My follow thru sucks...

I've been doing turbofire for almost two weeks now. I kept telling myself I was going to see it through to the end. But I just can't seem to find it in me to do it. I really enjoy the program, its fun, goes by quickly, and doesn't really feel like much of a workout. Unfortunately, its that last bit that is getting to me.

It not feeling like much of a workout makes me feel like I'm not really accomplishing much either. Looks like round 2 of Insanity kicks off tonite.

Anyone else experience something similar?


  • bigb1975
    bigb1975 Posts: 3 Member
    Sorry you're struggling! Yes, I have had similar experience. Maybe a year or so ago I ordered insanity to give it a try. First week or two in I was so not into it and didn't like it much. I was working hard, but just wasn't doing it for me. I put it away and started P90x or running, can't remember. Anyway, I'm at a point in my fitness journey where I have some fat to shed. I thought, insanity is exactly what I need right now. No weight training, just something to burn fat. Started a few weeks ago and THIS time I LOVE it!!! Not sure what the difference is, but for whatever reason a year ago, just wasn't what I was looking for. Maybe you're just needing something else to push yourself in a different way. I think it also depends on your goals and what you're trying to do with your body. If it's fat loss, insanity is the perfect workout! Get going on that and see how you feel. If that's not working for you, try something else that does. Best of luck!!
  • CourtLiv
    CourtLiv Posts: 68 Member
    I just think I'm used to something different.

    The problem is, I had already done p90, p90 masters, p90x, and insanity when I was getting ready to start turbofire the first time. The day after I started, I sustained a traumatic brain injury. This last week and a half was the first time I've worked out since my head injury (which was over 6 months ago). Things probably would have been different for me 6 months ago, it would have been a huge change of pace and probably much more enjoyable.

    I think, like bigb said, I'm probably better suited to come back to it later on...