Discouraged by progress pics?

Just curious if there is anybody else out there that gets discouraged looking at other people's progress pics. Most of the time they are motivational, but sometimes I just get even more down on myself. I see people that started in Jan (when I started, then fell off the wagon a month later) and they have come so far. I just start thinking, if only I would have stuck with it..... I started 30DS in April, did 1 week then stopped. I see pics of people that started 30DS when I did, and they have completed and moved on or repeated and they look great, so much progress that I too could have made if I would have stuck with it. It am frustrated at my own lack of willpower/drive to get this weight off..... and here we are in June. So much for this swimsuit season. Ugh. :grumble:


  • xavi_love
    xavi_love Posts: 6 Member
    I have started and given up and started and given up, and my younger, personal trainer, brother is the one that always says. "imagine where you would be right now if you stuck to it last year." so i decided I am tiered of starting over, so i am goign to stop giving up. Ive been starting over for about 2 years, when my little girl was 6 months...... and iver gotten down and kept off only 10lbs.

    With that being said yes i get SOOOO discouraged. But if they can do it so can I, and you. :smile:
  • Simone_King
    Simone_King Posts: 467 Member
    I don't use picutres. Nor do i really care to look at peoples succuess pictures. First of all, the way I am built I will never be "Thin" Or Skinny.

    Rather what keeps me modivated is my health. I know that if I don't get down to a weight that I can maintain and not be obies I will get sick.

    That is what keeps me modivated. Don't look at pictures. Rather use your own clothes as a guide.

    Or well that's how I do it.
  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    I look at the pics, celebrate other folks victories with them, but honestly, health is what keeps me here, too! I sincerely hope to live to see my son graduate med school.