30 DAY SHRED START 10/27/09

hey all!

a bunch of peeps have been talking about starting the jillian michaels 30 day shred (again...) so we thought we would start a NEW THREAD!

feel free to use this thread to keep yourselves accountable for doing the DVD, talk about the DVD, cuss the DVD, whatever you need!

my story: i am S L A C K I N G and i need to S T O P I T!
my answer: do the SHRED as much as possible for as long as possible.

you in? lets do it!



  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    You know I'm in, Heather! :bigsmile:
  • demezat
    demezat Posts: 158
    You know I'm in girl!! I'm not sure I'm going to be able to start tonight like I planned...I have company and they are taking up my living room space...LOL...I should have got off my lazy butt and done it this morning but got to cleaning the house and the next thing I know its time for kids to get home from school...UGH!! In the morning...no excuses!! Tonight if my inlaws leave soon. I only have one place to workout and thats the living room. *sigh* man I need a bigger house!
  • heather0mc
    heather0mc Posts: 4,656 Member
    the only 'company' i have to worry about are my fur kids. my dog gets all hyper when i work out in the living room. makes push ups kinda hard when you have a ****zu below your face! :laugh:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    I am just here to wish you all well - work those butts off!!!!! (literally)
  • kiki2006
    I just did Level 1 last night! It kicked my butt! :grumble:
    I'm hoping to get more endurance each time I do it!
    I am going to my hometown's annual festival this weekend and will be bingeing on bad for you food, any advice?
  • heather0mc
    heather0mc Posts: 4,656 Member
    drink lots of water and try to workout over the weekend. life happens and so does events like that. i say dont sweat it too much, make good decisions, drink extra water and work out! i think you will be FINE!!!


    how sore are you today? :frown:
  • kiki2006
    Thanks for the advice!

    I'm not going to sugar coat it...I hurt in places I didn't know could hurt! I guess that means I'm doing something right! I'm a little nervous about working those sore muscles again, but like Jillian says in the workout, it's a good thing. I'm hoping I can make it through the whole thing without cheating!
  • heather0mc
    heather0mc Posts: 4,656 Member
    when i did it, way back when (:blushing:) i absolutely could not do the whole thing thru 100% correctly. i mean, i couldnt even do 5 push ups! and i was more sore than i thought possible!!!

    back then, i was on another thread and the people who actually did it said the soreness eventually subsides...i can only HOPE SO! :wink:
    JUICRC Posts: 9 Member
    Once you get used to her workouts I recommend trying boot camp by Cathe. This a intense 62 minute workout that is excellent.

    Good Luck with your Shred Series :happy:
  • heather0mc
    heather0mc Posts: 4,656 Member
    thanks! :flowerforyou:

    so, i assume that is another DVD? i think i am going to run thru level one twice tonight. i know that sounds insane but i think i can do it. maybe weights the first time and none the second. we shall see! hopefully i can even do it ONCE! :noway: :tongue:
  • daaazeee
    I'm in! I worked out to the DVD last week once! I was in pain for 3-4 days! I did it yesterday and modified some of the moves and I'm ready to do it again today! The lunges and squats kill me!!!!!!
  • jlauren6
    jlauren6 Posts: 209
    YAY! I'm starting tonight...excited!
  • dldodson75
    So can anyone tell me more about this video?? :huh: Im going to check walmart for it tomorrow (pay day YES!!) and if I cant find it gonna order it online. I love challenges and it must be a goody if there is always a shred thread. :wink: Is it easy to modify moves if need be? I injured my left shoulder recently and its still not quite healed up, and have had issues for awhile with my right knee (so im used to taken that leg easy) Due to rain outside today I did have to dust off a workout dvd and managed to get in a really good WO without weights or pain to my shoulder. whoot whoot
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    oooh I'm in! wanted to start this and been thinking about it. so now seems like a good time!
  • heather0mc
    heather0mc Posts: 4,656 Member
    YAY!!! :drinker:

    i will tell you more about it later, after it has KICKED MY @SS! hahaha! :laugh: :wink:
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    Hey Heather! Girl you know I am in too. Maybe JStar and I could get together and do it sometimes to keep each other accountable. Hhhmmmm.................

    Tonight isn't going to be my night to start tho. I am going to try to do it tomorrow. My parents are remodeling the basement and I live in the basement so I have crap all over my "house" and they aren't leaving me much room.

  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    Checkin in' this morning - I did it :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Felt like I got hit by a mac truck after I was done, lol but I did it! :smile: I won't be able to do it tonight, I'm makin' the kids' costumes tonight. Peter Pan and TinkerBell :happy: Won't they be cute!

    Renae - I def. need someone to keep me accountable! :laugh:
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    Hello Shred Killaz!!

    JStar I have no where to do mine right now. Since they are remodeling, they are putting tile down and everything is in the middle of the floor. I will get on it tho. If my house gets back in order.
  • Giggles27
    Giggles27 Posts: 139
    Hey Everyone....last night was my first time doing it...

    So I work out ALOT and my Body Works Classes at LA Fitness are somewhat like Shred but for an hour....this is what I honestly thought about SHRED...

    LOVED IT....the pushups SUCKED...but thats good...I normally can only do 20 girly ones at a time....so I am hoping I can work up to the 40 or so they do in the video....

    The cardio is tough...I was huffing and puffing (and I do the Elliptical 40 mins - 3 days a wk)....the anterior lunge arm thing at the end was HOLY WOW......

    So i loved it...I plan on doing it 3 times a wk mixed in with my kickboxing...power yoga...elliptical...and Body Works classes

    Good Luck everyone
  • heather0mc
    heather0mc Posts: 4,656 Member
    hey shredders!

    man, i am proud of you guys! JSTAR YOU ROCK! :drinker:

    sooooo, i got home at 830 last night and hadnt even eaten dinner yet. needless to say, i did not start the shred last night :embarassed: kinda lame of me considering i started this thread! but hey, i had to get ready for an off site job that requires me to get up at 545 am compared to my usual 730 am!

    i cant wait to do this with all of you though. i KNOW this is a great work out, from everything i have read on here and doing the dvd myself. we are going to get toned and shredded in no time! :bigsmile:
