Master cleanse

nita17 Posts: 9 Member
Has anyone tried the master cleanse? If so what were your results? Was it hard for you to follow thru til the end?
Today is day 3 for me and I feel pretty good.


  • senecem
    senecem Posts: 1
    Which master cleanse are you doing? I just bought the 48 hour detox liquid and I was told that it has good results. I'm willing to give it a try.
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    Not a good long term plan but best way to learn that is to find out for yourself. I'm sure you already found links on google saying it doesnt work but you didnt listen.
  • Day 1, 3, and 7 were hardest for me. I have done it 3 times for 7 days. Usally once per year. Hard for me to do the full 10 days. Weight comes off fast. I usually lose around 15lbs. Mostly water weight. Good kick start, not rally meant for long term weight loss.
  • mtaylor1980
    mtaylor1980 Posts: 134 Member
    Hi! I am in no way trying to put a damper on the cleanse or criticize it... I didn't try it, but two of my co-workers did recently...One got sick and threw up from it after 3 days, and the other was okay and felt well the first couple of days, but couldn't do it to the end.It got too brutal. These girls are both healthy and in shape, they just wanted to get all of the impurities out.. I found something online that was a cleanse, but you could still eat on it (like fruits, and veggies..clean foods) I can try to find it again for you if you want...I feel like not eating, and just drinking that lemon/water mixture isn't too healthy and for that long. Your body needs more nutrients and food...I researched the heck out of it, because I was actually going to try it before I saw the issues that my co-workers had....
  • agentjellybean
    agentjellybean Posts: 7 Member
    Because your body likes to store toxins in your fat don't be surprised if you get terribly sick. While in college I tried the master cleanse not for weight loss but for the purpose of cleansing after a handful of my friends raved about how great they felt. I will say I was never hungry but come day five I had come down with the absolutely worst cold like illness- So bad that my friends drove me and my car home the half hour drive from campus. If the purpose is detox there are better and healthier ways of doing it. I hate to tell you but hope your metabolism forgives you- as of right now it thinks you're starving so once you start eating again it will hold on to each an every calorie to make sure you have enough reserves for any future instances of 'famine'. My suggestion is start taking in calories slowly and incrementally raise your intake over several days until you are back at a healthy calorie range.
  • nita17
    nita17 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm doing the lemonade diet. I read about it and people say they had results, so I figured what the heck .
  • nita17
    nita17 Posts: 9 Member
    Yeah I did see some positive feed back and of course some negative. I realize that it's not a long term plan, just a boost hopefully for weight loss.
  • nita17
    nita17 Posts: 9 Member
    Yeah and that's really all I want to do is kick start some weight loss.
  • nita17
    nita17 Posts: 9 Member
    Oh wow, that's scary. Today is my day 4 and I actually feel pretty good still. I was just thinking about going 7 days and see what happens. I don't know if this is something I could do more than once a year though.
  • nita17
    nita17 Posts: 9 Member
    Ok thanks for the advice!
  • nita17
    nita17 Posts: 9 Member
    Don't want to slow metab dwn.
    LELABIZZ Posts: 1
    I did a pure water flush for 3 days and now i am doing the Master cleanse.. today is day one but i havent had any solids for 4 days.
    I a taking my multivitamin. I am fine!
  • nita17
    nita17 Posts: 9 Member
    Today is day 4 for me, and I still feel pretty good . Good luck !
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    Yep! Worst thing I ever done in my life. After 7 days of the ''wonderful'' master cleanse, I ended up at the emergency room after vomiting for 72 hours. They gave me super strong anti-nausea that they give to cancer patients. No need to say the pharmacist was stunned at my prescription. It took 2 weeks for the nausea to stop (and no I wasn't pregnant) and at least a month for my intestinal flora to be back to normal (after taking tons of probiotics).

    My advice, stop it right now. If you want to lose weight, it's not the solution. Anyway, you lose only water and gain it all back after.
    If you want to detox, there are much better and gentle ways to get rid of toxins.
  • mtaylor1980
    mtaylor1980 Posts: 134 Member
    Yep! Worst thing I ever done in my life. After 7 days of the ''wonderful'' master cleanse, I ended up at the emergency room after vomiting for 72 hours. They gave me super strong anti-nausea that they give to cancer patients. No need to say the pharmacist was stunned at my prescription. It took 2 weeks for the nausea to stop (and no I wasn't pregnant) and at least a month for my intestinal flora to be back to normal (after taking tons of probiotics).

    My advice, stop it right now. If you want to lose weight, it's not the solution. Anyway, you lose only water and gain it all back after.
    If you want to detox, there are much better and gentle ways to get rid of toxins.

    This! Couldn't have said it better!
  • TrophyWifeSass
    TrophyWifeSass Posts: 490 Member
    Gross. Gag me with a spoon. Don't do it.
  • Jules2Be
    Jules2Be Posts: 2,238 Member
    Does it make you poop?
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
  • Beastette
    Beastette Posts: 1,497 Member
    I cleanse my Master gently. It's what he prefers. Oh sh:t, here he comes...gotta go!
  • GasMasterFlash
    GasMasterFlash Posts: 2,206 Member