I want to lose my belly!

Hey, what are some good ways to tackle the weight on my stomach? that's the main problem , also my face ( but i guess that comes off when i lose weight) ..


  • hlbuchanan
    hlbuchanan Posts: 2 Member
    Bottom line spot weight loss is either a myth or results will vary. Overall body composition changes will happen as the weight comes off.
  • blonde71
    blonde71 Posts: 955 Member
    Probably not what you want to hear but you have to lose body fat all over while eating at a deficit. You can't spot-reduce, unfortunately.

    Find out what your current body fat percentage is (if you don't know it already) and focus on lowering that while eating well. The stomach will get flatter. Hope that helps. :smile:
  • lookitscaitlin
    yup i know the % . lol thanks for that.
  • nickia77
    nickia77 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, my problem is my belly too (I've had five children), I've tried all sorts over the years but the best I've found is just hula hooping for 20 minutes a day, it really is losing inches off my waist & toning it all up :-)
  • reallyregina
    reallyregina Posts: 62 Member
    Years ago I worked out like mad and had muscle everywhere BUT still had a big tummy. Fast forward to the past year. I started to eat very healthy. My weight went even lower than before BUT still had a big tummy. I now exercise AND eat healthy. I didn't see any tummy loss until I gave up almost all processed foods and oil. I think it was the oil that my body didn't like.
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    As others have suggested, you can't spot reduce and unfortunately, some of that weight distribution simply has to do with genetics and where your body likes to store fat. I suggest you don't focus on just your abdominal area or face and try to take in other indicators of success such as how your clothes are fitting, how much energy you have, how your arms and legs look, etc.

    Just keep on working on it, you'll get there.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    If you want to cut fat then you should do the following: set your calorie goal to 20% below your estimated tdee and start doing heavy weight training. You may burn more calories with cardio, but it's been proven that ST will cut fat more quickly as you want to hold onto as much muscle as possible. Because you can't get definition if you don't have enough muscle to protrude through.