Weight Loss vs. Fat Loss

It's important to know the difference between losing weight and losing fat. Ceating a calorie deficit is the key to weight loss and fat loss. Basically, you want to eat less calories than your body burns in a day. For example, if your body burns 1500 calories a day but you eat only 1200 calories a day, you create a calorie deficit of 300 calories a day and you’ll lose weight. If your body burns 1500 calories a day and you eat 1700 calories a day, you’re creating a calorie surplus of 300 calories, and you’ll end up gaining weight over time - which is usually excess body fat. While you are creating a calorie deficit its important to note that the type of calories can help or hinder your fat loss (not weight loss). Next you should determine your macronutrient ratio which is the proper portions of proteins, fats and carbohydrates you should consume each day. Keep in mind that the Nutrition Labels found on many foods is based on a 2,000 calorie diet. I recommend using a food scale and measuring cups to accurately determine your food consumption. Even if you're eating the right foods, it could be a disadvantage if you're consuming too much. Weight loss consists of loss in water but fat loss consists of loss of excess body fat. Resistance training is beneficial for fat loss. For more additional information, please in-box me.



  • Erica_2011
    Great word. I see someone is getting ready for Body Sculpting tonight. :wink:
  • fdavisdarthard
    fdavisdarthard Posts: 13 Member
    Body sculpting was the B.O.M.B. Sorry if I was too light on everyone, I was still a bit sore from bootcamp earlier today. Next time we'll call it "Rock That Body"