


  • terrirz
    terrirz Posts: 53
    WATER, WATER AND MORE WATER, and just when you think youve had enough drink more! I had also pleatued and didnt loose much at all for the whole month of May.. I added calories, decreased my calories, stepped up my excercising etc and nothing worked. So this week I decided NOT to eat back my workout calories and drink a ton of more water and Im down 9 pounds in one week!! I know most of it was extra water weight but I can definitly feel the difference!!...
  • Lipodestroyer
    I've been doing low-carb and I plateaued a little while ago. I just had a carb day (didn't go nuts, just ate the bread witht he sandwich, etc) and then went back to low carb and I've been trucking since.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    I would highly recommend checking out the group here on MFP -- Eat More to Weigh Less. They have articles on plateaus, why are bodies hit them and how to move beyond them. They also provide a lot of great information on BMR, TDEE, etc which explains a lot about how our bodies work.

    I have considered changing the goal to 1.5# instead of 2#/wk but I wanted to get a bit lower first. My goal still sits at just over 1650, most of what i had seen of the whole EMWL group were people that had been given goals closer to 1200.

    Hey there,

    Kiki and I are the Admins for the EM2WL group and we have never told anyone to eat 1200...we suggest calculating your TDEE based on your correct activity level (which many underestimate which is why I say "correct") and then taking a small cut from there...15% max. As a matter of fact if we can persuade past VLCDs to do a full metabolic reset we sure do. :flowerforyou:

    Please feel free to join and take a look at the won't find a word on eating 1200
  • MzVonda
    MzVonda Posts: 87
    I've had a quick look and there's quite a lot of processed foods, I'd recommend swapping some of those for fruits and veggies and maybe tracking your sodium. I never lose weight when I go over my sodium levels, not the same for everyone but that worked for me. Drinking water and loading up on potassium can help too but I tend to avoid it altogether now .:flowerforyou:

    Hope that helps! xx

    This is AWESOME advice because I am having the same freaking problem with sodium! It is killing me so I will have to swap my foods around!! Thanks!
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    Your exercise is great. BUT you eat like a teenager. ( I didn't check your age) Sorry you don't have a kitchen, but there has to be a way. Keep up those fantastic work outs and make a big effort to get something green into you. Even a bagged salad would be better.
  • sathor
    sathor Posts: 202 Member

    Hey there,

    Kiki and I are the Admins for the EM2WL group and we have never told anyone to eat 1200...we suggest calculating your TDEE based on your correct activity level (which many underestimate which is why I say "correct") and then taking a small cut from there...15% max. As a matter of fact if we can persuade past VLCDs to do a full metabolic reset we sure do. :flowerforyou:

    Please feel free to join and take a look at the won't find a word on eating 1200

    No, I said that the people that are often directed towards your group are currently eating at the 1200 target before they are sent your way.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    I just broke a plateau by eating maintenance for a few weeks the bringing down my calories 15%

  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member

    Hey there,

    Kiki and I are the Admins for the EM2WL group and we have never told anyone to eat 1200...we suggest calculating your TDEE based on your correct activity level (which many underestimate which is why I say "correct") and then taking a small cut from there...15% max. As a matter of fact if we can persuade past VLCDs to do a full metabolic reset we sure do. :flowerforyou:

    Please feel free to join and take a look at the won't find a word on eating 1200

    No, I said that the people that are often directed towards your group are currently eating at the 1200 target before they are sent your way.

    Oh, I totally misunderstood.

    Yes, that is true! But all are welcome.
  • xxzimmer
    xxzimmer Posts: 37
    Have you ever heard the saying: "You are what you eat." That's your hold-up. Not having a kitchen is no excuse. I went without one for six months and still ate healthy. How many dishes get dirty making tuna for lunch? Or a pre-bagged salad? Or eggs? Instead of finding an excuse for not eating correclty, you need to look for an excuse to eat right. I.E. "If I make a 100% whole wheat sandwhich with fat free/low fat turkey breast, lettuce, tomato, and mustard then the only dirty dishes is a knife and a cutting board." And you seriously ate 5 pizza slices....come on man. Just because you can get the numbers to line up on the chart does not mean you are eating right.

    It comes down to your daily choices. You either choose to eat right or not. You have to eat 5 times a day like clock work to speed up and maitain your metabolism. Also I would cut out all of the gatorades you are drinking and replace them with water. I drink 7-10 16.9 oz bottles every day. I would look into drinking one gatorade on the long bike rides, and maybe a recovery drink or 8 oz of chocolate milk after a good workout. Also add some unsalted nuts, fresh fruit, and fresh veggies into your diet. Dinner needs atleast 1 serving of green veggies or potatoes for potassium.
    VVEXVVEX Posts: 132 Member
    Don't eat less. Eat better. Try to make one change a week -- a healthy but satisfying lunch or breakfast choice that you can enjoy. I'm confident that's the crux of the problem.

