Home workouts?

I have completely lost all motivation for working out at home.. So does anyone have any advice, I do try and stick at it but I seem to be losing interest.

I do pump up dance DVD and jillian Michaels BFBM so if you have any advice for how to stick at it that would be a real life saver..any DVDs in particular you use?


  • hollieam92
    hollieam92 Posts: 197 Member
    Its really hard aswel because of my little one and my other half, I dont like working out in front of people so I do an hour straight after little one has gone to bed but after a long day of everything I am finding it hard..
  • hollieam92
    hollieam92 Posts: 197 Member
    BDMCKEY Posts: 5 Member
    I workout at home with videos. I know it's hard with the little one trying to find time to workout. Maybe your spouse can take the child in another room while you workout. See if that can work. I don't like working out but I don't let my mind get in the way of my goal. So far I have lost 25 lbs.
  • hollieam92
    hollieam92 Posts: 197 Member
    yeah, I kind of enjoy the peace too much and watch crappy tv rather than work out, its hard too sort...
  • LizHowerton
    LizHowerton Posts: 329 Member
    I work out at home with dvd's. I think what works for one person is different for another. Some people like gyms, or running...try something new see if that suits you better.
  • tylkinsey
    tylkinsey Posts: 4
    Can you excesize around your house, like walk your block, or in the back yard?
  • hollieam92
    hollieam92 Posts: 197 Member
    I walk everywhere and do run occasionaly but lets say british weather isnt great and i do DVDs but I wondered if anyone had work outs they used, to their own music rather than dvds because i get bored easily!
  • megleo818
    megleo818 Posts: 595 Member
    Maybe switch it up by walking some days instead of trying to force yourself to do a DVD. Plug some good music into your ears and hit the pavement -- variety is key!
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    If you have Netflix streaming or OnDemand with your TV, you can watch/do a variety of different workout DVD's. So it will give you something new to try.

    Just taking a walk/jog/hike around the block or local park it good exercise. And if you have kids (or friends kids, nieces, nephews), take them to the park and play frisbee or soccer... or join them on the play equipment.

    Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • MissMama5
    MissMama5 Posts: 23
    I work out at home, jog and walk every day. I would maybe suggest doing it in the AM before anyone else is awake? I love morning runs and workouts because it makes me feel great and sets a positive, energized tone for the rest of my day! :)
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    I like the leslie sansome dvds when I am not real motivated, they are easy but you get a good workout. Also why not try just putting on your favorite music and dancing. or finding some exercises on youtube that you can do while watching tv , that might work. Switching it up somedays instead of doing the same thing might help to motivate you. The important thing is to just do something,even if it is a short walk or bike ride.Hope this helps.
  • Schedule it like you would anything else that you commit too. I put my workouts in my calendar so that I am committed to them...it seems to help me....and ask for support from your hubby. Tell him how important it is to you and that you really need his support.
  • lavieboheme1229
    lavieboheme1229 Posts: 448 Member
    I have a Biggest Loser DVD that has Bob INSTEAD of Jillian. Thank God. I also have Zumba for the Wii. Wii Fit is a good thing to do on "rest" days. If all else fails, have a dance party!
  • MeliJean78
    MeliJean78 Posts: 249
    I do a combo of home and gym workouts. Get up an hour before your child and do your workout. I like 30 day shred and I also use a bike trainer on the back patio for cardio.
  • 4thehardman
    4thehardman Posts: 731 Member
    How old is your rugrat? That might help give you some advice. When the triplets were babies and Sophs was not walking yet I used to make them part of my routine by using them as weights. Also buggy pushing (although I think thats probably a better workout with a quad buggy) is a great way to exercise and in the UK there are lots of groups for Prambersize which is fitness exercises with a pram or buggy.
  • rprussell2004
    rprussell2004 Posts: 870 Member
    I do my video workouts in the morning before anyone else is awake. I'm fairly fresh at that point and the day's busyness hasn't worn me out yet.

    I also have a nordictrack that I unfold in front of the TV and watch it as an alternative. It's a lot more interesting than the same exercise routine again and again.
  • www.dailyburn.com has awesome FREE workouts for home or gym or wherever & you can customize your workout, too! awesome site... I was soooo tired of the same DVD's & cheesy jokes on P90X @ home, so instead, I just do workouts on Dailyburn @ home or look @ it on my phone @ the gym.
  • 4thehardman
    4thehardman Posts: 731 Member
    I have a Biggest Loser DVD that has Bob INSTEAD of Jillian. Thank God. I also have Zumba for the Wii. Wii Fit is a good thing to do on "rest" days. If all else fails, have a dance party!

    Oooh I heart Bob Harper. Very easy on the eye when getting sweaty! I love the CardioMax DVD and Bootcamp.
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    Depends on what your goals are. I see, by your tracker, you have some weight to lose. Know that your diet is where it all starts.
    What other goals do you have in your journey to a better you?
  • britaut2
    britaut2 Posts: 19
    Also, i am not motivated to workout at home. I teamed up with a friend and we do it together at her house twice a week. We try different dvds or walk outside. You should count all what you do doing the day as part of your exercise.