Muscle Milk vs. Whey Protein

I am going to be joining a local gym in July and start weight training. I have been researching on both Muscle milk and Whey Protein for my post workout supplement. Both seem to have their benefits and disadvantages and Muscle Milk seems to get better reviews as far as taste, but I was wanting to get what you MFPer's thought about both products. I do realize ultimately it comes down to my own preference, but I would like to hear any pros and cons others might have to say about these two products.



  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    The muscle milk probably tastes better but it's got a bunch of carbs and fat in there. If you can stand the taste, you can get whey powders that are basically zero carb and little to no fat. They might not taste as good but you get a lot more bang for your nutritional buck. All depends on what you're looking for. Gaspari, ON, Nature's Best, etc all make powders that are like 110-140 calories per scoop with 25g of protein. I know there's a bunch of different muscle milks but they don't seem to come close (usually 150-180 calories for 15-20g of protein).
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    I am going to be joining a local gym in July and start weight training. I have been researching on both Muscle milk and Whey Protein for my post workout supplement. Both seem to have their benefits and disadvantages and Muscle Milk seems to get better reviews as far as taste, but I was wanting to get what you MFPer's thought about both products. I do realize ultimately it comes down to my own preference, but I would like to hear any pros and cons others might have to say about these two products.


    Muscle Milk is overpriced and not of the best quality. First you want a whey that is made via the CFM process. If you go with a retail brand, Optimum Nutrition's 100% Whey is just whey and of pretty good quality. If you want to save a little money and buy online then checkout www.TrueNutrition.Com.
  • pgp90xer
    pgp90xer Posts: 219 Member
    I so agree with above... it is over priced. I use GNC's brand at home where I use it with a blender with added fruit but here in my office where I need an easy to shake and mix, I use Body Fortress Whey Protein from Walmart. Its easy on the price for a small container and has 25g or protein for one scoop or double that if you like. One scoop contains 130 cals, 2.5g of fat and 3g carbs. Not bad I figure. I get the cookies and cream, it tastes pretty good.
  • rando348
    rando348 Posts: 22
    muscle milk is way overpriced. Just buy cheap whey. Costco and walmart both sell it. If you are really concerned about taste the champion nutrition brand is freaking awesome and the whey profile is good. Buy it online its cheaper. It'll still be cheaper than frickin muscle milk.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I agree with everyone else- but just a general tip...every month GNC (and stores like it) go through their stock and mark down the products that are within a couple months of expiring- if you go in and ask when they do their mark downs, and go in on those days (usually the very end/beginning of the month) you can get really good deals on more expensive protein. The trick is, every store has their own gang of people that know this trick, so you have to beat those people to the punch. The protein is still perfectly good, and unless you plan on keeping it in your cabinet for an extended time there is really no downside.

    Source: I used to work there a while ago.
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    FYI, there's really no need for a PWO supplement. They're a convenient way to hit your daily protein goals, but you will progress just as well with real food.
  • sapalee
    sapalee Posts: 409 Member
    I got a sample packet of Muscle Milk recently and was not impressed at all, at the flavor, texture, or ingredients.