    A simple start: Look at a superfoods list like this one and find one thing you like, and add it in. Fresh blueberries are in season!
  • amandab1669
    amandab1669 Posts: 86 Member
    I looked at your diary and you are eating all the wrong things. You need to choose healthier choices especially if your are eating out. Check out the menu and nutritional value online before you eat so you an make healthier chioces. Also, where is your breakfast at??? You need to start your morning off right with a healthy breakfast. And I do not see any water logged. Sorry to say you are your own worse enemy. :explode:
  • sathor
    sathor Posts: 202 Member
    I looked at your diary and you are eating all the wrong things. You need to choose healthier choices especially if your are eating out. Check out the menu and nutritional value online before you eat so you an make healthier chioces. Also, where is your breakfast at??? You need to start your morning off right with a healthy breakfast. And I do not see any water logged. Sorry to say you are your own worse enemy. :explode:

    I don't use the little toggle on the daily water, it is with each meal, and breakfast and snack tend to merge.
  • xxzimmer
    xxzimmer Posts: 37
    I looked at your diary and you are eating all the wrong things. You need to choose healthier choices especially if your are eating out. Check out the menu and nutritional value online before you eat so you an make healthier chioces. Also, where is your breakfast at??? You need to start your morning off right with a healthy breakfast. And I do not see any water logged. Sorry to say you are your own worse enemy. :explode:

    I don't use the little toggle on the daily water, it is with each meal, and breakfast and snack tend to merge.

    Well break them up.
  • sathor
    sathor Posts: 202 Member
    I did realize something, the plateau seems to coinside with when I stopped having artificial sweetened drinks, IE coffee tea. I just started having tea again, with 1 sugar, 15 cal vs 0 is not too bad really, but I used to be going every day and grabbing a coffee from McD's after dropping my son off at school, which helped suppress my appetite. (I also was getting a sausage cheese mcmuffin too, but when I stopped getting coffee, i stopped that too)

    I am going to start with trying to not eat back the exercise calories, I just finished a 17 mile ride which (being that I am about 225#) will give me a nice big hole that I shouldn't fill. Next time I hit a 10# mark and it has me redo my goal, I'll drop it to 1.5/wk
  • xxzimmer
    xxzimmer Posts: 37
    I did realize something, the plateau seems to coinside with when I stopped having artificial sweetened drinks, IE coffee tea. I just started having tea again, with 1 sugar, 15 cal vs 0 is not too bad really, but I used to be going every day and grabbing a coffee from McD's after dropping my son off at school, which helped suppress my appetite. (I also was getting a sausage cheese mcmuffin too, but when I stopped getting coffee, i stopped that too)

    I am going to start with trying to not eat back the exercise calories, I just finished a 17 mile ride which (being that I am about 225#) will give me a nice big hole that I shouldn't fill. Next time I hit a 10# mark and it has me redo my goal, I'll drop it to 1.5/wk

    I think you are missing the point everyone has been making...

    Change your diet.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    Have you gone back through goal setup again?

    Edit: Never mind. Based on the general consensus of the thread, I looked at your diary. I would highly recommend changing your diet out for one with a LOT more potassium, a LOT less sodium, and some actual food. That's processed-junk city, right there.

    Do what you like, but I don't think you're going to break any plateaus on that diet. Arteries? Yes. Plateaus? No.
  • emcdycus
    emcdycus Posts: 5
    "Nature's Own" puts out a great Potassium supplement. My husband has been getting bad cramps (he is a contractor) and he started taking them, and hasn't had any cramps since. It is giving him what he needs daily to sustain. Hope that helps
  • cortezpj
    cortezpj Posts: 129 Member
    When I saw this posting, I was eager to read the comments, the replies and check out your diaries. I'm actually concerned about plateauing myself and hope to overcome it with some adjustments to diet and/or exercise. But I'll cross that bridge if and when I come to it and also realize that everyone's different.

    Back to your original posting. After reading other's comments along with your replies, I have to ask: Are you really serious? I checked your diary and saw that today you ate, "Charley's Grilled Subs - Bacon 3 Cheese Wrap W/ Lettuce and Mayo" . It had 699 calories and 43 grams of fat. All in one meal ! Again...are you serious??? Like others have said, your diet is terrible and you seem to be missing the point. Just because you burn off the calories with exercise doesn't mean you pack them back on with a vengence if you're trying to lose weight.

    Like others have said, I'm no expert but it's easy for me to see from your diaries where you're taking some huge steps backwards.

    So I wonder and would like to ask, do you see anything wrong with your diet ?

    Good luck.
  • xxzimmer
    xxzimmer Posts: 37
    When I saw this posting, I was eager to read the comments, the replies and check out your diaries. I'm actually concerned about plateauing myself and hope to overcome it with some adjustments to diet and/or exercise. But I'll cross that bridge if and when I come to it and also realize that everyone's different.

    Back to your original posting. After reading other's comments along with your replies, I have to ask: Are you really serious? I checked your diary and saw that today you ate, "Charley's Grilled Subs - Bacon 3 Cheese Wrap W/ Lettuce and Mayo" . It had 699 calories and 43 grams of fat. All in one meal ! Again...are you serious??? Like others have said, your diet is terrible and you seem to be missing the point. Just because you burn off the calories with exercise doesn't mean you pack them back on with a vengence if you're trying to lose weight.

    Like others have said, I'm no expert but it's easy for me to see from your diaries where you're taking some huge steps backwards.

    So I wonder and would like to ask, do you see anything wrong with your diet ?

    Good luck.

    I was hoping he was trolling, but I think he is serious.
  • Nelliebird1430
    You need to be eating fruits and veggies, even if you can't cook them, eat them raw! Our bodies crave them and the vitamins that they contain! The processed foods, although may amount to the same calories daily, do nothing to nourish your body! Good luck!! :smile: