Looking for accountability/workout partner in Amherst, MA

Anyone want to pair up?



  • vanillagirl18
    I can be an accounttability partner. I would rather do this through email as oopposed to message boards -- they get too confusing!
  • goldk
    goldk Posts: 1,651 Member
    I live in MA but not in the Amherst area. If you want MFP accountability I post a topic everyday called Daily Check In. Everyone is welcome to join! I like the fact that I have to check in everyday. It keeps me on track. Well.... somewhat.... keeps me honest is more like it :laugh:

  • metsgirl31
    I'm in Amherst, but unfortunately (or fortunately for me- I need to get back to NYC!) I won't be here much longer. I'm also a student (UMASS), so my schedule is never the same - i wouldn't be too reliable! Good luck with everything!