Nutritionist bad advice? 1500 not losing!



  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    still sounds like you're not eating enough. If you're eating 1500 -- and burning 500 - you're netting 1000 or LESS -- which is not enough for bodily functions. Your body is holding onto what it's got because you're not feeding it enough.
  • SeasideOasis
    SeasideOasis Posts: 1,057 Member
    I get NET 1600 calories - I've lost 2.8 pounds in 6 days. No exercise. Just saying...
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    there is no way to consistently lose a set amount weekly.
    You also lose much less much much less at a time the closer you get to your goal.
  • seobstar
    seobstar Posts: 169
    Eating 1500 and burning about 500 is too low. You should be eating at least your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate). You probably need to eat a lot more if you are going to be burning 500/day.

    Here is a link to a great group that has ton of information in eating more to weight less.

    At 116.5 I was eating about 1900 -2000 / day because I wanted to maintain. I burn about 400 - 500 calories on avg. I got on the scale today and lost weight. I am down to 115. I want to stop the weight loss so I am now going to be eating between 2100 -2200 calories / day

    You should calculate your TDEE and eat between 15% - 20% less than that amount to lose weight.

    YES! what she said!! read up on this group, check out all the info and then make a decision! It has changed my life!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • FitCurves444
    FitCurves444 Posts: 169 Member
    "I went to a nutritionist last week ...."

    I think you need to give this a fair chance. You can't try something for a week and when it doesn't work right away throw your hands in the air and declare it is not working. Just hang in there......
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    It sometimes takes more than a few days. Give it a good 3-4 weeks to see what happens and adjust from there.


    Unless you think a plan is dangerous, stick with it for a few weeks and THEN evaluate if it's working for you. Too many people change from perfectly good programs because they don't like the results after a day or two. These things take time, (and often, will involve something like adding back in some necessary carbs adding some scale weight because your muscle glycogen stores are finally being replenished, for example).

  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    Are you weighing and measuring ALL your food and drink intake accurately?

    I am guessing that you are eating more calories than you think, or that you are weighing yourself at different times of the day in different clothes (first thing in the morning, naked, after lavatory, before eating or drinking, people!) or that your period is due.

    Because if you are eating 1500 a day and doing all that exercise you WILL lose weight, unless you're some kind of metabolic freak which is theoretically possible but statistically extremely unlikely.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,069 Member
    You're gaining muscle. It's really that simple. I lost 13 pounds by dieting alone without exercising AT ALL last month. This month I started at the gym, and although I feel better and my clothes fit better - I gained back 3 pounds. It's all muscle. Muscle weighs WAYYY more than fat. What you're doing will ultimately pay off and your trainer is right. Also a good thing to remember is that if you're trying to lose weight make sure you eat 70% of your TOTAL day's calories before dinner. In other words, Dinner should make up 30% or less of your total calorie intake per day. I found this really helps to focus my meals and definitely helped with the numbers on the scale back when I was just dieting. Keep in mind that lean muscle ultimately also burns more, so as you get stronger and more toned, you'll need to actually INCREASE your daily calorie intake. Feel free to message me if you have any questions!

    on 1000 cals she did not gain 2lb of muscle, thats just silly.

    OP, are you logging your food accuratelly and honestly?
  • MouseFood
    MouseFood Posts: 169 Member
    If eat my exercise calories back I DO NOT LOSE period.
    Also, I have to eat fewer than 1400 to lose at all ... it just doesn't happen for me otherwise.
  • MouseFood
    MouseFood Posts: 169 Member
    Oh, and I know it says I've only lost 4 lb, but I'm talking about my experience from losing 63 lb several years ago.
  • Byrdsong1920
    Byrdsong1920 Posts: 336 Member
    Give it time...when u make changes like increasing your cals, you may see an increase before decrease. If you are lifting weights, I wouldnt get caught up on scale, But make sure to look at body fat % and also measure your inches and document on MFP.

    Checkout this great video blogs about Eatng more to weigh less:
    Also, watch your sodium intake, drink lots of water and avoid sugar as much as possible. Carbs dont like my hips, so try to control that too if possible. Make sure your journal shows carbs, cals, sugars and sodium.

