What's your pleasure?

I'd like to hear what your workout/nutrition routine is...and if you have reached your goals by sticking with it.

Having trouble finding something that works for me...need inspiration!



  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    I do more than most.
    6 meals a day (3 are tres petite snacks)
    1000 cals day per doc's recommend
    Workout pre-breakfast, on way to work (flex and release muscles), 35 - 45 min cardio at lunchtime, and sometimes a walk at night. Yes, it's working.

    I'm still heavier than a want to be but I stuffed my *kitten* into some size 4 jeans from Coldwater Creek and they look good, no muffin top (la, la, la).

    I have posted in other posts my daily regime, you can search it and find it :smile:
  • phinphanbill26
    phinphanbill26 Posts: 574 Member
    I lift and do cardio 4-5 days per week. When I lift, I lift heavy. The cardio is always some form of HIIT.

    I eat two small meals a day and a larger portion at dinner (if I'm hungry). I snack a couple of times during the day. I lways make sure to include plenty of lean proteins when I eat. It's working for me (in my opinion).

    Feel free to send a friend request.
  • Thesoundofwolf
    Thesoundofwolf Posts: 378 Member
    I snack a lot. And do either do 500 calorie burn days, or 1,000 calorie burn days. I listen to my body when I can do what days, mainly. And one day of rest and meditation (maybe some light yoga to keep my body warm). I do things like walking (intense power walking, or just regular 'I feel like looking at my neighborhood' walking), to intense programs like Juilian Michaels, or Zumba.

    Food swapping has been fun. Such as my snacking- I've been swapping out the chips, for popcorn (I have an air popper, was worth it), nuts (almonds are love), and researching 'seasonal' fresh fruits/veggies to play with, just as quick examples.

    Learning food has been apart of my life for many year now, applying that knowledge to my new healthy life style has been key to my weight loss.

    By learning food, you have made the first step towards a healthier lifestyle. I can't stress that enough. And it is especially important for picky eaters (such as my girlfriend, its been so hard to find foods for her when she's reduced me to the categories of hamburgers, hot wings, and Chinese food- HA! but I've been working with her, and she's been doing good, slowly but surely).
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I walk. A lot! I'm walking/jogging 1,000 miles for St. Judes this year and I already have sponsors so I HAVE to finish! That and the little boy I'm doing this for is what inspires me. I average about 4 miles per day. I've started adding weight training recently.
    I just bought a Polar HRM and I'm loving it. It inspires me to exercise more.
    As far as nutrition goes, I've pretty much eaten what I've wanted to but stayed away from packaged, processed and canned goods due to the sodium content.
    Whole grain oatmeal with fruit for breakfast, 35cal whole wheat bread with chicken/turkey, spinach & mustard, raw veggies for lunch, any lean meat, veggies and/or sweet potatoes and salad for dinner. Snacks are usually 100cal popcorn, 70cal frozen fruit bars, choc rice cakes, etc.
    My Dr. recommended 1200 cals but I go over that when I exercise more or I get too hungry. Basically I eat 3 meals with 2-3 snacks throughout the day and I try to prepare most of my food myself.
    I have lost 36lbs doing this. :)
  • AnissaAndrews
    AnissaAndrews Posts: 29 Member
    I HATE working out! Which is why I am in the shape I am in! However, I recently discovered High Intensity Interval Training...LOVE IT! I am working SUPER hard for 30ish minutes a day--and I can already (after about 2 weeks) see HUGE changes in my body! I am completely spent at the end of the workout--but it feels AMAZING! The scale isn't showing it yet, but I can see such changes in my muscle tone and strength--that I am super encouraged!
    This is the workout I am doing this week: