Pretty Close To Throwing In The Towel



  • Perfectdiamonds1
    Perfectdiamonds1 Posts: 347 Member
    I'm feeling the same way. Sitting here in tears after getting on the scale this morning. Keep telling myself dont give up, it takes time. The sweat and pain and for what? Gaining 3 pounds back. But I'll keep trying. Dont give up, one thing for sure you are feeling better.
  • Melindabj
    Melindabj Posts: 5 Member
    Please don't give up on your health! You have clearly struck a chord with many people and you have the advice and support of all of us. We have ALL experienced the frustration of weight loss and I believe that's because we don't fully understand it. It's not simple. But one thing that I am sure of.....eating healthy natural foods and exercising regularly is in our best interest. Keep up the hard work, consider the great advice offered here and think about where you want to be in the next 10, 20, 30+ years. Good luck and good health!
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    Don't give up...something else may be going on...I don't agree that you may not be eating enough calories, but that's just me. But you may just need to change it up some. I stopped losing , changed it up some and now I'm back to losing. I will stick with what I'm doing now for another week or so then change it up again. Just so my body doesn't get used to the same thing all the time. Usually I'm adding or subtracting calories. And I change up my exercise. I'm hoping to avoid the stalling, not sure if it will work but I've got to try it. Good luck and come back often
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    If quitting is an option you should probably do it.

    Your motivation isn't where it needs to be; your chance of losing and sustaining that loss is very low.

    Permanant lifestyle change isn't something you can quit. If you can you aren't committed to permanent lifestyle change.
  • lulu386
    lulu386 Posts: 20
    Why not focus on sustainable changes to your lifestyle. Start making small changes that you can keep up without hating it. If you are planning to lose for life - the changes you make have to be as well. The changes you make to your lifestyle, have to last. Even once the weight is off, you may not have to be as strict, but you have to continue a lifestyle that perpetuates a healthy fit body.

    If you are going to throw in the towel after a month and because of small obstacles.. you may not be ready to make a transformation. Not everyone is. Change is a challenge and you have to be ready mentally to endure.

    I hope you find your mojo and can make the lifestyle changes that will bring you closer to the body you want.

    The scale is an awful tool to use by itself. Have you taken pictures and measurements? Tried on old clothes? You have to decide if you are willing to make sacrifices for what you want.

    If change was easy... not of us would be using a website such as this.

    Good Luck.


    THIS ^ says it best. A month is not long enough to see drastic changes. Remember your body needs to adjust to the changes that you are making. Besides don't count solely on the scale because you may be gaining muscles and muscles weighs more than fat. Record your measurements and try to figure out your body fat %. Please don't give up!
  • abragg19
    abragg19 Posts: 13 Member
    The key is exercise. Try to get that heart rate up. Keep up the good work with eating better. Don't give up. It takes a little while to figure out where our fat burning levels are.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Why not focus on sustainable changes to your lifestyle. Start making small changes that you can keep up without hating it. If you are planning to lose for life - the changes you make have to be as well. The changes you make to your lifestyle, have to last. Even once the weight is off, you may not have to be as strict, but you have to continue a lifestyle that perpetuates a healthy fit body.

    If you are going to throw in the towel after a month and because of small obstacles.. you may not be ready to make a transformation. Not everyone is. Change is a challenge and you have to be ready mentally to endure.

    I hope you find your mojo and can make the lifestyle changes that will bring you closer to the body you want.

    The scale is an awful tool to use by itself. Have you taken pictures and measurements? Tried on old clothes? You have to decide if you are willing to make sacrifices for what you want.

    If change was easy... not of us would be using a website such as this.

    Good Luck.


    This^^^^^ Well said!! 35 days does not equal a lifestyle change. Best to settle in for the long haul with realistic expectations and sustainable goals. You are doing this to be healthy and improve the quality of life... not to be a super model. A few suggestions -

    open up your diary - you will get more productive feedback. otherwise we're just guessing.

    do you have a food scale? are you sure of your portions? are you logging every single bite? you could be eating more OR less than what you think are you. that can play havoc on the metabolism.

    do you have a HRM? If not.. MFP calories burned through exercise is just a guestimate. You could be over estimating or under estimating.

