Clean eating - ideas for lunch

Ive started taking my own lunch to work as I can save myself 200-300 calories by not purchasing a pre packed sandwich plus i started cleaning up my diet 3-4 weeks ago. Was just wondering what other people have for lunch that they would consider satisfying but healthy.
I'm taking chicken breast in pitta with salad. I was taking brown rice salad x chicke/tuna but I found I was eating this after the gym at night do wanted few ideas plus tuna was but dry without ex light mayo.


  • thin1dayplease
    thin1dayplease Posts: 291 Member
    Forgive me if this doesn't answer your question re clean eating... as I am not entirely sure what it means!! But, I thought I would share anyway!

    I'm eating soup at the moment for lunch. I find this very filling and some portions are quite large at around 400-600g for about 215 calories! A lot of them contain 2 of your 5 a day also. Of course, just have to stay clear of 'cream of..’ soups and watch for sodium content, but otherwise I'm loving them. I also find fresh more satisfying than canned. Soup is perfect for work, just a few minutes in the microwave and its done. Of course, if you have the time you could also look into creating your own! Hope some of this helps!
  • sixfootaliw
    Second vote here for soup!

    A tin of soup is cheap, easy to pack, easy to heat, healthy and keeps you full for longer than a sandwich. There's tons of choice and if you want to be certain of what is in it, you can easily make your own. Try tomato, red lentil and chilli. Yummy!

  • JennMarieFitz
    JennMarieFitz Posts: 73 Member
    The other girls are right about soup, but it also doesn't have to be the kind in a can! Since you're clean eating, a can of soup has a lot of sodium and usually preservatives and chemicals you can't even pronounce. I make my own at home, there's tons of easy recipes and it's usually a quick fix, too! I just put it in a tuperware container for my husband to take to work the next day =) I'm starting clean eating, too.
  • Marie047
    Marie047 Posts: 240 Member
    I generally take a sald tio work, with cold meat and a low fat salad dressing. I always ensure I have 2 different fruits, and I have a graze (UK only check it out which is a healthy snack, my lunch is generally about 200-300 cals.

  • GirlThatTalks
    GirlThatTalks Posts: 3 Member
    I don't know if this counts as clean eating...I'm not up on that phrase! But for lunch, I do a sandwich almost always!

    I get sliced turkey from the deli - about 50 calories for three slices.
    I use Dill Rye bread toasted (70 cal a slice) or now I'm used whole wheat sandwich thins - 100 cal each.
    I'll add 1 tbsp of low-fat, canola oil, or olive oil mayo - even that's too much really! - usually 15-60 cal
    I add mustard - 0 cal!
    Two pickle sandwich slices - 5 cal total
    Sometimes an onion slice or piece of romaine lettuce - another 5 cal-ish.

    Maybe not "clean" eating, but it's always under 300 calories and fairly healthy!

    Also, are you on Pinterest? Check out Skinny Taste for great recipes on soups (low cal) you can make in your Crock Pot and take to work!!

    I'm also looking into Hungry Girl!! :)

    OH - how about grilling a bunch of chicken and cutting it up the next day? Put it in a salad with romaine lettuce, bell peppers, mushrooms, onions, cucumber, light balsamic vinaigrette have a low-cal lunch and YUMMY!!!! That's my other go-to lunch fave!
  • HideNGeek
    HideNGeek Posts: 136 Member
    I cook 90g wholewheat pasta in the morning, mix it with tomato and basil sauce and a tin of tuna, and take that to work and eat it cold. It's about 450 calories and very filling, whilst being a good source of complex carbs and protein, with little fat.
  • lalapurple62
    Soup soup soup for me to, i made a great big pot of chicken and vegetable soup using 1 skinless breast , celery, zucchini, pumpkin onion mushrooms and carrots and it comes in at about 125 calories for a large bowl.
  • sasssurf
    sasssurf Posts: 58 Member
    Clean food is grand. Fresh produce and not applying sauces or goop. I usuassly try and eat my largestest meal. Salad. Quinia my favourite too. Olive tampanade. Like pâté. On really good bread. Good luck.
  • kathrynyoung71
    Clean food is usually food that has been processed as little as possible I think!!
    Soup is a great one, I prefer it in the winter but as a easy soup recipe you can cook most vegetables in a light vegetable stock (I use powedered stock) then blitz it to your prefered thickness, use the recipe tool on here to work out the calories per portion, I make - roasted butternut squash with a bit of chilli, sweet potato with a bit of chilli, curried cauliflower, brocolli and potato, leek and potato just play around with your favourite veggies.
    The other thing I make that is low in calories but filling is a vegetable curry or chilli (I don't eat meat but you could add some chicken/turkey) again make in a big pot and freeze into microwavable containers and serve with a small naan bread.
    During the summer months I like to have houmous with a pitta bread or breadsticks and a big mixed salad with some fresh fruit or I make up some couscous and add tomato, olives, roasted peppers (from a jar) some low fat feta cheese.
    The BBC good food website has a section for lunches and low calorie options that is always good for inspiration... good luck