Moms and making time!



  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I'm not a SAHM either. I work full time and have 4 boys. My work outs are done at 5 am so I can get them out of the way before everyone is up. Honestly the housework lacks a lot during the week, but making time for myself is more important to me than having a spotless house. You have to MAKE the time for yourself. Really look at your schedule and see where you can fit it in. I workout at home because it saves a lot of time and money. It may seem like a lot at first, but I got a complete weight set for $600, that's less than a years worth of monthly club fees. Also DVDs are cheap and great to use.
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    Just what is a SAHM? And why is it ALWAYS about the moms, and never the Dad's?

    As a single full-time working widower...I have just one thing to say....You Make the time, or you dont.
  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    I'm a SAHM during the summer, I'll be 30 in August, during the school year I'm a full time nursing student. Our son is 5, my husband works full time as well as he has Multiple Sclerosis. I cook 95% of the meals in the house, but Thursday nights during my school the husband is always in charge of that one.

    The truth is I just do it. I usually work out for 30-45 min at a time and some days I get in two of those. Nursing school interferes (LOL!) sometimes.

    I either send the kiddo to play outside or in his room, or sometimes he works out with me (It's pretty funny). Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred is my current favorite. I don't belong to a gym, I never have, but I do go running/walking in the evening after he's in bed and my husband is home. My husband helps out around the house though too, so it's important to have a husband that chips in too sometimes ;)

    You just have to decide to do it. My son is only 5 and he can already load the washing machine, and take his clothes out of the dryer. He puts away socks, underwear and pants/shorts and I hang shirts for him. The entire family needs to work together to keep things running and part of things running is everyone being healthy!
  • 4thehardman
    4thehardman Posts: 731 Member
    I have triplets and a 4 year old. I also work from home. I own a fitbit and it has totally changed how I look at my diet and exercise and as a reslut I have lost around 13lbs since March.
    I get up at 'stupid o'clock' or I go running once my husband gets home at around 9pm each evening with only 1 day off exercise per week.
    Every other day I put aside 20-30 mins for a workout DVD. During this time I put my kids in front of the TV (its the only TV they watch in the week)
    None of my kids are at school or at kindy or with a babysitter. I have no help with them but my husband.

    However, I believe that being healthy and setting a good example for my kids is just as important as playing with them and providing for them and when you look at it like that then we should all find time in our day to make ourselves healthier.
  • up2me2lose20
    up2me2lose20 Posts: 360 Member
    I work at home (licensed child care) and have 3 children of my own 12, 8 & 2. I hit the gym at 5:00am and get that done 1st thing.

    Oh-I workout 6x a week (M-Sa) about 1 hour each session.
  • drasticmeasures
    drasticmeasures Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! I too am a sahm of a 22 month old and I also found it difficult to coordinate the time for myself. I have found that not all exercise can be done in a gym. While I do have a gym membership which I use, I also use my Netflix to utilize kickboxing videos while at home and also while she is eating lunch. Also, dont under estimate the thought that you are definitely being active throughout the day already. With all the moving back and forth, household chores etc. you are indeed exercising. I would recommend getting a pedometer to simply measure just how active you already are during a day.

    Don't over think this process. Use the resources that you already have to get in the exercise without making your schedule any more stressful or full. I do understand and I will be praying for nothing less than success for you! Muah

