How do you...

increase your caloric intake... I can't seem to get over 1300. I try my best to make sure that I been that margin where it screams starvation mode but other that nothing. I mean I try but I don't feel hungry for it.


  • sjbraiqz
    sjbraiqz Posts: 10
    I have that problem sometimes. I started adding more things like wheat germ to low fat cottage cheese or something. It helps me. :)
  • cheesy_blasters
    cheesy_blasters Posts: 283 Member
    I am struggling with that too. I eat big meals but can't quite get there. I've been trying to add more avocados, legumes, even doing larger portions but since most of my food is plant based it's hard to eat a lot more. I'm trying more smoothies with fruits and veggies and protein powder.

    Looking forward to seeing other suggestions.

    Edit-I should add that I'm struggling to get over 1000 or so esp. factoring in exercise.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    Uggggg I hate that phrase..."Starvation Mode" do some research on it. You have to go without or little to no food for a very very long time before you reach "Starvation Mode" if you ever do. When you stop losing it's called Stall or Plateau. Def. not that god awful phrase. Your body will not start using muscle until your below 5% in body fat.
  • StrawberrySt
    StrawberrySt Posts: 235
    Plan your meals ahead and add in some high calorie snacks like Greek yoghurt, avocado, nuts, and use olive oil in your cooking and on dressings.

    Don't eat 'diet' or 'low fat' foods and enjoy feeling fuller and eating better!

    Good luck