How many carbs?

I am trying to watch carbs. I have PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) and it's somewhat similar to diabetes as far as not processing carbs normally. I gain weight if I look at a carb. So, I'm trying to stay away from them. I'm looking for advice on how many carbs I should have daily!

I am trying to stay away from white bread, pasta, etc. But, need some advice!



  • sublxed
    sublxed Posts: 10 Member
    get yourself to the group

    there is a wealth of information
  • RunnerBlonde808
    RunnerBlonde808 Posts: 257 Member
    It's a trial and error type thing. I personally went to 20 net carbs daily for quite a while and just recently bumped up to approximately 50 net carbs a day. You should just play around with your carb intake to see what's going to work best for you. The 20 net carbs a day may be too low for you. Some people have headaches, etc. I didn't have any of that. You might want to try a carb cycling too. Where you change around your carb intake on a daily basis. Super low one day, a bit higher the next. It's all in what's going to work for you.

    I also have PCOS (although I have had a partial hysterectomy at this point in my life) and know exactly where you are coming from. I have a very big problem with carbs. I struggled with my weight since my early 20's. I lost just over 70 pounds 3 years ago now and haven't looked back.

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like. I'll try to help you out and support you in any way possible.
  • jap1148
    jap1148 Posts: 19 Member
    It's such a personal thing. I'm allowed 190 carbs daily according to MFP, but I rarely come anywhere near that. I try no more than 40 per meal..usually less. You have to tweak your diet to find the place where you can still lose weight and enjoy the carbs. Stay away from processed foods, eat whole grains, etc. etc etc.....I'm sure you've heard this before. I'm diabetic so I HAVE to watch what I eat. I was amazed I can actually eat more carbs than I thought...but mostly at breakfast and lunch, then light at dinner.
  • smtirado
    smtirado Posts: 23 Member
    if you are tracking the food intake. At the below of pages it tell how many carb you can take on a daily base. Set your nutrition profile to show how many carb you should have. Godd luck .
  • kelika71
    kelika71 Posts: 778 Member
    I have PCOS and T2 Diabetes. I'm not one that advocates low carb, just healthier eating and a lifestyle change. I'm off all Diabetic meds and am very controlled in my numbers, to the point, my A1C falls in the range of a normal person without Diabetes.

    That said, my total carbs in a day hit around 180-200 grams. Spread out, it's about 40-60 grams per meal and around 15-20 for snacks. My highest carb meal comes about an hour before my workout. Then, a snack within the hour, after my workout.

    Keep in mind, every person is different. I've followed with my doctors, nurses, nutritionist and my own trial & errors.

    To keep it simple, if you have a lot of carbs, just get up and move. :)

    Feel free to add me if you want.
  • thomaslove
    thomaslove Posts: 18
    Thanks, everyone for your advice! I really needed it. I think I will try the 30-40 carbs per meal and stick to whole grain!