

  • reallyregina
    reallyregina Posts: 62 Member
    Stuff happens. Just look at today and today only. Don't think about the past or tomorrow. Just tell yourself that today you will do good. You can do it!
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    Own it and move on, motivated by your new goal,


    keep feeling sorry for yourself, take up a new series on Netflix, order a pizza and wallow.

    Hope you pick the former. :)
  • kdetmar
    kdetmar Posts: 13
    I am moving on, I do not want to ever get back to 269 pds!!! Fresh start tomarrow with my morning gym session would do!! I will also not weigh in until monday or tuesday!!! thank u for everyone who has posted such encouraging words! At times, I feel alone and that no one can relate to me! Well, thats not the answer, this is a lifestyle journey, NOT DIET!! As long as I pick myself up and move forward!!
  • taxladyhitt
    One thing that helps you to not bing is to eat 5 times a day, healthy meals/snacks. I used to go a long time between eating and found out that's why I couldn't lose weight. Being overly hungry will cause you to bing. Eat healthy protein, fruits, veggies every 2-3 hours and you won't bing. You need to be consistent at it. Or, if you feel a bing coming on, eat somthing healthy before you allow yourself that ONE piece of pizza (not 10 pieces). Also, for females, we need to keep in mind that our hormones fluctuate and at some times during the month work against us. We shouldn't use it for an excuse, but need to be aware that it happens and realize that after a day or two, our bodies will get back to normal and we can go on with weight loss. If you know that that time is coming up, you can be better prepared to handle it and the binges that come with it.