Eating exercise calories ?? Yes or No ?? Opinions please :)

Hello everybody
I have started working out real hard and yes i do get hungrier after working out but feel really bad going into my exercise calories.
What do other people think about this i usually eat about 2000 calories on a day where i do zumba or gym and walk alot but just feel proper bad. I mean i work out that much and then just eat the calories i have lost :(. Please give me some guidance some idea i want to be eating 1500 a day and then lower it to 1200. I must admit i just had a few bad days because of stress but still exercised just ate into my exercise calories more. Am i worrying too much i guess its just a one-off. Thanks people.


  • kesteele
    kesteele Posts: 127
    I don't-- because I can't even eat my normal 1700 kcal let alone 1700+600 or more. Each person's body is different and some lose more weight eating them back and some lose more weight not. Different bodies respond differently. :)
  • Justin031811
    If you just eat the calories you burned off, you will most likely not lose weight or gain weight.
  • megleo818
    megleo818 Posts: 595 Member
    I'm already eating at a deficit by following MFP's suggested 1200 cals per day. So when I exercise (which I do daily) I eat those calories back. I don't need to deficit my deficit for crying out loud!!

    There are lots of opinions out there and you'll get all kinds of advice here. Read up and then remember to listen to your body. :smile:
  • kathrine90
    kathrine90 Posts: 89 Member
    Yeah im going to make my meals more set now and stick to them no picking its just i stayed at my mums house this weekend haha. I am not staying here again as i have crappy food. Thanks for the advice people. No more eating the exercise calories from now on. What do you reckon about this motto = eat breakfast like a king,lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar ??
  • Chokis
    Chokis Posts: 131
    You should eat your exercise calories to get above your BMR (whatever number that is). For example, if you eat 1500 a day and you burn 500 in a Zumba class, and your BMR is 1200, you should eat some of your exercise calories to get to at least 1200 or better above, let's say to 1300 net.
  • jaylee512
    jaylee512 Posts: 10
    I would say to just eat about the same on the days you workout as the others. And if you feel like you need more energy you can eat a little more those days. I don't think it matters much one way or the other but I wouldn't go eat a 300 calorie cup cake because you worked out for 30 minutes. If you really want to do good look up good energy foods and eat those a while before you work out. THey usually have high fiber and boost your energy for your workout. GOod luck!
  • kathrine90
    kathrine90 Posts: 89 Member
    Thanks for the advice and i would NEVER eat a 300 calorie cupcake haha.
    I burn about 1700-2000 calories a day with exercise through walking,zumba and gym etc.
    I feel much better when i eat the same amount as i exercise i have started getting used to it now.
    I really enjoy smoothies and use soya milk which is only 44 calories for 200ml so pretty good.
    Im going to write out a rough food diary which will help keep me on track.
    Thanks people xx