    Happy journey!
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    I had the exact same issue. I was at 1400 + exercise calories. I lost 55 pounds in 5 months. The nutritionist had me go to a straight 1800-2000 per day. I got the extra 200 if I had a long workout like a 25 mile bike ride. Otherwise, stick to 1800. I gained 10 pounds in 30 days. We cut it back to 1600-1800 and I am losing again. I don't eat exercise calories.

    There is a lot of convincing math out there, but it's your body. 1600-1800 works for me, and I have re-lost the 10 pounds. I also lose more when the protein is higher - I try to keep it even with the carbs.

    Here is my theory, eat the amount of calories for the weight you want to be at, and set your activity level to include your exercise. It works for me.
  • nnoland
    nnoland Posts: 15 Member
    Sometimes it takes your body a bit to adjust. If you are working out a lot your body might retain fluids to repair torn tissues. The truth is that you can go under 1000 calories and be fine as long as it isn't chronic. I would stick to 1350 calories and only eat to 1500 if you are absolutely starving, and only if you are working out. You might just be maintaining and possibly gaining muscle. Sometimes it take just a little jump start and in a week you might just shed it off.

    Remember than 1 lb of fat is 3500's simple math what goes in and what gets used...(I know it's more complex but for us dieters it beneficial to think of it this way).
  • vklebanova
    vklebanova Posts: 152 Member
    You're gaining muscle. It's really that simple. I lost 13 pounds by dieting alone without exercising AT ALL last month. This month I started at the gym, and although I feel better and my clothes fit better - I gained back 3 pounds. It's all muscle. Muscle weighs WAYYY more than fat. What you're doing will ultimately pay off and your trainer is right. Also a good thing to remember is that if you're trying to lose weight make sure you eat 70% of your TOTAL day's calories before dinner. In other words, Dinner should make up 30% or less of your total calorie intake per day. I found this really helps to focus my meals and definitely helped with the numbers on the scale back when I was just dieting. Keep in mind that lean muscle ultimately also burns more, so as you get stronger and more toned, you'll need to actually INCREASE your daily calorie intake. Feel free to message me if you have any questions!

    on 1000 cals she did not gain 2lb of muscle, thats just silly.

    OP, are you logging your food accuratelly and honestly?

    She's working out - regardless of the calories she's consuming .. she's getting muscle.. there's no way around that.
  • Crissena
    Crissena Posts: 13 Member
    Everyone is different but I definitely say you are eating too few calories if you are under 1200. That's why MFP tells you everytime you complete your diary that you are eating too few calories, it is not good! I have lost close to 60 pounds without extreme dieting, just by eating better and less. I have used MFP the whole time and it has been very accurate on how many calories I need to eat to lose. I have found when I do not eat what is suggested by MFP I simply do not lose what I normally would if I give my body what it needs to keep my metabolism going. You really need to give it more than a week or two but you should start seeing results not long after that, and if not you know you're eating too little. When I figured out that I didn't have to starve myself to lose weight I was overjoyed and you should be too! EAT MORE! :)
  • SorchaEilis
    SorchaEilis Posts: 99 Member
    1000 net calories a day is WAY too low, especially if you are working out regularly. I went to a dietician and got similiar advice, and after weeks of frustration (not to mention a serious attitude problem- I get REALLY grumpy when I'm truly hungry), I finally talked to a friend who is a certified physical trainer. She has studied nutrition and has a degree in kinesiology, and fitness and health are pretty much way of life. She told me to toss out the dietician's plan and eat more food.

    You NEED to eat back *some* of your exercise calories. If you don't your body basically say "to heck with you" and starts using muscle tissue for fuel. You can totally sabotage your progress so far if this happens. Contrary to some advice so far, eating 1000 (net) calories per day will not help you lose weight in the long run. It will wreck your metabolism and ultimately you'll gain weight.

    Instead of eating too few calories, incorporate weight training into your fitness routine, or, if you already do weight training and cardio, consider changing up your routines. Add new exercises, lift different weights, try a different program. Doing the same program for a long time trains your muscles into efficiency, and while efficiency is good, it doesn't burn as many calories as a new challenge.

    Good luck, and eat up! :wink:
  • luvsherhubby
    luvsherhubby Posts: 135 Member
    Eating 1500 and burning about 500 is too low. You should be eating at least your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate). You probably need to eat a lot more if you are going to be burning 500/day.