    In the end it just takes didn't take you 35 days to gain all the weight it's not going to take 35 days to lose it.
  • ashleygx26
    ashleygx26 Posts: 140
    Don't throw in the towel girl... I am now down almost 70 pounds and I'll tell you one thing it has NOT been easy. It's been a *****. I can't lie to you. There were weeks I gained, weeks I lost.. it's a process. It won't happen over night. Just stay focused. That is all I can say to you. Watch what you eat. You may cut calories BUT are the calories you are eating healthy?? What's the fat content like? You just have to always watch what you eat and always keep up on exercising. That is the pathway to a healthy life style and with hard work and determination, you will get there... no one said this was easy.
  • spikefoot
    spikefoot Posts: 419
    If you stop trying you will always be thinking "what if" and that is something that can really haunt you.
  • gayle4882
    gayle4882 Posts: 10 Member
    We need to see your diary if you want help. There are sooooo many things that come into play with wieght loss. Please don't give up!!!! You can do this!!!
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,176 Member
    You said you wanted to lose weight because you deserve it. Now, suddenly , you dont deserve it anymore? You are SO young with so much ahead of you. Thirty five days is a drop in the bucket. Dont stop know you will be twice as upset if you do.
  • Don't give up exercise more. Don't have to be hard just walk fast. Only thing stopping you is you. In 1989 I lost 100 Lbs.
  • I haven't read every comment, but I see most people are talking about food. The kind of workout that you do is important too: if you only do cardio exercises for examples, or always the same routine, you body reaches a plateau and despite your efforts you won't be able to lose more weight.

    I'm NO expert here, just proposing something. I don't know what kind of exercise you do, but there are many workout programs on DVD that are more suited than just doing the same routine over and over again. For example, beachbody programs (I'm currently doing Brazil Butt Lift and I've lost 8 lbs in one month while eating much more healthy on the side => I especially cut out soda to drink almost only water).

    Don't give up! Be patient ;-)

    Also, still way too early to tell. But changing up your exercise routing is VERY important. I only recently started running again but I'm already at the point where my muscles are no longer sore after lengthy runs which means my muscles are used to it. I've now switched to more intense interval training and am getting the soreness back now. It's all about changing things up.

    Another thing: way back I did the Beach Body routing "Insanity" for a month before I gave up on it. But every day with that was like a new routine. I'd suggest a program like that whole-heartedly.

    On food, you should also change up your EATING routine as well. 5 small meals a day does wonders for kickstarting your metabolism versus 3 normal meals a day.
  • I have found this site to be an excellent tool for helping keep tabs on what is going into your body and what is being burned. However, realize that it is not perfect, and that if your ultimate weight loss goal is the one you have put into this site as what you are working towards, you may be starving yourself. Try having little goals, and change them as you reach them. If you are cutting calories drastically, your body goes into primitive mode and thinks it is being starved, so you don't lose weight (I learned this through Bob Greene's book). And don't completely cut out things you like-- you will ultimately go back to them (because you LIKE them!) Allow yourself to have your favorite take-out every once in a while, but just realize that you can't do it all the time. Be fair and add it to your diary though. It helps to see what unhealthy choices you are making in comparison to healthier ones, and for me, it makes me able to choose more wisely in the future.

    I have been on so many diets through the years; I have only been using this device for a few weeks but I am hoping it will help me to condition myself to have a healthier lifestyle and be aware of what goes in and out of my body. Don't give up-- you can stick with it and you will see the weight come off again! You are beautiful no matter what!
  • AND good luck! :)
  • crudd123
    crudd123 Posts: 244 Member
    You said you've been doing this 35 days! I've been doing this for 2 years and have been stuck on a plateau for a year! I'm not throwing in the towel! You can quit and get fatter or you can keep going!