confused on how much I should be eating..

I am so confused.. i think i am not understanding the information given to me via mfp.. above the newsfeed today it says:

My goal is 1200

My food today is 1277

My exercise is -1073

My net is 204

My current weight is 188.. Im 5'5''.. My loss is set at 1.5lbs per week.. in order to obtain that - should I eat "my net" BACK to 1200 (where as right now it says 204)?? When I looked at my goals section it showed a bunch of calculations that confused me.. and being stuck without losing weight with all the exercise I do (about 2 hrs per day - 6 days a week) - I am trying to figure out what's up and would like to be properly feed my body..

(i did try the search function but couldnt find the clear answer i needed).


  • vicki81868
    vicki81868 Posts: 262 Member
    Warning: you are going to get a TON of differing opinions on this and some will be quite emphatic about their position!

    I didn't log or eat my exercise calories for the first 5 months I was on here. And I have no regrets. I was enjoying a steady 1-2 pound a week loss and didn't feel deprived or anything, though my calories were set at 1450.

    A couple weeks ago, I got a heart rate monitor and began to really track my calorie burn. The calories MFP estimates for calories burned is much higher than my HRM says, so I'm going with the HRM. I now allow myself to eat anything over and above a 200 calorie burn. In other words, if I burn 380, I'll eat back 180 of it.

    Still losing 1-2 pounds per week and still not feeling deprived. And when I know I'm going out and will be eating more, it makes me work out that much harder. It's working for me. And that's what you will need to figure out...what works for YOU.
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    You couldn't find a clear answer because there are a million different opinions. 1200 calories is not a lot to begin with-if you're netting 200-that's the equivalent of eating almost nothing. If you're working out 12 hrs a week and netting 200 calories a day-it's no wonder you're not losing weight and kind of a miracle that you have enough energy to be upright.

    Eat something-preferably at least another 1000 calories-although if you're working out that much you really might want to up your goal to something in the neighborhood of 1500-1600. I've done exactly zero calculations to come up with that figure-but you're eating nowhere near enough.
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    I am so confused.. i think i am not understanding the information given to me via mfp.. above the newsfeed today it says:

    My goal is 1200

    My food today is 1277

    My exercise is -1073

    My net is 204

    My current weight is 188.. Im 5'5''.. My loss is set at 1.5lbs per week.. in order to obtain that - should I eat "my net" BACK to 1200 (where as right now it says 204)?? When I looked at my goals section it showed a bunch of calculations that confused me.. and being stuck without losing weight with all the exercise I do (about 2 hrs per day - 6 days a week) - I am trying to figure out what's up and would like to be properly feed my body..

    So you would then have to eat another 1000 calories. I would just make it easier on myself and just eat about 1500 calories regardless. Keep doing exercises and see how weight loss goes.
  • Thank you for the answers.. I have done the route where I didn't track food - and did well, but wanted to "fine tune" my eating.. it does work, but i needed some tweaking.. so I started tracking ..

    Vitaminddd - that's what I was suspecting.. I saw so many different numbers and starting realizing that I had to be misunderstanding somewhere along the line.. on the goal page I saw something about a deficit of 1000 calories and thought that meant I needed to have a 1000 deficit per day below my calorie goal to lose 2lbs a week.. then i realized how starving I am and thought perhaps i needed to ask for help.. I manage to stay upright but have been tired and not clear thinking lately.. and frankly quite *****y... gonna see to it that i eat up to my 1200.. I would love to lose 10 lbs a week but I know 1-2 is the best long term.. and that means i get to feed my face some more!! yay!!!! :)
  • michelleepotter
    michelleepotter Posts: 800 Member
    Thank you for the answers.. I have done the route where I didn't track food - and did well, but wanted to "fine tune" my eating.. it does work, but i needed some tweaking.. so I started tracking ..

    Vitaminddd - that's what I was suspecting.. I saw so many different numbers and starting realizing that I had to be misunderstanding somewhere along the line.. on the goal page I saw something about a deficit of 1000 calories and thought that meant I needed to have a 1000 deficit per day below my calorie goal to lose 2lbs a week.. then i realized how starving I am and thought perhaps i needed to ask for help.. I manage to stay upright but have been tired and not clear thinking lately.. and frankly quite *****y... gonna see to it that i eat up to my 1200.. I would love to lose 10 lbs a week but I know 1-2 is the best long term.. and that means i get to feed my face some more!! yay!!!! :)

    Yeah, no, deficit does not mean "fewer calories than your goal." Here's a few vocabulary words for you:

    BMR - How many calories your body needs to simply stay alive, even if all you did was lie in bed all day long. This is the energy your body uses to keep your heart beating, etc. This varies based on your age, gender, weight, and % body fat.

