Will anything work for me!?

I have been trying to lose weight for months now. since joing this site I have realized what and how many calories I was eating. I now consume fewer calories but still can't seem to lose weight. I cansume fewer calories than my "BMR" but still don't lose anything. I also joined a gym and am doing cardio more often as well as walking.

Does anyone have any suggestions or motivators??


  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    It would be helpful to post your stats.

    activity level
  • AmandaL212
    AmandaL212 Posts: 6
    activity level: i work as a nurse at a Dr. office. On my feet and running around usually. I know I should be more active but i would say I'm slightly active. Need to increase my gym time!
    age: 24
  • thriftycupl
    thriftycupl Posts: 310 Member
    I didn't check to see if your food diary was open, but if not, you should open it. People will ask. I'm also not sure how much you have to lose, but you might want to check out the group Eat More to Weigh Less. They have tons of great information on BMR, TDEE,etc and how to best fuel your body.

    Good luck with your journey.
  • AmandaL212
    AmandaL212 Posts: 6
    Thank you- I am still learning this site so i am not sure how to do that or what all the acronyms mean! I will check it out.
  • KeepGoingRhonda
    KeepGoingRhonda Posts: 527 Member
    It would be easier to give an opinion if your diary was open. I will say that my loss has always come when I really cutback on the carbs(not eliminate, just cut way back) I tried going by calories only for 5 months and did not lose. Good luck
  • C00lCountry
    C00lCountry Posts: 282
    Are you sure you are measuring your food right?
    I found that you can be off on your calculations and in turn take in more food then you think.
    You maybe consuming to little of food as well.
    Wife couldn't lose weight until we upped her calories.
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    bmr is the calories your heart needs to pump blood and your diaphragm needs to breath in air if you did nothing but lay in bed vegetative all day.

    Do not consume below your BMR or you're starving your metabolic fire of fuel.
  • habu68123
    habu68123 Posts: 78 Member
    You've probably already thought of this but are you tracking anything else? I did a 6 week challenge at a gym awhile back and they did our measurements, & body fat at the beginning & end and we weighed in every week. I'll never forget that one of the "trainers" told my they were sorry it didn't seem to be working for me when I was doing my weigh in but at the end of the challenge I had the 2nd highest reduction in body fat.
  • AmandaL212
    AmandaL212 Posts: 6
    I've been trying to track measurements. like waist, hips, thighs, arms,

    I need some motivation because I get frustrated and discouraged so easily.
  • spearfox
    spearfox Posts: 276 Member
    How many calories were you eating before?
    Based on your height, weight, age and activity level at work your calories should be around 1900 to 2200 per day.
    Any extra walking or gym time would increase that calorie amount.

    I used this to figure your calories.
  • Perrybeck
    Perrybeck Posts: 3 Member
    You might need to eat more. From what I have been able to find out, you should never eat below your BMR. find out what your calorie budget will be at your goal weight and eat that. See if that works.
  • Simone_King
    Simone_King Posts: 467 Member
    I have a question here. Since you're walking and running did you pick the right area when you chose your cals?

    I can get 1980 in a day because of it. (I am a janitor) Yet, don't give up. Go through your food and see what's holding you back. It might be simple things.

    I had to give up diet drinks in order to lose. It's just a sugestion.
  • AmandaL212
    @ spearfox- on here it says my daily limit is 1200. I was eating around 1500 before this. I guess i need more throughout the day to maintain my metabolism and fuel.
  • dalbrown
    dalbrown Posts: 15
    You may be putting on muscle which does weight more than fat so it may be that the scales are not showing it. How about your clothes, are they fitting better? Keep right on going, exercise works!:flowerforyou:
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    Just to clarify, are you eating under BMR or are you eating under your calorie goal?

    If your net calories are under BMR, EAT MORE! BMR is how many calories you need to consume to in order to stay alive without damaging your internal organs and eventually starving to death. Aside from being dangerous, it is also extremely difficult to lose weight because your body will respond by holding on to every single calorie it can get (what the website calls "starvation mode"). This is why a lot of eating disorder sufferers actually gain weight in the beginning.

    If you mean eating under your calorie goal, it could be that you are incorrectly estimating a) calories consumed, b) calories burned, or c) activity level. Go through each of these and look for possible sources of error (relying too much on estimations, trying to fudge numbers, saying you are less active than you are, etc.).
  • AmandaL212
    well my calorie goal on here is ~1200. I usually stay right around that. Also, eating more calories wouldn't be a problem! haha =) but I'm just not always hungry so I don't eat if I'm not hungry. I have a fitness assessment at my gym tomorrow. I should ask him how much I should be eating and see if it correlates with what I've got on here.
  • Chawtzee
    Chawtzee Posts: 2
    I'm having issues trying to figre this app out?
    my calorie goal on here is also 1200. my food in take is about 1828 give or take a few sometimes, and the lowest i have had it was 1111. and i have a gym membership and i go up to 3- 4 days a week to the gym for about 1 1/2 to 2 hrs and ive been drinking lots of water, i dont starve my self, but the weight im worried isnt coming off, is going to the gym good?
    how much food in calories are you supposed to consume each day to keep you body fueled?
    ive had 2 kids one is 4 years one is 8 months, so i know that my motabulism has slowed down!
    people keep saying BMR? im not sure what that is?
    im trying to get to 130lb from 165lb, and this app says i can lose 2 pounds per week, i hate to be annoying, but i need someone to dumb this down for me? lol
    i looked at other sites and they say your suppost to burn off more calories then u take in? is that healthy ?

    Thx Chawtzee
  • danahake
    danahake Posts: 64 Member
    For me cutting carbs and sugar down help alot also replacing all white flour products with wheat when possible.
  • mom2mozart
    mom2mozart Posts: 307 Member
    According to your diary you are eating just about all crap. What you eat matters. You should think of the food pyramid and eat fresh fruits and vegetables - every day. 4-6 servings of fruits or vegetables every day. Cut out at least 1/2 the processed food and up your fresh food. Also, you should be eating 25 to 30 of fiber per day. MFP default settings are too low. Additionally, try to limit your sodium to 2000 mg per day. If you make these changes, you will see results.
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    Have you tried adding in weight training? Upping your protein to keep you fuller? Cutting your sodium down to 1500mg or less a day? Eating more veggies? Eating less processed foods?

    Looked @ your diary no wonder you ain't losing any weight you are eating nothing but CRAP!!! Try eating more whole foods and elimating 90% of the processed junk and you'll see some results!!!