    Here is a link to a great group that has ton of information in eating more to weight less.

    At 116.5 I was eating about 1900 -2000 / day because I wanted to maintain. I burn about 400 - 500 calories on avg. I got on the scale today and lost weight. I am down to 115. I want to stop the weight loss so I am now going to be eating between 2100 -2200 calories / day

    You should calculate your TDEE and eat between 15% - 20% less than that amount to lose weight.

    This!! that doesnt make any sense! She wants you to have a 500 calorie deficit. But You are burning WAYYYY more than just the calories you burn working out you burn alllll day! Googl scooby calculator this is pretty acurate compoared to my bmf/fitbit. This will give you an idea of how much you burn all day. Im 21 5'2 150 and with no workout i burn about 1900-2000 a day. so a 500 deficit on a REST day is 1500! On workout days Im easy eating 1900.
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    It's so frustrating because i'm thinking how do I lose weight without a deficit? So she has to be right but my body is not happy. I don't feel like I am doing this right. She made it seem like I won't lose if I eat them back but the other day I consumed 1500 calories but my net was under 1000. My husband said that I need to eat more and she is wrong. so I went on MFP today and they had me set at 1350 with a 500 cal deficit but that still seems low to me. Do I keep at 1500 and trying eating back some of my calories to keep me over 1200 or try the MFP recommened?

    Go to GOALS > click CHANGE GOALS > select GUIDED >

    Make sure you current weight is accurate.
    at the bottom of the page is says

    MFP will give you the amount of calories to MAINTAIN YOUR CURRENT WEIGHT.

    Any number less than that includes a deficit.

    At my start weight of 175 I was eating about 1790 cal/day
    Eating 1290 calories a day was a 500 calories deficit.
    If I did 300 calories worth of exercise AND ATE 1590 calories (that is still 1290 calories net) I WOULD STILL HAVE A 500 CALORIE DEFICIT.

    I'm a big fan of giving yourself a range.

    ROCK BOTTOM: 1200 cal net
    TARGET: MFP lose 1 lb a week until you get to 1200 call then move to 1/2 lb a week
    TOP OF RANGE; Maintain GOAL Weight
    SAFETY VALVE: Maintain CURRENT weight.

    As long as I stay under the top of my range I'll lose as long as I stay under my safety valve I should not gain, so no need to throw in the towel, just take a breath and regroup.

    I naturally tended to zig-zag my calories I did 2-4 days at 1200 Net then a day at 1500-1600
    Lost slower than MFP said, but it was very livable... so it was much easier to stick with. I even exceeded my goal.
  • TexanThom
    TexanThom Posts: 778
    You're gaining muscle. It's really that simple. I lost 13 pounds by dieting alone without exercising AT ALL last month. This month I started at the gym, and although I feel better and my clothes fit better - I gained back 3 pounds. It's all muscle. Muscle weighs WAYYY more than fat. What you're doing will ultimately pay off and your trainer is right. Also a good thing to remember is that if you're trying to lose weight make sure you eat 70% of your TOTAL day's calories before dinner. In other words, Dinner should make up 30% or less of your total calorie intake per day. I found this really helps to focus my meals and definitely helped with the numbers on the scale back when I was just dieting. Keep in mind that lean muscle ultimately also burns more, so as you get stronger and more toned, you'll need to actually INCREASE your daily calorie intake. Feel free to message me if you have any questions!

    Did you see her age? No way in one week she put on 2 lbs. of muscle.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Well, so far I gained 2 lbs.

    So first have to calm down and do some math.

    2lbs - 7000 calories, 1 week, right.

    If that was fat created, that means you ate 1000 calories ABOVE your maintenance each and every day.
    So you ate your BMR level, you ate your daily activity calories, you ate your exercise calories, and you ate an extra 1000 calories on top of that.

    Think you did that? Of course not.

    It is not fat weight.

    You probably ate enough to finally allow your body to store some extra glucose, which stores with water, and weighs 1 lb per 500 calories worth of carbs.

    I'd suggest that proves you have been undereating, if your body finally had chance to top off glucose stores just eating a tad more. Those should easily be topped off between workouts, unless you went on 3-4 hr endurance event.

    Unless those are really calm workouts 3 times a week, that 1500 still sounds low.