    TDEE - Your BMR + the calories you burn during your normal daily activities. This is going to be lower if you are sedentary, higher if you are very active.

    Deficit - The difference between your TDEE and your daily goal. So if your TDEE is, say, 1700, and your daily goal is 1300, then your deficit is 400. That's energy your body is using, but you are not eating back.

    Some people account for their exercise when they set their daily goal, so they always eat the same no matter what -- they don't eat back exercise calories. Some people have a set amount that they eat on exercise days, and another for non-exercise days. And other people keep track of how many calories they burned that day, and adjust their goal based on that (which MFP does automatically for you).

    Whichever way you do it, if you are burning 1000 calories in exercise each day you definitely need to provide your body with enough fuel to do that!
  • Do you normally work out and burn about 1000 calories per day?
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    For the love of God, please eat back at least half of those exercise calories.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Thank you for the answers.. I have done the route where I didn't track food - and did well, but wanted to "fine tune" my eating.. it does work, but i needed some tweaking.. so I started tracking ..

    Vitaminddd - that's what I was suspecting.. I saw so many different numbers and starting realizing that I had to be misunderstanding somewhere along the line.. on the goal page I saw something about a deficit of 1000 calories and thought that meant I needed to have a 1000 deficit per day below my calorie goal to lose 2lbs a week.. then i realized how starving I am and thought perhaps i needed to ask for help.. I manage to stay upright but have been tired and not clear thinking lately.. and frankly quite *****y... gonna see to it that i eat up to my 1200.. I would love to lose 10 lbs a week but I know 1-2 is the best long term.. and that means i get to feed my face some more!! yay!!!! :)

    If you are using MFP to calculate your daily calorie allowance, then it assumes that you will add (and eat) the extra calories burnt from exercise. Otherwise you risk not eating enough to keep your body healthy. The fact that you are tired and not thinking clearly is a pretty good clue that this is happening.
    Try eating enough calories that your remaining calorie number is 0 (or close to it). All the numbers we are working with are estimates, so don't panic about eating exactly that number - a bit over or under it is fine.
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    I'd say to eat back at least half too. On heavy burn days you'll be weakening your body unnecessarily otherwise and your muscles will need the extra protein.
  • If you are using MFP to calculate your daily calorie allowance, then it assumes that you will add (and eat) the extra calories burnt from exercise. Otherwise you risk not eating enough to keep your body healthy. The fact that you are tired and not thinking clearly is a pretty good clue that this is happening.
    Try eating enough calories that your remaining calorie number is 0 (or close to it). All the numbers we are working with are estimates, so don't panic about eating exactly that number - a bit over or under it is fine.

    see that's what I wasn't clear on.. I wasn't purposely starving myself.. just not understanding what my remaining calorie number needed to be in order to hit the 2lb loss a week.. so according to MFP and their calculations ( I chose to let set the calories and not customize it) In order to lose the set amount my remaining calories should be 0 (or close to it).. whatever my goal is - depending on my exercise per day - I need to zero it out.. Im shocked now that I understand how low my calories were.. crazy.. Im thankful I decided to ask before I did my body long term damage!!

    For the person who asked - yes - 6 days a week I generally burn 1000 calories in exercise..
  • chazzman
    chazzman Posts: 1
    i am a new member and took it to mean that the base calorie total i am allowed is the number i use to hit the weekly weight loss goal, the additional calories are what my excerise has allowed me extra to take in for that day and still be in line with my goal. My intention would never be to eat that entire extra allowance but i certianly might have a little of it, maybe a treat as a reward. The biggest thing i see as a new member is that the calores that they give for certain excersizes seems to be overly generous and could trick you into taking in more calories than you should, my thought is to manually adjust downward by 1/3 the excercize calories
  • well like others said- you have to compensate for exercise to some degree otherwise your body isn't getting proper nutrition for normal daily function.. Im thankful I now know what is what with all the confusing numbers.. i have 1200 as an allowance to lose weight 1.5 lbs a week.. and with 1000 of exercise - I need to eat 2200 calories to have a net of 1200.. which is the same if I didn't exercise and ate just 1200 calories.. i lose weight eating 1500 - so 1200 def would be doable for me.. however exercising and eating a bit more to compensate is much healthier than eating 1200 to lose weight and NOT exercising... this is a great, and helpful community :)