    Frances Jones
  • Angie_1MR
    Angie_1MR Posts: 247
    Hi Donna! I'm not a stay at home mom, I work full time and have two little girls, a 7 y.o. and a 2 y.o. I am also working on my undergrad degree in nutrition. I work out 5-6 days a week, for about an hour and a half each session. My focus is heavy, heavy weight training, with about 20-30 minutes of cardio (stepmill) each day. I get up at 4 a.m. to get my workouts in at the gym, that's just the best time for me to go, it maximizes my time with my family after work. Yes, at the end of the day I'm dragging, but it's worth it. I am 100% focused when I lift, the gym is EMPTY and it's ME time! You just have to decide how much you want it and make it happen!
  • cspence2270
    cspence2270 Posts: 229 Member
    I used to have this problem too.. and always said that I just couldn't find time to work out, I was too tired to get up in the am and too tired to work out at night. I work full time and have a house, 3 y/o and and husband. But I finally gave in and my alarm goes off at 4:30 am and I am working out by 5:00 am and work out until 6:30 am I do this 6 days a week. I just had to make up my mind that it needs to be done, yes it was very hard at first. But I decided to stop making excuses and work for it. It became important to me, more important then laying in bed in the mornings. I'm still tired at night but at least I got my workout in. I tell myself- NO EXCUSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • danifo0811
    danifo0811 Posts: 544 Member
    I have a 4 year old and a 11 month. I go to a gym 4-6 times a week. 4 days I do classes and then sometimes go on my own. I don't have the discipline to work out at home (I did every morning before kids ). One kid is up at 5:30 and the other one is up to 9:30. I'm unwilling to work out before or after.
  • BeingAwesome247
    BeingAwesome247 Posts: 1,171 Member
    Not a sahm but a single working mom.

    I either get up early to work out or right after work.
    Takes some time to adjust but you work it into the schedule

    My sister's SIL is a sahm with 4 children under the age of 6....she's been working out twice a day. In the morning before the kids wake up and nap times

    Either you adjust your schedule to make time or you don't.
    Pretty simple
  • awolf2011
    awolf2011 Posts: 265 Member
    I am not a SAHM, but I work fulltime and have 3 boys (7,6,& 13 mo.). I work out at night after my kids go to bed. We have some activities during the week, but I mostly try to spend time with them while they are awake and not workout until after they go to bed. Sometimes it is hard because all I want to do is curl up on the couch and watch tv or just go to bed, but I try to make myself workout for at least 20 minutes (cardio) or I go walking for about 45 minutes. Anything is better than nothing.

    Also, if you do the housework and all that jazz, you should consider getting a HRM because as some have already posted, you will be amazed by how many calories you burn just doing housework.
  • cari4jc1
    cari4jc1 Posts: 233
    I'm a SAHM to 3 boys ages 7, 4 and almost 18 months. I don't know about the whole sports thing and having to run them places all the time yet, but here's what I do. During the school year we get up and eat breakfast and take the oldest to school. Come home and maybe do some dishes or other cleaning until about 9:30 or 10 and then exercise for about an hour. (I do dvd's at home.) After that we eat lunch and then my youngest goes down for naptime. I then will do any laundry, cleaning etc that I can do. Sometimes I will even lay down and take a nap myself. In the afternoon I pick up my oldest from school and then have until dinnertime to do anymore cleaning, make dinner/clean up etc. Sometimes my husband will even help me fold and put away laundry or he'll do dishes sometimes.

    You just have to decide that you are going to make yourself a priority. If the laundry doesn't get put away, big whoop? At least you exercised that day and ate right and took steps to being healthy and being there for you kids in the long run. That's how I try to look at it. You can also spread your household duties out throughout the day and just do things in little increments. Try not to put too much pressure on yourself to have everything perfect because it will never be perfect.

    Another thing you could do is see if someone could watch the kids sometimes so you can go to the gym or go for a run. Don't be afraid to ask for help. :)
  • 203MrsB
    203MrsB Posts: 18 Member
    I am a SAHM of 3 (1,3,5) and it is hard between taking care of them, the house and being up at 6am and not getting to bed after 10 to work in working out. However, leaving the house was the only way to get it out of the way.

    I bought an elliptical and I hardly use it. I signed up for kettle bell classes and I pay (a good amount) to go there every month so it keeps me accountable. Try to find something even 1-2x a week to go and use it as your outlet, and for a little "me" time as well!
  • wildcata77
    wildcata77 Posts: 660
    I am a working mom, but I get it. I spend 40 hours a week at work, about 5 hours a week driving to/from work, and the rest of the time being the parent of a toddler!

