How do you deal with hunger pangs?



  • Jbarbo01
    Jbarbo01 Posts: 240 Member
    How many calories are you eating? I have PCOS which poses similar challenges to weight loss and I eat 1600-1800 calories a day and rarely am I hungry enough to be uncomfortable and I still lose weight. You may simply not be eating enough, you can still lose weight and not be starving. If you are eating at least 1500 calories a day and are still pretty hungry, Id take a look at what youre eating. I find that lentil soup, fruit, eggs, organic beans, raw vegetables, and brown rice are foods that make me feel pretty satisfied throughout the day. If you stick to clean, high fiber foods you may notice that you feel fuller longer. If you eat highly processed foods like white bread, white pasta, corn flakes, etc. those foods wont make you feel full for long even in large quantities. What has helped me also is eating small meals throughout the day. It takes less food than you think to make you feel satisified so if you have a bowl of lentil soup for lunch and some carrots, have a snack about 2 or 3 hours later like whole grain crackers, cheese, and some grapes. Keep eating healthy foods like that every 3 hours or so and it may help.

    Another situation to consider is emotional hunger, for a long time I had a hard time recognizing what emotional hunger was to actual hunger. Emotional hunger can feel exactly like real hunger if you have emotional associations with food. It can take some time to distinguish, but emotional hunger is a craving. You want a certain kind of food. Real hunger is the feeling you would eat anything, you just need some food.
    OSC_ESD Posts: 752 Member
    ~ Perhaps try adding more protein to your meals ... it will make you feel fuller longer ... often the types of foods we consume cause us to experience hunger pangs very quickly after consumption. I would eat something like a hand full of nuts ( no more than a ¼ cup, some hands are bigger than others, lol ) .... but definitely eat !

    Anybody who " deals " with hunger pangs ... eventually gives up ! It's no fun to be hungry all the time ... just find the right foods and eat a little something every 3 to 4 hours in a 18 hr span. If your not happy with your daily choices ... change it up ! Sooooo many healthy foods out there that are absolutely delicious !

    A full tummy is a perfect way to fuel your machine ... how well you oil it is up to you !

    Best of luck ! :smile:
  • galilanee26
    galilanee26 Posts: 39 Member
    ^^^This is great advice! I was diagnosed with an underactive thyroid as well. Atomicpunk1974 is right, the hunger pangs are uncomfortable but push on through those days and it will get better. In addition to hot tea, etc., I drink a cup of Almond Breeze almond milk (original unsweetened) and add a packet of Stevia or 1 T. of Ovaltine Malt plus Stevia. It seems to take the edge off for me and it tastes good hot or cold. I've also found that a cheese stick helps me as well.

    Good luck on your journey! =)
  • aldousmom
    aldousmom Posts: 382 Member
    And with regards to something like homemade do you go about logging the calories consumed on here when you're making your own and basically throwing loads of veg, stock cubes in etc?

    Thanks in advance

    An easy soup recipe to follow is the Weight Watchers Fresh Vegetable Soup (its' all over the web)...the one with swiss chard in it. It has everything listed out, and you can enter the recipe itself right here on MFP to make entering 1, or even 2, servings at time more accurately. It's a very good soup, high in nutrition and if you add anything to it, you can just add it to your recipe it (edit it) on MFP to keep it accurate.
    It's a good start and you can tweak flavors and ingredients over time to suit your personal tastes or nutritional needs.
  • palmerig88
    palmerig88 Posts: 623 Member
    Are you trying to eat healthier too? Like...did you give up something also, like fast food maybe? The first week I used this site I went to bed hungry every single night and I was painfully starving between meals. I don't experience that anymore and honestly have not gone to bed hungry since. I say it is because it is new. Give it a little time and don't cheat. Also, if I am slightly hungry before exercise, I forget about it and earn a ton of yummy calories and end up with a much more satisfying meal sometime later. So that is another idea that might work for you.
  • MissMormie
    MissMormie Posts: 359 Member
    Due to my medication I'm constantly hungry at the moment. Just had a big dinner (ate more than my boyfriend) and still feel like I haven't eaten in days. Listening to my body will blow me up like a balloon (and probably at the same speed as well).

    So I make sure to always have tomatoes around, you can eat loads of them and still not eat too much. As in a kilo for about 100 kcals. Also I eat a lot of low cal quark., about half a liter a day, for about 200 kcals. It has a load of proteins, and stuffs you. Also, nice for me, I can spend an hour slowly eating down half of it. That sortof kills my hunger.

    Try and find out what works for you, is it eating high volume low cal stuff? Or just going through it for a few weeks.
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 888 Member
    I eat if I am hungry...I even eat when I am not hungry. But some days I am I feel that for some reason my body needs more calories, so I eat.

    You said you are hypothyroid, Google Virgin Coconut Oil. I am also hypo and eat coconut oil. It has many benefits and one of them is thyroid function. I need to add that I have not had any blood work done since I have been eating it (5 months now) but I am excited to see if anything has changed. I am on Synthroid right now.
  • HeatherPH
    HeatherPH Posts: 125 Member
    Jillian Michaels posted this on her Facebook the other day, which seems pertinent to your question. I haven't tried it out, but it sounds like a good idea so I'm definitely going to give it a go!

    "Here's a simple, silly, and yet extremely effective tip to keep you from over indulging. Sometimes when we are dieting our bodies go through periods of insatiable hunger. You know that feeling when no matter what you eat you are still hungry? It can be really frustrating. Try a fiber supplement like psyillium husk capsules. When you take these with a bunch of water the psyillium expands in your tummy helping to literally fill you up and curb appetite. Plus, it’s calorie free and helps to clear you out. Literally."
  • DonnaCW
    DonnaCW Posts: 24 Member
    Lots of good advice here! ;) Look for foods to fill your day that will "fill you up".. Ones with fiber (white rice...whole grains, oatmeal). Then you won't be so hungry. Listen to your body, just don't overdo it. Zero foods such as veggies will also fill you up when you are hungry and don't want something that will add calories or fat. Nothing wrong with some green beans or broccoli as a snack!
  • gapskinny
    gapskinny Posts: 5
    Have to agree, try water even with a squeeze of lemon. Carrot sticks work well and other veggies and yoghurt too ! Choose a low fat probiotic yoghurt so you get an additional benefit from it.