fat and fed up....

hello all, I'm fairly sure I'm not on my own with the above, I'm just bored of losing the same few kilos and then putting them back on. I want a permanent fix and logging previously has helped loads, but thought I'd try and do it in a community setting this time for more responsibility. I haven't got a lot to say beyond what's in my profile - just that despite having what looks from the outside to be a really awesome life I'm miserable and fundamentally this is caused by my weight (and subsequently affects it) - my husband is a slighter build than I am and I am both taller and weigh more than him and I hate it! I feel like we look really mismatched sometimes and people must wonder what we're doing together! I don't mind being taller but I do mind being wider! Am doing a VLCD in the form of protein meal replacement shakes for the majority of meals with high protein low carb meals when not shaking to shift some weight quickly and to keep me motivated.... Previous attempts have been fine but I normally have a specific event in mind, slim for that and then go back to previous bad habits, meaning that all the weight goes straight back on!

Anyway, am moving into rambling now so will call it quits, but I really hope to hear from anybody who can offer mutual support and motivation!


  • amnsetie
    amnsetie Posts: 666 Member
    open your diary and people will be able to comment usefully
    I think more real food less shakes could be the key.....
  • expandingdangerously
    ooops - i thought it was automatically open! it is now :-)
  • labtracks
    labtracks Posts: 108 Member
    I love your screen name...
    I'm willing to give motivation and support and honestly need it myself so feel free to friend me. I've spent years of my life overweight and actually ended up at an "okay" weight... not great, but not overweight either. I was able to maintain that for about 4 years but then I got pregnant so I"m back to trying to lose weight and nurse a baby. It's been a very big challenge, but I take it one day at a time. I've recently started trying to run which is probably the most miserable thing I've willingly done to myself in a very long time, but I always feel good when I'm done and everyone says it will get better... anyhow, now I'm rambling.
  • amnsetie
    amnsetie Posts: 666 Member
    Your goal for wednesday was 1500 cals
    You have only logged 461
    You know this is not good for you.

    maybe you could join this group

    the more you eat the more you can exercise, and it makes the whole thing easier.

    I suspected the shakes were taking over from the food, but you seem to have only logged one day and it may not be typical.........

    You did do a good exercise that day, this will be easier with food.
    keep at it.
  • zokimit
    zokimit Posts: 1
    Heya all!

    I started my own dieting in April after MANY attempts at doing it the worng way... One of the things that pushed me to try and do this the healthy way was watching the show "The Biggest Loser" and the way they do the training and the food they eat.

    I came to the realisation that yes the healthy way - no shakes or meal replacement's, will help in the long run to teach me the sorts of food's i should be eating and the types i should be staying away from.

    I am currently doing 1200 calories per day, and have found i can definately maintain this if i choose food's that are not as high in calories as others. Ive trained myself to analyse the food i am consuming, and still when lazy can do take away if i stick to for eg salad and grilled fish, or if thai i do mixed vegies with beef etc no noodles or rice.

    I think we all need to come to terms that the only way we get to keep the weight we loose off for good is to make a long life decision to alter our daily food habits. And when doing this you still allow those 1 or 2 days a fortnight for the food's that arent that good but we love.

    Good luck with it all... Zoran
  • sixfootaliw

    I find what works for me about MFP is that I am re-training myself to eat right. I firmly believe that you should stop with the quick fixes and try to eat good healthy food. I have found that I am now making better choices, and even when I 'fall off the wagon' (which we all do from time to time) I still am eating much more healthily than I ever did before! Hopefully this will mean that I am making changes for the long term. Only time will tell I guess.

    Anyhow, that is just my opinion and I guess we are all different!

    Good luck!
  • expandingdangerously
    hey everyone - thanks for your advice, will definitely be have a look/think about what you've all said... I think I need to do something drastic to start and then wean onto a normal diet - I need something motivating to get me going!
  • goldengirl28
    goldengirl28 Posts: 130 Member
    Hi Feel free to add me, i'm UK based, near Leeds

    You need to find the diet thats right for you, i am on the EMTLW diet, but i've done plenty of VLCD in the past, my dieting is more about changing for the future and not an immediate "I must get the weight off now" approach

    But i know that doesn't work for everyone, keep tracking, keep using the boards and i wish you success ;)

    have a great day
  • iamnoangel
    iamnoangel Posts: 57
    You are probably not going to like what I am about to say, but because of my battle with weight since I was 13 yrs old I think what I have to say is valuable. So here goes......DIETS DONT WORK.......and the reason for this is once you have lost what you have set out to.......or cant stand the diet anymore you go back to eating prior to the way you ate pre diet. Personally I feel the only way to have a permanent weight loss is to change the way you eat forever. A new healthy eating plan that contains food from all the food groups, and a exercise plan you can stick with. In the last 4 yrs I have lost 50 lbs and then I hit a plateau.....the support here at MFP has held me accountable and spurred on another 18 lb loss. Now don't get me wrong........would I love to eat all the "fun" food....absolutely...........is my life and health worth more than french fries and cakes and puddings...........absolutely.......am I the only one who can make that decision........Absolutely!!!!! we are all here to support one another.....feel free to add me as a friend if you would like to!
  • sixfootaliw
    You are probably not going to like what I am about to say, but because of my battle with weight since I was 13 yrs old I think what I have to say is valuable. So here goes......DIETS DONT WORK.......and the reason for this is once you have lost what you have set out to.......or cant stand the diet anymore you go back to eating prior to the way you ate pre diet. Personally I feel the only way to have a permanent weight loss is to change the way you eat forever. A new healthy eating plan that contains food from all the food groups, and a exercise plan you can stick with. In the last 4 yrs I have lost 50 lbs and then I hit a plateau.....the support here at MFP has held me accountable and spurred on another 18 lb loss. Now don't get me wrong........would I love to eat all the "fun" food....absolutely...........is my life and health worth more than french fries and cakes and puddings...........absolutely.......am I the only one who can make that decision........Absolutely!!!!! we are all here to support one another.....feel free to add me as a friend if you would like to!

    Here Here! Totally agree!