    My husband and family have been invaluable in helping me find time to exercise. The truth is, your kids need you, but they can give you up 30 minutes a day to have you for 10 extra years. Know what I mean?
  • Wow..This is just awesome!

    Internet was down for about 4 days, then got busy playing Wonder Woman...

    I come back and all these wonderful responses!

    I agree with having to MAKE the time. Or TAKE the time. It almost has to be a little forceful. Like "No..this is MOMMY'S time. Your time is the other 99.785838421% of the day."

    Haha! I'm taking an hour for myself. I'm trying to just wake up earlier, but depending on how late I stay up, sometimes the hour has to be in the middle of the day. And now the boys are home for the summer. So it's the constant duty. But I shall not be discouraged!
    i am not a sahm, however i work full time, have three kids under 12, and a needy husband (so that's what, 2 teenage boys? lol). i'm also a multi-media artist and the busiest person i know.

    the fact is, you need to MAKE the time. period.

    when i started, it was a bit hard for the family to understand i needed my 30 minutes. after all, they were use to me being, well mom. they would come and interupt and i would ignore them all until my 30 minutes were over.

    it took six weeks of consistantcy, but they are broken! lol. now they know to leave me alone when i'm working out.

    find what is best for you. break out your workouts if you have to in 3-10 minute intervals. i read a study once that found women who did this lost more anyway. maybe because they were burning all day? also, find the work outs that work BEST for your body type. i found dancing, jogging in place, and kickboxing worked the best.

    where did i woke out? my room: the kitchen! lol

    at the end of the day you need to make a DECISION to take care of yourself FOR THE SAKE OF THE FAMILY then make tiny decisions each day to support the big one.

    all the best!
  • I'm so inspired and motivated reading you guys!
  • drotarthebarbarian
    drotarthebarbarian Posts: 39 Member

    at the end of the day you need to make a DECISION to take care of yourself FOR THE SAKE OF THE FAMILY then make tiny decisions each day to support the big one.

    Bravo. I am hanging these words on my mirror. It's the tiny decisions that get us where we want to be.
  • purdieang
    purdieang Posts: 43
    SAHM of a 4yo, 3yo & 8mo, I am up at 6am after being woken 4 times a night with the baby, then am out every morning with playgroups and home most afternoons. My husband is home at 5 which is our dinner time. I either park the car a long way from playgroup and run with 2 in the pram, or work out on treadmill/elliptical/bike at 6.30 when they go to bed. I find that I cant sleep when I do the night exercise so its a last resort. I make my minimum half an hour and my max 1 hour then its not hard to achieve, although I am always trying to exercise on a full stomach, but am too hungry at those times not to eat breakfast or dinner! You just have to do what you can and remember they will be all grown up soon and there'll be plenty of time when the're not so young and needy.
  • lyttlewon
    lyttlewon Posts: 1,118 Member
    When I was a SAHM I worked out in the living room while the kids did their thing. If you are doing sporting events do you have to supervise or can you exercise while they are doing their sport thing? I either take mine to the Y or I work out when my husband is home from work. I would rather work out than clean the kitchen anyway.
  • abyssfully
    abyssfully Posts: 410 Member
    Since the birth of my first (he's now 2) I made the switch to working out at home. I'm currently pregnant, but before this I was doing an at-home weightlifting circuit in order to tone/building muscle and get cardio in at the same time. Took about 25 minutes 3-4x/week. I would also add 1 - 2 specific cardio days in, usually intervals (15 - 20 minutes.) Pregnant I had a 25 minute prenatal lighter weightlifting circuit and some cardio that was doing up until 30w (I'm 33w currently) when I was put on modified bedrest/reduced activities. The motto of this is that you have to make the time for yourself! Choose a time and stick with it. For me, it's usually when my son is napping. Once I have two little one's I plan on fitting it in when newborn is napping and **crosses fingers** toddler. I'll probably switch back and forth between working out and sleep :)