feeling desperate

I am usually 8 stone 3 / 115 lbs (down from 199lbs) and i have recently been depressed and signed off work. i stopped going to the gym and have been eating all i wanted this month.

I know it sounds stupid but i have gained 2 lbs ish and am 8.5 now. its such a small amount, but i can really feel it. and i feel like i look awful and podgey (even tho i know its nothing!) I think its cos my head is making me feel a faliure for slacking. I feel like each week another pound will slide back on and before i know it, I will be pushing 200lbs again!!!

I am trying to force myself to do pilates and weights and stuff at home and not drink a cherry coke.! I just really need some motivation to gain back the disipline i had only a month ago! I dont want to give up what I acheieved.

is this normal after about 6 months off reaching goal weight, to get comfy and slack and stuck in a rut?

xxx stay healthy xx


  • interceptor311
    interceptor311 Posts: 980 Member
    I'm feeling comfy (or more comfortable now) and its negatively affecting me as well. Its amazing how success can also stall you as much as drive you. We just have to push through it. Keep looking forward.
  • BeingAwesome247
    BeingAwesome247 Posts: 1,171 Member
    Thing that has really helped me regain control was the thought that I have to treat working out like showering or brushing my teeth.
    It's NOT an option, it's a part of my daily routine
  • _HeathBar_
    _HeathBar_ Posts: 902 Member
    Eh, "ruts" happen to the best of us I think. The depressed feelings you are having are probably not helping the situation (I hope you are seeing a professional for this)

    When I get like this I kinda make some self do the right things until my mind catches up, you know... the whole cliche "fake it til you make it" thing. It works though.

    I'll continue to eat right, exercise and be a miserable b*tch while I'm doing it; but eventually my mind catches up and I start feeling more like myself.

    Good luck to you.
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    I find it helps me a lot to keep on planning goals. Not necessarily weight loss specifically, but other health/fitness related goals. Are there events you like to do such as running a race, doing a bicycle race, etc? It's easy to get complacent after you feel "you've arrived". You can try to set little goals, even trying some new fitness routines, joining some exercise groups, or just focus on working a part of your body like "getting amazing arms" or "getting a 6 pack" or whatever you like. I find I do best when I have something I'm shooting for.

    Best of luck to you.
  • Jonese84
    Jonese84 Posts: 11 Member
    Up until a week ago I was so depressed because it is summer and I feel huge in a swim suit! my mother in law looks better than me... So I started running and stopped drinking any kind of soda. It's been a week and I already feel better!!! I am a few pounds lighter and I have more energy. My advice is go outside. Get some sun and fresh air. Walk/run a little, let it all go. Start over. You look fantastic!!!! Make today a great one. Much luck
  • wantstolooseweight
    wantstolooseweight Posts: 166 Member
    Get outside and get in the fresh air, even if its raining and even if its only a 20 minute walk around the block. I promise you will feel better for it. We all get into ruts and then punish ourselves even more, tell yourself that 2lb is from water you have in your body, swap out the cherry coke for water and get yourself outside for half hour... When i get fed up of the gym I say to myself well go and just do 20 minutes on the bike.... when you get there you usually end up doing a full routine.

    Chin up xx
  • kmende2
    kmende2 Posts: 16
    It happens to the best of us. The struggle is pushing through it mentally. Once you overcome the negative thoughts and get into the right state of mind is the moment change happens. You are on the right track by being open and honest. Nothing is stopping you from starting a healthier lifestyle right now. Nothing! You can do it!
  • tiffanyw5
    tiffanyw5 Posts: 152 Member
    i agree with thepetiterunner give yourself something to do i go to classes at the gym so that i will go cause if its just to go to the gym ill tell myself no big deal but to go to a class i wont not go cause then you have pepole in there that will say hey why didnt you come ya know what im saying and 2 lbs on you isnt much you will get it back off in no time and if the weathers nce go for a walk a run or a jog it helps clear your head hope you feel better soon you look amazing :happy:
  • Foxcyclops
    Foxcyclops Posts: 12 Member
    I would bet that almost everyone except for a rare few go through exactly what you are feeling. Just try and pull yourself back up and if you need look around you, I'm sure you find a friend who has also been there before. He or she can show you the way out. Keep us posted on your progress.
    :-) andy (-:
  • tiffany5839
    tiffany5839 Posts: 104 Member
    Don't feel bad, I get like that every month a week before my period! LOL except I gain more than 2 lbs! We all need breaks from dieting and exercise. Sometimes it's good for your metabolism and when you start up again, you end up losing more! If you're someone who only eats 1200 cals a day, then maybe you should slowly start to up your calories to be able to live off a more realistic amount. When I don't eat enough over time, it affects me and I get depressed and overwelmed like i can't function. That could maybe be why.
  • MamaWannaRun
    MamaWannaRun Posts: 273 Member
    Great advice from everyone.
    If it helps, imagine yourself at age 50. What do you look like? Feel like?

    All my life, I was young and svelte. Then I hit my 40's. I had another child and then two years ago, I put away the scale.
    Well, I woke back up this January and man, was I horrified.. I had gained almost 50 pounds.. and the struggle to lose it is beastly!
    It is WAY harder to lose weigh, versus just doing the work along to the way to keep it off. Please trust this statement!

    So, maybe set some 'life' goals and use me as an example of WHAT NOT TO DO!
  • taliasometimes
    taliasometimes Posts: 301 Member
    thank you everyone! I do feel more positive now!

    I walk a couple of miles everyday to work and back so at least i'll never just sit on my *kitten* all day. Yeah i am gonna focus on arms and abs i think. slowly but surely and forget the scale for now.

  • Poods71
    Poods71 Posts: 502 Member
    thank you everyone! I do feel more positive now!

    I walk a couple of miles everyday to work and back so at least i'll never just sit on my *kitten* all day. Yeah i am gonna focus on arms and abs i think. slowly but surely and forget the scale for now.


    Excellent! Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • nlawing
    nlawing Posts: 36
    Getting comfortable happens to the best of us.

    Sometimes the burning fire of self-improvement in your soul starts to dwindle, and it's up to you to consciously get it burning red hot again.

    Grit your teeth, positive thoughts, let the energy flow and it will happen again if you want it.