something. i don't know but love it. got mine on the recommendation of my neighbor after my doctor told me cycling was one of the only exercises i should be doing. i tried his out, and shortly got my own. it was a bit out of my price range at the time, but looking back well worth all the saving i did for it. would recommend the brand without hesitation.

    good luck.
  • frogman4591
    frogman4591 Posts: 135
    I ride a Trek 7200 Hybrid. I have had it for four years and have logged about 3,000 miles. I use it mainly for my commute to work, but also began to do recreational riding this year.
  • timvickroy
    timvickroy Posts: 12
    Trek makes good bikes. As does Specialized, Cannondale and just about any other brand you find at a Bike Shop (not Wal-Mart or other mass retailer). The most important thing about any bike you buy is how well it fits you and how comfortable you are riding it. Because if you aren't comfortable, you won't ride.

    Go to your Local Bike Shop and test ride a few different models and styles (hybrid, road, etc.). Have the sales person adjust the bike so that it fits you well on the test ride. See what type you like then figure out the make and model. It's also a good idea to know about how much you want to spend. Understand that this number may change as you actually discover what you really want.

    Have fun!
  • Starqueg
    Starqueg Posts: 39
    I have one and love it, but I couldn't tell you the model number. My mom bought a pair of Trek bikes about 30 years ago for her and my dad. I took hers after she moved out and left it behind. It's the tiniest bit too big for me (we're 3 inches apart in height), but I can still ride it comfortably. My dad rides his almost every day and it's in great shape still.
  • zoom2
    zoom2 Posts: 934 Member
    If you gave me a Trek I would sell it and buy something from a manufacturer that doesn't refuse to honor their warranty. I grew up in the land of Trek, but I can't see ever buying one after following this saga and a couple of similar epically shocking tales:

    I know several people who have had warranty claims on Specialized and Cannondale bikes and have had wonderful experiences--my DH, included. His Spec. Roubaix Pro developed a crack in the carbon where the top tube and seat tube meet when it was 4-5 years old and they replaced the entire frame, no questions asked.

    Trek has gotten a bit too big for their britches. They've lost a lot of respect from myself and other serious cyclists, as a result. When a company gets so large and popular that they no longer feel the need to stand behind their product...well, that's pretty reprehensible, IMO.
  • zoom2
    zoom2 Posts: 934 Member
    As far as what to recommend...from everything I have heard in the past year I would look at Giant or Felt, if money is any object. They seem to offer the most bang-for-the-buck and everyone I know with bikes from these brands is really happy. My LBS's big brand is Cannondale and I have Cdale road and mountain bikes. I also have a Redline cyclocross bike, which is my favorite bike of the 3. My favorite shop also carries Surly, Salsa, Gunnar, Ridley, and Seven--all awesome brands. I'd about kill for a custom Seven Mudhoney in titanium with disc brakes and 2 sets of wheels...light ones with skinny road tires and heavier ones with cyclocross tires, so that I could easily swap wheels for just about any terrain. :love: *sigh*
  • sbracy
    sbracy Posts: 4
    I tired out the Trek, Specialized, and Giant bikes.

    Out of all of them, I enjoy the Giant the best. I have the Giant Avail with full 105 components and carbon fiber fork/seat post.

    My second pick was the Trek, but I suggest you ride different brands and see which fits your the best.

    Note: Giant makes Trek